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Invest in Yourself. Invest in Your Future.
WELCOME! Before we get started… Write down three questions you have about the CPM® program that you’d like to have answered today. Share your questions with your neighbors. The CPM® Designation Invest in Yourself. Invest in Your Future.
The CPM® Designation Need It. Earn It. Keep It.
Invest in Yourself. Invest in Your Future. Lynn Disbrow, CAE Interim CEO/Chief Operating Officer IREM® Headquarters Chicago, IL Handouts: CPM checklist, fast track handout, IREM pens, foundation scholarship handout Find out if chapter has a mentoring program. Ask CPM in room to talk about why earned CPM Profile the group Who are they: Current candidates Soon to be candidates – anticipating earning the CPM ARMs Associates Where are they in process: Don’t know where to start (no plan yet) Completed some classes (sort of plan) Can see the finish line (plan executed)
National Stress Awareness Day
Happy National Stress Awareness Day
Let’s talk about… IREM® Overview The CPM® program in detail Resources and tools Budgets and planning
Well-managed properties improve the quality of life for people who live, work, and shop in them.
We Believe… In professional ethics. That good management matters.
That well-managed properties pay dividends in terms of value and in the quality of life for residents, tenants and customers. In the power of knowledge and the importance of sharing it.
20,400 Individual Members 550 Company Members Worldwide
Membership Types: CPM®, ARM®, ACoM, CPM® Candidate, Associate, Student, Academic 80 U.S. Chapters 13 International Chapters We have multiple forms of membership. Holding the CPM and being an IREM Member are one in the same. Likewise, CPM Candidates, ARMs, Associates, ACoMs, are members. When you hang with IREM, you are hanging out in a trusted community of people who: Care Set standards Share knowledge and “been there done that lessons” Promise to be professional and ethical – and know that they are accountable for their ethical actions Are helping shape legislation that affects the economy, your businesses, and your clients As an affiliate of the National Association of Realtors, we’ve got a power-house advantage for advocacy on issues that affect real estate management. Since 1933 IREM is an affiliate of the National Association of Realtors®
Who considers themselves – smart, professional, ethical
Who wants to make more money? You are here today because you are smart and want to be successful. Demonstrating a personal, professional, and financial commitment – to be great at what you do. The Key to Your Success
The future depends on what you do today.
-Mahatma Gandhi
Why the CPM® Designation? Need It. Earn It. Keep It.
Why the CPM® Designation?
Those who hold the CPM® are more than 2x as likely to hold higher management positions than those without the designation. According to independent research, the CPM® designation is the most recognized credential in the real estate management industry. Demonstrates professionalism, commitment, and a dedication to ethics – to be great at what you do.
CPM® Influence U.S. Assets Managed by CPM® Members
• Nearly $1.9 trillion • 11.6 million residential units • 10.1 billion sq. ft. of commercial space
U.S. COMMERCIAL Inventory Managed by CPM® Members
CPM® Influence U.S. COMMERCIAL Inventory Managed by CPM® Members
U.S. RESIDENTIAL Inventory Managed by CPM® Members
CPM® Influence U.S. RESIDENTIAL Inventory Managed by CPM® Members Think of all the real estate in the U.S. These numbers are pretty high for only 7,500 people.
Body of Knowledge for the Profession
Core Competencies: Body of Knowledge for the Profession Real Estate Management Financial Operations & Asset Management Leadership & Human Resource Management Marketing and Leasing Maintenance and Operations & Legal and Risk Management We know that: Owners’ are demanding more. And practitioners are doing more with less. We teach the core functions to be successful in the business – the defined body of knowledge for the profession.. Our unique advantage is that we put an emphasis on the financial well-being of properties – the asset management side. What distinguishes CPMs is their expertise on the financials of investment real estate, making CPMs the Asset Performance Experts – adding value to properties they manage Value creation CPM® = Asset Performance Experts The Three best letters of recommendation
CPM® Ethics Education Exam Experience
Top 10 Real Estate Manager Qualifications
What Investors and Employers Want CPM® Delivers Honesty and professional integrity Communication skills Reputation Property operation skills Analytical problem solving Leadership skills Management of personnel Budgeting and accounting Knows local market Level of experience We conduct a third-party survey of clients and employers to determine what qualifications they seek in real estate managers – the people who hire you! Clients and employers want: They are seeking honesty and integrity – if an owner can’t trust his real estate manager, nothing else matters. Our Code of Professional Ethics guides us – all IREM members are bound by our Code. Communication skills A rock-solid reputation The ability to manage on-site personnel Proven experience Knowledge of the local market Problem solving ability budgeting and accounting mastery And marketing skills The CPM designation delivers on all of these
Average Base Salary Median Base Salary
$113,793 – CPM® $84,902 – Candidate Median Base Salary $102,000 – CPM® $77,000 – Candidate Note: numbers
it’s where you’re going that counts.”
“”It isn’t where you came from; it’s where you’re going that counts.” – Ella Fitzgerald
The CPM® Requirements Need it. Earn It. Keep It.
Let’s talk about how to earn the CPM designation – and you will notice that the requirements to earn the designation are centered upon the areas of expertise that the credential represents. Makes sense right?
CPM® Requirements Education CPM® Certification Exam Management Plan
Ethics Experience Candidacy Other CPM® Ethics Education Exam Experience
CPM® Requirements: Education 4 options
Recommended Order Especially ASMs Option 1: IREM® Courses Budgeting, Cash Flow, and Reporting for Investment Real Estate (FIN402) Marketing & Leasing Strategies (MKL404, MKL405, MKL406) Leading a Winning Property Management Team (HRS402) Managing Maintenance Operations and Property Risk (MNT402) Financing and Loan Analysis for Investment Real Estate (ASM603) Performance and Valuation of Investment Real Estate (ASM604) Asset Analysis of Investment Real Estate (ASM605) Option 2: Designations Fast Track Hold a CCIM, CFM, CSM, PCAM, RPA, or SIOR designation and submit fast track approval fee Option 3: Real Estate Degree Fast Track Have an undergraduate or graduate degree with a major, minor, or concentration in real estate or property management and submit fast track approval fee Option 4: Professional Experience Fast Track Have 20 years of qualifying real estate management experience (meeting portfolio and functions requirements) and submit fast track approval fee IREM Courses Cover core functions of practice in real estate
Classroom vs. Online Classroom Courses Online Courses
Face-to-face interaction Access to instructor Networking Peer idea exchange Pass online exam Online Courses Set your own schedule Access anywhere with Internet connection Interactive 6 months to complete coursework & pass exam “Ask an instructor” feature Anyone can take courses, any time. If pursue CPM later, then courses you took will still qualify. IREM offers education that can fit into your schedule – you choose what’s more important to you Classroom offers greater networking and immediate access to instructors Self-paced online is more flexible and available 24/7 Can do a blend of both – some courses classroom, some online. Ask for participation – anyone take a self-paced course, share experience?
IREM® Courses Anyone can take IREM® courses But members save with
discounted tuition Classroom courses have online exams Register early for classroom courses, save $100 (30 days out) Credit for courses doesn’t expire Members… Save on tuition
CPM® Requirements: CPM® Cert Exam
Pass the CPM® Certification Exam 150-question multiple choice 4 hours Includes online tutorial upon registration Classroom offering or Independently with local proctor or virtual proctor Registration for exam comes with an exam online tutorial for preparation Finish courses first
CPM® Requirements: Management Plan
2 options Option 1: Prepare and pass management plan on actual property (MPLIND) Option 2: Attend and pass four-day Management Plan Skills Assessment (MPSAXM) Finish courses first Tutorials for both available on – and live webinars for MPSA Ask for participation – anyone already done either of these, share experience For fast trackers – are you prepared for MPSA: It’s personal and depends on your skill sets. If not comfortable with financials and numbers, may want to take ASM courses. 50% off if member (any member can repeat any course for 50%) Review financial analysis spreadsheet (free for members) – if it makes sense and you know how the numbers are derived, you’re on your way. The spreadsheet is used in the finance course and asset management courses Webinars & Tutorials
CPM® Requirements: Ethics
Attend and pass ethics course (ETH800) Pledge to uphold the IREM® Code of Professional Ethics Ethics is the cornerstone of IREM and its members. Many organizations have codes or standards, but less than 1/3 actually enforce. IREM enforces. Take when it is available
CPM® Requirements: Experience
3 years qualifying experience Meet minimum portfolio size Residential 200 units at 1-4 sites 100 units at 5 or more sites Commercial 120,000 square feet at 1 site 80,000 square feet at 2 or more sites Industrial 200,000 square feet at 1 or more sites Perform minimum number of key management functions (19/36) Any combination of property type – or just one Submit any time, but the sooner the better. Let me say that again, the sooner the better. Can come from any point in your career and does not have to be consecutive Don’t have to have the experience in order to become a Candidate – can come at any time before being approved as a CPM Can still take courses and join the IREM community When complete – appear on Candidate Status Report
CPM® Requirements: Experience
Can come from any point in your career Does not have to be current Does not have to be consecutive months or years You do not have to have experience before applying for CPM® Candidate membership You can report it anytime during your candidacy – but earlier is better! Any combination of property type – or just one Submit any time, but the sooner the better. Let me say that again, the sooner the better. Can come from any point in your career and does not have to be consecutive Don’t have to have the experience in order to become a Candidate – can come at any time before being approved as a CPM Can still take courses and join the IREM community When complete – appear on Candidate Status Report
Experience Report How it is documented Candidates… Submit ASAP
CPM® Requirements: Candidacy
Minimum 1 year CPM® candidacy (no maximum) or an ARM® or ACoM for the immediate 12 months prior Apply online to become a CPM® Candidate at Can apply any time. If not ready for candidacy, Associate provides for member rates tuitions and other member services. But need to be a candidate for one year minimum. CPM Candidate is also a form of membership Any ARMs in the room thinking of pursuing the CPM? We recognize your commitment to the profession and the value of the ARM certification – so can earn credit toward CPM. Not ready to be a CPM® Candidate Member? Become an Associate Member.
CPM® Requirements: Other
3 Confidential Letters of Recommendation 2 must be from current or former employers, current or former clients, or CPM® Members (in any combination) 3rd can be from anyone Attend 2 chapter events in 12 months immediately prior to CPM® approval Keep current with annual national and chapter dues When CPM application is received, forwarded to chapter for approval
CPM® Requirements Education Ethics CPM® Certification Exam Experience
Management Plan Ethics Experience Candidacy Other: References Chapter events Dues
Take courses (recommended order):
Where do I start? Take courses (recommended order): Budgeting, Cash Flow, and Reporting for Investment Real Estate (FIN402) Marketing & Leasing Strategies (MKL404, MKL405, MKL406) Leading a Winning Property Management Team (HRS402) Managing Maintenance Operations and Property Risk (MNT402) Financing and Loan Analysis for Investment Real Estate (ASM603) Performance and Valuation of Investment Real Estate (ASM604) Asset Analysis of Investment Real Estate (ASM605) Take Ethics for the Real Estate Manager (ETH800) when it is available Discounts and Connections as a Member
Now that I’ve completed . . .
Education CPM exam Management Plan/MPSA Ethics course One year candidacy (or I am an ARM or an ACoM) . . . what happens next?
Your official CPM application!
You are now ready for the final steps of CPM approval and IREM will send you . . . Your official CPM application!
CPM® Requirements: Other
Submit CPM® application with application fee ($210), includes: Experience reports, if not already submitted and approved 3 references, if not already submitted Current with national Candidate dues When CPM application is received, forwarded to chapter for approval
CPM® Requirements: Other
Cont’d…Submit CPM® application with application fee ($210), includes: Verification if real estate license is required by state law Affiliation with the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) Realtor® (Pay local Realtor ® Board) OR Institute Affiliate (Pro-rated amount due at time of CPM® application – full year is $105)
CPM® Requirements: Other
Chapter recommendation for approval: Verify current with chapter dues Verify attendance at 2 chapter events in 12 months immediately prior to CPM® approval Verify experience and license as needed When CPM application is received, forwarded to chapter for approval Chapter sends recommendation to HQ If everything in order, candidate approved as CPM.
Approval from IREM® And then you are approved as a CPM Member – yay!
Approval from IREM® Official approval letter and
CPM® Member kit mailed Begin using CPM® immediately Promote your new brand Personalized CPM® certificate and CPM® pin sent to chapter Installation at upcoming chapter meeting Chapter installation – ceremonial to celebrate your achievements with colleagues and friends You, Inc., provides tips and resources to help promote your professional brand. Some of what you’ll find: Web page links promoting the value of credentials to your client, your tenants and residents that can be added to signatures and your own website Sell sheets for RFPs and presentations promoting your expertise Customizable letters to your employers Promotional products for use at your properties – like window clings that say “this property is managed by a CPM or an ARM” Press releases and customizable ads Login to, go to myIREM, then visit “promote credential” or go directly to
CPM® Requirements Education Ethics CPM® Certification Exam Experience
Management Plan Ethics Experience Candidacy Other: Applications, references, dues, real estate license, NAR affiliation, chapter approval
2017 Budget Managing People & Marketing Track Offerings Members
Non Members Time Marketing & Leasing Strategies: Retail (MKL404); Multifamily (MKL405); Office (MKL406) $599 $745 2 days Leading a Winning Property Management Team (HRS402) Managing Maintenance Operations and Property Risk (MNT402) Budgeting, Cash Flow, and Reporting for Investment Real Estate(FIN402) Financing and Loan Analysis for Investment Real Estate (ASM603) Performance and Valuation of Investment Real Estate (ASM604) Asset Analysis of Investment Real Estate (ASM605) $330 $410 1 day Ethics for the Real Estate Manager (ETH800) $185 $230 Management Plan Skills Assessment (MPSAXM) $1,295 $1,620 4 days CPM® Exam (CPMEXM) Includes self-paced tutorial $270 $340 ½ day TOTAL $5,674 $7,070 18.5 days Managing Maintenance & Budgeting Track Asset Management Track $1,396 savings as a member Management plan (independent) = $750 It is an investment in your career. Track offerings for your convenience – Maybe consider self-paced for courses not being offered in classroom CPM exam registration includes CPM Certification Exam Self-Paced Tutorial CPM® Capstone Track
Register for classroom courses early and save!
Decide. Commit. Succeed. Register for classroom courses early and save!
2017 Budget One-Time Fees: Candidate Application Fee: $160
($80 if Associate, ARM ®, or ACoM Member) CPM® Application Fee: $210 Annual Dues: National Candidate Dues: $495 Local Candidate Dues: varies
Scholarships IREM® Foundation Scholarships Chapter Scholarships
Chapter Scholarships Any IREM member can qualify for a scholarship or any employee of an AMO firm.
Decide. Commit. Succeed.
To do today – my action plan
CPM® Candidate To do today – my action plan Review status report Submit experience reports Submit references Schedule courses Not a CPM® Candidate To do today – my action plan Join IREM- apply for Associate membership, or if ready, CPM® candidacy If you are a CPM Candidate…..your action plan to commit to completion Next steps – action plan to commit to completion What is the first thing, second thing, etc. Commit to program for next 12 months If not a Candidate – apply for candidacy or Associate to get course tuition discounts
View Your Candidate Status Report
Name Address View Your Candidate Status Report Keep track 24/7. . . . . . log in to Your customized checklist – available 24/7 For those of you not Candidates – use CPM checklist handout
Submit Your Experience Reports
Candidates… Submit ASAP Verifies you have the 3 years of qualifying experience. Provided when approved as a Candidate. Requires chapter approval. When completed – updated on candidate status report
Submit Your 3 Letters of Recommendation 2 must be from current or former employers, current or former clients, or CPM® Members (in any combination) 3rd can be from anyone Provided when approved as a Candidates When completed – updated on candidate status report Candidates… Submit ASAP
Join today for member discounts!
Schedule: -Remaining courses and exams ( -Upcoming chapter events IREM course :00 am Not a member? Join today for member discounts! Plan a head for the next months So who has a plan? (give-away) Not a member – can still start courses, recommend joining IREM first to get tuition discounts; if not ready for CPM candidacy, join instantly as an Associate
Resources to help you. Financial Analysis Tools. Helpful for finance and asset management courses – and MPSA Financial analysis spreadsheet – used in FIN and ASM courses – free for members Spreadsheet webinar live or on-demand recorded – free for members Comp Grid App – for iPhone and iPad
Webinars - Live & on-demand - FREE for members
If it doesn’t challenge you
it doesn’t change you - Fred Devito Fred DeVito is a member of Exhale Mind Body Spa's founding team and executive vice president of mind-body training. He cofounded the company's highly publicized Core Fusion® program and codeveloped Exhale's proprietary Core Fusion Sport, Core Fusion Cardio, and Boot Camp classes.
Maintaining CPM® Membership Need it. Earn It. Keep It.
Maintaining CPM® Designation and Membership
Adhere to IREM's bylaws, regulations, and IREM® Code of Professional Ethics Hold a real estate license if required for your position in your state Affiliate with the National Association of Realtor® (Realtor® or Institute Affiliate) Pay local and national dues Promote your personal brand – use trademarks accurately & consistently
Test yourself… Which CPM® requirement should I do first: CPM® exam, education (7 courses), management plan/MPSA, ethics course? Do I have to be a CPM® Candidate to start taking courses? How many years of experience do I need to become a CPM® and when should I report it? What questions from your list did we not answer?
“There’s no problem in real estate management that an IREM® Member hasn’t come across. There’s a real network of people that you can go to and get straight information to do your job better.” Jack Gallagher, CPM®, Chevy Chase, MD
As an IREM® Member… your best ROI is when you get involved!
Be with people who get it!
This is where the magic happens…open doors to… …Future employers – I need a job! …Future employees – I need help! …New business opportunities, referrals, leads …New friends …And much more! Be with people who get it!
Contact Us IREM® Headquarters Chicago, IL ext GOOD LUCK!
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