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Corporate presentation

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1 Corporate presentation

2 About Agency for Strategic and Economic Development is a private consulting company specialized in foreign investors support and market research. Our services: Market & competition analysis Business plan development Feasibility study Financial model build Target identification and analysis Mergers and acquisitions Valuation Partner & selection analysis Legal and regulatory assessment Tax structuring Agency for Strategic and Economic Development is an accredited consultant of the Business Advisory Services (BAS) program of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agency for Strategic and Economic Development is the entrepreneurship support center registered by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus The company is an actual member of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a permanent participant of international business forums and conferences arranged by the Chamber It cooperates with the National Agency of Investments and Privatization regarding accompanying of foreign investors and investment projects in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Branches: Industry Agriculture Construction and logistics Medicine and pharmaceuticals IT and telecommunications Retail и FMCG

3 Our team Oleg Ilyin CEO Oleg Olyin holds the position of the director of the Agency for Strategic and Economic Development. Prior to heading the company, he worked as the Vice President of QUMMIF investment fund in London, where he was in charge of the analytical department and interaction with international financial institutions. Before that, he held the position of head of department of I nvestment policy and business planning in a major production holding (CIS) and dealt with the issues of financial modeling, raising funding and M&A transactions. Oleg has the experience of implementation of a number of projects in investment and strategic consulting in the field of machine building, food industry, pharmaceutics, tourism, etc. Mr. Ilyin is a member of the task force of the Consulting Council for Foreign Investments with the Cabinet of the Republic of Belarus for formation of favorable investment image of Belarus abroad. Since 2013, he is a professor of financial courses of the English language program of MBA in the BSEU. He is the author of over 50 publications in periodical media and collections of research works including the “Belarusians and the Market”, “Director”, “Financial Director”, “Security Market”, “Insurance in Belarus” magazines, etc. Mr. Ilyin is a MSc in Finance (BSEU), MSc in Investment and Finance (Queen Mary’s London University). He underwent training and qualification upgrading in Stanford University, Swedish Institute of Public Administration, Russian Management School, etc. Alexander Kondrashonok Head of consulting department Alexander Kondrashonok heads Consulting Department of the Agency for Strategic and Economic Development and is in charge of the issues of business planning, financial modeling, and assessment of cost of businesses. Before that, Mr. Kondrashonok held the position of the financial director of the National Operator of Satellite Communication and Broadcasting for over three years, where he coordinated the unit of financial planning and budget, arrangement of financing of investment projects in international banks. Besides, Alexander’s professional experience includes management of economics and finance of a multi-profiled group of companies, where he has been in charge of the issues of business planning, analysis of economic and financial activities, pricing, etc. Alexander Kondrashonok’s portfolio includes accompanying of major investment projects in the field of construction and real estate (Minskgrazhdanproyekt Institute JSC, Belcoopsoyuz, Avalongtorg LLC, etc.), industry (Lidselmash Holding Management Company JSC, Isolitcommunprom GE, Precise Electric and Mechanical Articles Factory SPUE), agriculture (Machulishchi Agricultural Complex Holding Management Company JSC, Dzerzhinsk Agricultural Complex JSC, AgriGO, etc.), retail trade (Belkniga JSC, NIKA JSC, Raduga-Svet Trading House LLC, etc.).

4 Our team Oksana Kollontai Head of marketing research
Oxana Kollontai heads the Marketing Research Department of the Agency for Strategic and Economic Development. Previosly, Oxana held the position of the Deputy Head of the Marketing Research Department of the National Center for Marketing and Pricing Situation NUE. Her experience of working in the field of marketing research and consulting is over 11 years. During this period, she has participated in implementation of multiple research and consulting projects aimed at taking management decisions, including those associated with entering foreign markets (EEU, EU, South-Eastern Asia, Middle East, Latin America, and other regions). Oxana performed marketing resarch for such enterprises as MTZ JSC, Lakokraska JSC, Lenta JSC, Depopharm LLC, Bellact JSC, Slodych Confectionary Factory JSC, Lida Milk and Preservation Complex JSC, etc. She graduated from the Academy of Administration with the President of the Republic of Belarus (honors obtained) in the specialization of world economy and international economic relations. Alexander Kuleshov Director of Sociological Research Department Alexander Kuleshov coordinates the direction of sociological research of the Agency for Strategic and Economic Development. Mr. Kuleshov is a highly qualified specialist in the field of arrangement and holding of sociological research with the use of qualitative and quantitative survey methods.Alexander’s portfolio includes multiple projects in the field of sociological research performed for commercial and non-commercial organizations (such as Mobile TeleSystems JLLC, Lidskoe Pivo JSC, Savushkin Product JSC, 5th Element network of shops, International Financial Corporation, Cambridge University, Eurasian Barometer, Independent Research Agency LLC, Ratsiya Radio, etc.). MSc in Sociology (BSU). He successfully defended the thesis of a PhD in sociological sciences.

5 Our clients

6 Сontacts Address: 220034, Minsk, Chapaeva str,. 3, 248 Telephones:
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