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Pierfrancesco C. Fasano Mediation Case Manager
GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS (GIs) PROTECTION VS INTERNET FREEDOM: ALTERNATIVE DISPUTES RESOLUTION (ADR) AS METHOD AND MEDIATION AS OPTION Protection of Geographical Indications (GIs) in the new Internet scenario EU Parliament – Representative Office in Milan – Palazzo delle Stelline Milan, 28th February 2014 Pierfrancesco C. Fasano Mediation Case Manager 1 1 1 1
About us Dispute Resolution Center specialized in Intellectual Property (IP) matters Accreditations: 2001 by Registry “.it” as Dispute Resolution Service Provider to resolve domain name disputes under ccTLD “.it” 2012 by Ministry of Justice as Mediation Center in IP disputes 2013 by Ministry of Justice as Mediation Training Center 3 3 3 3
Geographical Indications (GIs)
International legal framework – Off line Paris Convention (1883): false indication Madrid Agreement (1891): false and deceptive indication Lisbon Agreement (1958): definition of appellation of origin (AO) TRIPs Agreement (1994): first international treaty bound to protect GIs and to enforce its application WTO Agreement: protection and extension 4 4 4 4
Geographical Indications (GIs)
International legal framework – Off line Lisbon Agreement Total Contracting Parties: 28 countries Africa: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Congo, Gabon Togo, Tunisia Asia: Georgia, Islamic Rep. of Iran, Israel, DPR of Korea America: Costa Rica, Cuba Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru Europe: Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., France, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, montenegro, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, The FYR of Macedonia 5 5 5 5
Geographical Indications (GIs)
International legal framework – Off line Lisbon Agreement 905 registrations – 800 in force 6 6 6 6
Geographical Indications (GIs) National legal framework – Off line
Collective trademarks: owned by an association whose members use them to identify themselves with a level of quality and other requirements set by the association Certification marks: given for compliance with defined standards and granted to anyone who can certify that the products involved meet certain established standards. The owner (certifier) cannot use it In many jurisdictions potection of GIs as collective or certification marks 7 7 7 7
Patent (process) protection in 1909
Geographical Indications (GIs) National legal framework – Off line Example of a product using two or more IPRs Patent (process) protection in 1909 Trademark protection: combination of words, colours, and images, 3-dimensional, well-known trademark The figurative (device) element – Cervin/Metterhorn in Zermatt is considered as a figurative GI (under Swiss law and practice) 8 8 8 8
AOC in France (AOP French abbreviation for PDO)
Geographical Indications (GIs) National legal framework – Off line Example of a geographical name with multiple protection AOC in France (AOP French abbreviation for PDO) Collective mark of ewe milk producers in the area of Roquefort US Certification mark 9 9 9 9
Geographical Indications (GIs)
Supranational legal framework – Off line EU logos/symbols used for products bearing a GI Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) - L Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) - C Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) - R 10 10 10 10
Geographical Indications (GIs) Hot key points – Off line
GIs are independent category of IP = distinctive signs GIs vs free trade – Internet Freedom Complex and controversial issue at international – national – supranational level Commercial and economic stakes Social, historical and cultural dimensions Emotional debates Not sufficient empirical evidence on Pros and Cons Inadequate court dispute resolution system 11 11 11 11
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternatives to court-based litigation which is often time and cost consuming Arbitration (expedited): binding decision on parties Mediation or Conciliation: assistance of parties to come to an agreement (court-annexed, voluntary, mandatory) Other methods: e.g. neutral assessment of facts, appraisal, ombudsman or consumer complaints boards' recommendation 12 12 12 12
Mediation A process whereby two or more parties to a dispute attempt by themselves to reach an agreement on the settlement of their dispute with the assistance of a neutral and qualified third party (mediator) Advantages: Cost-effective Quick Voluntary (sometimes mandatory or court-annexed) Confidential Informal Personalized solution 13 13 13 13
EU Mediation Legal framework
Directive 2008/52/CE of certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters: “Mediation can provide a cost-effective and quick extra-judicial resolution in civil and commercial matters through processes tailored to the needs of the parties. Agreements resulting from mediation are more likely to be complied with voluntarily and are more likely to preserve an amicable and sustainable relationship between the parties. These benefits become even more pronounced in situations displaying cross-border elements”. Agreement enforeable in Member States (except Denmark) 14 14 14 14
Domain Name Disputes and Mediation
Examples - Nominet Fast trasparent process to help parties settle domain name disputes where: Party making the complaint has rights in a name which is similar to the domain name; and Registrant has taken unfair advantage of those rights Based on free, confidential mediation Quick: 2 weeks If no settlement or registrant does not respond → Expert decision (transfer or deletion) 15 15 15 15
Domain Name Disputes and Mediation Examples – Nominet
16 16 16 16
Domain Name Disputes and Mediation
Examples .sg – Singapore Mediation Centre Singapore Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (SDRP) and Rules for SDRP Quick, convenient and relatively inexpensive mechanism to resolve domain name disputes where: Domain name is identical or confusingly similar to name, trade mark or service mark in which petitioner has rights recognised under Singapore law, Registrant not entitled for registration and/or use of domain name, and Domain name registered and/or used in bad faith If parties agree Panel (called upon to decide the dispute) may mediate the dispute in 15 working days from the appointment of Panel 17 17 17 17
Domain Name Disputes and Mediation
Examples .it – MFSD Upon request MFSD offers mediation service in accordance with its Mediation Rules Voluntary, informal, quick procedure Italian Mediation Law (D.Lgs. n. 28/2010) provides for fiscal benefits (tax credit) to incentivate the mediation: 500 euros if mediation is successful (agreement) 250 euros if mediation fails (no agreement or default of respondent) If mediation fails petioner may file a complaint for re- assignation of domain name 18 18 18 18
Domain Name Disputes and Mediation
Examples – .it MFSD Request for mediation Early evaluation meeting Appointment of mediator Initial contacts between mediator and parties Setting up the first meeting Agreeing preliminary exchange of documents First and subsequent meeting(s) Gathering information and identifying issues Exploring the interests of parties Developing options for settlement Evaluating options Concluding 19 19 19 19
ICANN's New gTLD Program GIs Legal framework Online
State of art – Quo vadis ? GIs Legal framework Online 1,930 new domain applications – 1,408 unique applications 116 Internationalized Domain Name applications in 12 scripts Applicants from 60 countries from all regions: Africa (17), Asia Pacific (303), Europe (675), Latin America (24), North America (911) 664 “brand applications” 84 “Community-Based” applications 66 geographical applications Applications: .food, .cheese, .beer, .pizza, .wine and .vin 20 20 20 20
ICANN's New gTLD Program GIs Legal framework Online
State of art – Quo vadis ? GIs Legal framework Online 1,408 unique strings means c. 1,350 registries 1,350 registries = 56 registries launching every month for 2 yrs By end of 2015 domain name system will have grown from 275 registries to c. 1,600 registries Short term: New gTLDs to run in parallel with .coms (not to replace) Educations of consumers (farms/consortia) that .brand is a safe environment Long term: Second and third rounds like .com boom: thousands of applications at a much lower price Rebranding from .com to .brand 500,000 new gTLD registries in a decade 21 21 21 21
ICANN's New gTLD Program GIs Legal framework Online
State of art – Quo vadis ? GIs Legal framework Online Limit of final draft of new gTLD Registry Agreement – Provisions of Specification 5 concerning geographical names which might be used in second level and/or other registrations (4. Country and Territory Name), in their current form, are by no means sufficient to ensure the respect of the legistimate rights deriving from GIs Proper system of dispute resolution based on the legitimate rights of GIs owners and beneficieries should be established 22 22 22 22
New gTLDs Rights Protection Mechanism
Pre-Delegation Objections (including Legal Rights Objection - LRO) Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Trademark Claims Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS) TM Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution (PDDRP) Registry Restriction Dispute Resolution (RRDRP) UDRP: remains applicable to all new gTLDs 23 23 23 23
New gTLDs and Mediation
ICANN New gTLD Program – Applicant Guidebook incentivate mediation – not working Pre-Delegation Objection Procedures: Attachment to Module 3 – New gTLD Dispute Resolution Procedure Article 16 (Negotiation and Mediation) Registry Restrictions Dispute Resolution Procedure: Article 21 (Availability of Court or other Administrative Proceedings) 24 24 24 24
New gTLDs and Mediation Pre-Delegation Objection Procedures
Article 16 (Negotiation and Mediation): Parties are encouraged but not required to participate negotiations and/or mediation at any time throughout the dispute resolution process aimed at settling their dispute amicably Each DRSP shall be able to propose, if requested by the parties, a person who could assist the parties as mediator A person who acts as mediator for the parties shall not serve as an Expert in a dispute or proceeding between the parties involving the same gTLD 25 25 25 25
New gTLDs and Mediation Pre-Delegation Objection Procedures
Article 16 (Negotiation and Mediation): Conduct of negotiations or mediation shall not, ipso facto, be the basis for a suspension of the dispute resolution proceedings or the extension of any deadline. Upon joint request of the parties DRSP may grant an extension of deadline or the suspension of the proceedings If parties agree on a settlement of the matter, the parties shall inform the DRSP, which shall terminate the proceedings and inform ICANN and the parties accordingly 26 26 26 26
New gTLDs and Mediation
Registry Restriction Dispute Resolution Procedures (RRDRP) Article 21.2 (Availability of Court and other Administrative Proceedings): Parties are encouraged but not required to participate in informal negotiations and/or mediation at any time throughout the dispute resolution process but the conduct of any such settlement negotiation is not, standing alone, a reason to suspend any deadline under the proceedings 27 27 27 27
List of reserved domain names GIs (adoption List of Lisbon Agreement)
Proposed solutions ICANN → Registries List of reserved domain names GIs (adoption List of Lisbon Agreement) TMCH including GIs Enhance mediation Binding early legal opinion provided by ADR Providers 28 28 28 28
“.it” Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service Provider
MFSD S.r.l. E: - Certified (only within Italy): Registered office: Viale Beatrice D'Este, 20 – Milan T: /05 – F: Administration: Giustina Cervone IP Mediation Center Case Manager: Pierfrancesco C. Fasano Secretariat: Monica Milano Via dei Castani, 80 – Rome T: – F: “.it” Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service Provider Via Donizetti, 1/a – Milan T: – F: Case Manager: Stefano Monguzzi 29 29 29 29
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