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Recruiting editors in chief

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1 Recruiting editors in chief
Cara (Kaufman) Rivera ALPSP Webinar | 9 Feb 2017

2 Experience with editor in chief recruitment
Publisher Past Recruited editors in chief directly for proprietary peer-reviewed journals Served as ex-officio, nonvoting member of editor search committees for society journals Consultant Current Advise society clients on recruiting editors in chief, job descriptions, editorial board structure, compensation, instructions to authors Recruit editors in chief (and other editorial and publishing positions) as service offering KWF Consulting for ALPSP

3 Overview Groundwork Journal profile and direction Search committee
Decision tree and schedule Recruiting Job description Compensation Nominations Applications Interviews Transition Editor contract Dual offices Editor evaluation KWF Consulting for ALPSP

4 Groundwork KWF Consulting for ALPSP

5 Journal profile and direction
KWF Consulting for ALPSP

6 Conveying journal mission, vision, values, specs
Aims and scope Types of content Audience Size and format Business model Conveying journal mission, vision, values, specs Although the EIC will be responsible for implementing the journal’s editorial direction and have editorial independence over (most) journal content, the society owner should ensure that the search committee understands and agrees on the journal’s strategic framework. In addition, the EIC will want to know the journal’s aims and scope, types of content, audience, size and format, and business model and any change in direction envisioned by society and or willingness of the society to entertain other changes proposed or opportunities identified by the EIC. KWF Consulting for ALPSP

7 Search committee KWF Consulting for ALPSP

8 Considerations for search committee composition
Liaison to board of directors Chair of publications committee Other society leaders Voting Executive director Current editor in chief (if politic) Publications director Ex-officio Nonvoting Considerations for search committee composition Optional additional representation Reader constituent Author representative Early career member Peer editor for noncompetitive journals Scholarly publishing expert KWF Consulting for ALPSP

9 Attributes of successful editors From our experience
Experience as editor, reviewer, author Respected by global network of expert colleagues Enthusiastic and persuasive journal advocate Visionary with broad expertise, not too tied to one area Plan for ensuring timely, fair, and efficient peer review Historical appreciation, fresh perspective Experience with, how and when to use technologies Editorial board structure supportive of aims and scope Diplomatic, amicable, organized (not political appointment) KWF Consulting for ALPSP

10 Decision tree and schedule
KWF Consulting for ALPSP

11 Recruitment process Journal profile and direction
Search committee, schedule and decision tree Job description and compensation Call for nominations and networking Status reports Application review Prescreening calls Personal interviews Board of directors approval Selection of finalists Reference checks Offer and negotiation Editor agreement and evaluative metrics Communication and announcement Editorial board and office set up Orientation and editor training KWF Consulting for ALPSP

12 Society leadership roles and responsibilities
Activity Month The first step is to form a search committee of three to five individuals and determine which group/s will need to approve the recommendations of the search committee. The search committee should understand the direction in which society would like to see the new journal develop. Even though the editor in chief shall be responsible for journal content, they need to do so within the framework of an agreed vision and framework for the journal. Apr A call for nominations should be published on the society and websites. The search committee chair should contact other leaders closely affiliated with the society for nominations. Society also may wish to send a broadcast to society members calling for nominations. Applications should include a CV and an outline of the candidate’s editorial plan for the journal. May Search committee should review applications received and meet or call to draw up a short list of candidates to be interviewed by phone. The chair should speak with candidates on the short list and be prepared to share with them some details of the position including the EIC’s duties and level of support or assistance they will receive from the society/publisher. From there, the field is narrowed to a few candidates to be interviewed face-to-face. Jun Interviews then are conducted, candidates ranked, and a recommendation is presented to the society board during ad hoc meeting. Cover travel expenses for finalist candidates. Jul Offer position to finalist including compensation, expense budget, benefits, start date, length of term. Letter of appointment sent to chosen candidate and acceptance letter received. EIC drafts editorial structure and budget. Search for managing editor / managing editor contractor. Aug – Sep Public announcement Oct KWF Consulting for ALPSP

13 Publishing staff | consultant roles and responsibilities
Activity Month Conference call with search committee or other society representatives to discuss the recruiting process. April Prepare call for nominations for placement in the journal and society websites. Prepare position description, evaluative metrics, and draft editor agreement to be approved by society. Determine compensation, summary of employee benefits. May Receive CVs and editorial plans from applicants, acknowledge receipt, ask and answer questions, share materials with search committee. Prepare summary. Conference call to discuss candidates. Guide discussions of the committee to identify highly qualified candidates. Participate in (or conduct independently, as preferred by search committee) screening telephone interviews with applicants believed to be suitable for the position. Share notes and materials regarding the screened group of candidates with the search committee. Inform applicants who, after screening, search committee has deemed to be suitable, or unsuitable, candidates for further consideration. Members of search committee may prefer to handle this step, or publishing staff/consultant drafts letters on behalf of the committee. Jun Check references after the successful interview with permission and knowledge of the candidates. The committee may prefer to handle reference checking. Ensure candidates’ institutions are supportive and identify any associated costs or likely financial arrangements with institution. Conference call to discuss candidates. Jul Assist in contract negotiations; revise editorial agreement and evaluative metrics as needed. society’ legal counsel to review and approve final agreement. Aug – Sep KWF Consulting for ALPSP

14 Recruiting KWF Consulting for ALPSP

15 Job description KWF Consulting for ALPSP

16 Introduction Title Position objective Commitment Location Reporting
Editor in chief, ABC Journal Title To be the public voice and figurehead of a ABC Journal publishing v, w, x and advancing y and z. Position objective Part time, 5-year term, subject to renewal by mutual agreement Commitment Remote, EIC’s academic institution Location Chair, Publications Committee; access to Board of Directors Reporting Independent contractor paid competitive stipend Remuneration KWF Consulting for ALPSP

17 Establish editorial calendar for reviews and invite expert authors
Key responsibilities Devise and implement editorial plan in line with journal aims and scope, article types, and specs agreed with Pubs Committee Identify and recruit qualified experts for international associate editors, editorial board, and reviewers Oversee fast, fair, and professional peer review, working to improve metrics time for first decision, rejection rate, and Impact Factor Cover basic, translational, and clinical research in keeping with research trends, manuscript submissions, and society mission Uphold and enhance educational mission, editorial quality, and reputation for meaningful scholarship Establish editorial calendar for reviews and invite expert authors Serve as journal ambassador and advocate to global editor, author, reviewer, constituencies Implement ethics policies for handling allegations and findings of scientific misbehavior and misconduct Collaborate with society leadership on publishing society guidelines and statements, author and reader promotional efforts KWF Consulting for ALPSP

18 Qualifications MD/PhD preferred; MD and/or PhD required
Member of society, not society officer, not editor of other journal Record of significant scholarly achievement, actively engaged in research Editorial experience, preferably as a journal editor Ability to meet deadlines, well organized, responsive to feedback Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Working familiarity with open access publishing a plus Periodic travel to publications meetings and professional conferences KWF Consulting for ALPSP

19 Editorial support Orientation and training
Experienced journal, peer review staff Manuscript management system Detailed reporting and analysis Meeting logistics Reader – author surveys KWF Consulting for ALPSP

20 Application KWF Consulting for ALPSP

21 Required materials Editorial plan proposals
Confirmation of support for society’s strategic direction for journal Types of content and editorial features Involvement with and enhancements to online features and presentation, including multimedia Description of any additional suggestions or potential opportunities Organization and responsibilities of editorial board and editorial office Editorial stipend and budget requirements Providing statement of availability/time commitment Curriculum vitae

22 Nominations KWF Consulting for ALPSP

23 Purposeful networking
Nominations process Build awareness Calls for nominations Journal website Society website Member Encourage application Purposeful networking Editorial board Committees Expert outreach (and follow up) KWF Consulting for ALPSP

24 Support search committee’s networking
Background materials Draft , goals, deadlines Copy of call for nominations Journal profile and direction Job description Application requirements Talking points Ideal editor attributes Term of editorship Editor appoints own editorial board, peer reviewers Recent trends in submissions and other descriptive statistics Manuscript management system and peer review support Editorial support from society and publisher Application deadline KWF Consulting for ALPSP

25 Call for Nominations — Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Neuroscience
2015 Call for Nominations — Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Neuroscience calendar/news-and- calendar/news/across-the-field/call-for- nominations-editor-in-chief-jn KWF Consulting for ALPSP

26 2017 ASN Open Access Journal Editor Search Announcement
or-search/open-access-editor-search/ KWF Consulting for ALPSP

27 Compensation KWF Consulting for ALPSP

28 Factors influencing compensation
Stipend Manuscript submission Journal complexity Editorial structure Peer review process Journal profitability Editor needs and society support Time requirement Opportunity cost

29 KWF Consulting 2016 Editorial Compensation Study
level Editor in chief Compensation range Total journals Medical Basic science Highest $235,001 $245,000 1 Midlevel $185,001 $195,000 2 $155,001 $165,000 $135,001 $145,000 $125,001 $135,000 $95,001 $105,000 Lowest $75,001 $85,000 $65,001 $75,000 4 $45,001 $55,000 $35,001 $45,000 $25,001 $35,000 3 $15,001 $25,000 7 5 $10,001 $15,000 6 $5,001 $10,000 Mean $56,838 $69,432 $33,750 Median $30,000 $40,000 $16,250 Mode $12,500 $20,000 Total answered 34 22 12 KWF Consulting for ALPSP

30 KWF Consulting 2016 Editorial Compensation Study
Editorial positions Actual salaries or stipends/honoraria Journals Compensation range Mean Median Mode Exec ed $115,000 $185,000 $154,667 $160,000 $180,000 17 EIC $5,000 $245,000 $56,838 $30,000 $12,500 37 Deputy $1,250 $95,000 $32,885 $7,500 13 Section $10,000 $4,250 $3,750 5 AE $25,000 $5,625 24 DE/SE/AE $14,207 42 Mng Editor $45,000 $155,000 $87,500 $75,000 $70,000 41 Edit asst $65,000 $46,438 $50,000 $40,000 40 Other $47,813 20 Total answered 48 [1] Midpoint of each salary range was utilized when determining mean, median, and mode. KWF Consulting for ALPSP

31 Interviews KWF Consulting for ALPSP

32 Interview form Search committee member name: EIC candidate:
Date of review: Candidate Leadership Editorial record Connectivity Organizational talent Interpersonal skills Reviewer impression Total score 1 through 5, with 1 highest Comments Key Leadership: Recognized leader in specialty Editorial record: Proven track record as an editor, including excellence and timeliness Connectivity: Networking and connectivity to leading experts in the specialty and its related sciences Organizational talent: Proven ability to build teams and lead them in complex assignments Interpersonal skills: Track record of ethical behavior, integrity, and outstanding interpersonal skills, especially in leading teams Reviewer impression: General sense of likelihood that applicant will have very positive impact on journal and specialty in role KWF Consulting for ALPSP

33 Contract KWF Consulting for ALPSP

34 Elements of typical editor agreement
Appointment and acceptance Term Editorial support Duties Editor Society Publisher Journal specs Ownership Early and post termination Warranties and indemnities Name and likeness Noncompetition Confidentiality Notices and general

35 Dual offices KWF Consulting for ALPSP

36 Key events and schedule for editor transition A sample
Outgoing editor in chief Incoming editor in chief Timing Meeting with society/publisher, incoming EIC, managing editor/peer review service to review transition and confirm timeline Feb-Mar Accepts final manuscripts Editor orientation meeting with society/ publisher; manuscript management system training Apr Begins forwarding new manuscripts to new EIC Logs in final manuscripts Sends final manuscripts to AEs, for review New EIC begins receiving new manuscripts Logs in first manuscripts Sends first manuscripts to AEs, for review May Receives final reviews for papers to be published in last issue; reviews for papers beyond last issue transferred to new EIC Makes, logs in decisions Receives first reviews for issues with new EIC on masthead First decision letters sent Jun-Sep Sets up last issue Transfers to new EIC any manuscripts accepted but not assigned to final issue Informs new EIC of any other relevant items Starts receiving revisions Receives accepted manuscript backlog First manuscripts to production Oct Final issue under outgoing EIC publishes Sets up first issue Nov-Dec First issue under new EIC publishes Jan KWF Consulting for ALPSP

37 Editor evaluation KWF Consulting for ALPSP

38 Editorial metrics sampling
 Peer review Change in manuscript submissions Time from submission to first decision Time from acceptance to FTP Acceptance rate Author satisfaction Editorial organization Associate editor diversity Editorial board diversity Publication Text pages published as compared with page budget Balance of clinical v health services research Review articles (or other article types) published as compared with goal Journal influence Impact Factor category rank (top X% of category) Number zero cited articles Page views Altmetric score Social media Operations Editorial expenses versus budget Support of cascading peer review process Other criteria As proposed and agreed

39 Publishing metrics sampling
Production Sales and marketing Process Production process benchmarked against best practices Speed Acceptance to issue assign Issue assign to online pub Issue assign to print pub Submission to online pub Submission to print pub Pages Number editorial pages Number of articles Average pages per article Average articles per issue Circulation Segment Format Geography Usage Page views Altmetrics (social media, press cites) Promotion Awareness, discoverability, engagement, conversion Author outreach Advertising Pages Market penetration

40 Thank you | Q&A KWF Consulting for ALPSP

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