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Strategic Plan & Annual Performance Plans 2016/17
Introduction and background Strategic Priorities Strategic Plan Annual Performance Plan 2016/17 DSD Financial Outlook
The Strategic Plan and the APP 2016/17 presented to the Portfolio Committee are a product of extensive consultations and review of our work in the last performance cycle These plans are informed by the NDP which asserts that; Social security is a basic right, and a human rights approach to social protection is required; By 2030, everyone must enjoy an adequate standard of living. There must be basic social protection guarantees aimed at preventing or alleviating poverty and protecting against vulnerability The principle of building and utilising the capabilities of individuals, households and communities and avoiding the creation of dependency and stigma must be upheld. A developmental social welfare approach, with a focus on individuals, families and communities must be pursued
STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Over the medium term, our strategic priorities are; Reforming the social welfare sector and services to deliver better results. Improve the provision of Early Childhood Development. All children should enjoy services and benefits aimed at facilitating access to nutrition, health care, education, social care and safety. Deepening social assistance and extending the scope for social security. Strengthening Integrated community development interventions and improving household food and nutrition. Establish social protection systems to strengthen coordination, integration, planning, monitoring and evaluation of services.
MTSF Priorities Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Reforming the social welfare sector and services to deliver better results Strengthen social welfare service delivery through legislative & policy reforms by 2019 Reviewed Social Welfare White Paper and Social Development Act developed Social Welfare Financing Model Norms and standards published by 2018/19 Institutionalised oversight capacity for monitoring of quality standards established by 2018/19 100% bursars absorbed annually into the sector after completion of studies by 2019 Reviewed dispensation for state-civil society partnership in the delivery of social welfare and community development services Resourcing strategy for social development services developed Demand and Supply Model for social service professionals Legislation on the professionalization and regulation of social service practitioners Strengthened older persons services Amendments to the Older Persons Act 2006 10/9/2017
MTSF Priority Strategic Objective High Level Outputs Reforming the social welfare sector and services to deliver better results Reduce the incidences of social crime, substance abuse and facilitate the provision of support services to target groups by Legislation on victim empowerment support services Implementation of the South African Integrated Programme of action addressing Gender Based Violence Implementation of the Victim Empowerment Inter-sectoral Strategy 2014 – 2018 Strengthened care and support services to families Implementation of the Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Action Plan Implementation of the Child Justice Act Implementation of the National Anti-Substance Abuse Programme of Action(POA) Implementation of the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse Act No 70 of 2008 Implementation of the National Drug Master Plan
MTSF Priority Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Reforming the social welfare sector and services to deliver better results To promote the empowerment and rights of persons with disabilities through the development and implementation of legislation, policies and programmes Legislative framework to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities National Disability Rights Policy developed and implementation supported Policy on social welfare services to persons with disabilities developed and implementation supported Disability Inequality Index developed and tracked
MTSF Priorities Strategic Objective High Level Outputs Improve the provision of Early Childhood Development. All children should enjoy services and benefits aimed at facilitating access to nutrition, health care, education, social care and safety Strengthen child protection services and improve the quality of Early Childhood Development (ECD) services by 2019 Policy on ECD Regulatory Framework aligned to the ECD Policy ECD Infrastructure Plan 90% registered ECD facilities complying with norms and standards Integrated Human Resource Plan developed Comprehensive package of services for children in ECD (nutrition, immunisation, literacy, stimulation) Legislative alignment on ECD provision municipal by-laws provincial legislation Increased access to child care and protection through adoption services Implementation of the Foster Care Project Plan Implementation of the Transformation plan for Child and Youth Care Centres (CYCCs) Implementation of the Guidelines for the registration of Drop in Centres in terms of the Children’s Act Strengthened child protection services Reviewed Children’s Act Strengthened services to OVCs 10/9/2017
MTSF Priority Strategic Objective High level outputs Deepening social assistance and extending the scope for social security Extend the provision of social assistance to eligible individuals by 2019 Social grants for eligible individuals 50% increase in CSG value and 11.4 million children who qualify access the grant by 2016/17 Social Relief and Disaster Relief reaching affected individuals in distress timeously An effective and efficient social security system that protects poor and vulnerable people against income poverty by 2019 Policy proposals on universalization of older person’s & CSG grants Increase the value of CSG to orphans and vulnerable children Policy on chronic conditions to expand social assistance coverage for person’s with disability Policy on income support for working age individuals Policy on guaranteed employment scheme Policy on mandatory cover for retirement, disability and survivor benefits Policy for the inclusion of informal sector workers in social security Policy for the inclusion of military veterans in social security Functional Inspectorate for Social Assistance 10/9/2017
MTSF Priority Strategic Objectives High Level Outputs Strengthening community development interventions Facilitate and coordinate community development efforts to build vibrant and sustainable communities by 2019 Integrated Community Development Framework and Model Community Development Policy Framework developed Regulated and Uniform Community Development Practice Enhanced skills and competencies of CDPs and CBOs to facilitate effective community development Vulnerable communities and households profiled Facilitate community mobilisation and development of community based plans for social transformation Contribute to poverty eradication and elimination of hunger through support to community driven programmes and the provision of food and nutrition security services by 2019 Facilitate the establishment and support to community income generating initiatives Households supported and linked to socio-economic opportunities Vulnerable households and individuals accessing nutritious food through food security programmes
MTSF Priority Strategic Objective High Level Outputs Establish social protection systems to strengthen coordination, integration, planning, monitoring and evaluation of services Improve Social Development Sector performance through monitoring and evaluation by 2019 Effective M&E systems for the Social Dev Sector including the development of the; National Integrated Social Protection System (NISPIS) developed Common set of outcomes and systemic indicators developed Results based framework for social protection developed Evaluation Studies in line with sector priorities for social development conducted
Programme 1: Administration
Medium-term targets High-level outputs 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Effective functioning of the Social Protection and Community and Human Development (SPCHD) cluster 100% monitoring and reporting of SPCHD Cluster decisions structures Facilitate DSD participation in 6 international events Improved social infrastructure portfolio 18 Community Care Centres constructed N/A Policies and programs that are gender responsive 4 policies reviewed for gender responsiveness 6 policies reviewed for gender responsiveness 8 policies reviewed for gender responsiveness Monitoring and Evaluations of services Develop common set of indicators aligned to the Outcome Based Framework Develop Monitoring and Evaluations tools to measure Outcomes Pilot the implementation of the Outcomes Based Framework Evaluation studies in line with DSD’s Priorities and Social Protection Services Conduct Implementation Evaluation of the Older Persons ’Act Conduct an evaluation of ECD program Conduct two other evaluations aligned to Social Protection Services Conduct a Design Evaluation of food and nutrition security programme Evaluation of CSG Qualitative and definitive legal support services Coordinate the development of a legislative programme 10/9/2017
Programme 1: cont Medium-term targets High-level outputs 2016/17
2017/18 2018/19 Qualitative and definitive legal support services 98% of contracts developed and vetted through the contract management system Marketing and advertising followers on social media accounts followers on social media accounts 24 public participation events for the Minister , 24 for the Deputy Minister 24 public participation events for the Minister, 24 for the deputy Minister Risk-based Internal Audits Audit 28 risk-based projects Audit 32 risk-based projects Development of a Five Year Social Sector Human Resource Plan ( ) Sector Human Resources Plan (SSHRP) approved by MinMec Implementation of SSHRP Implementation and monitoring of SHRP Reduce vacancy rate to 5% Reduce vacancy rate to 6% Sound internal Controls in place Unqualified audit report on AFS National Integrated Social Protection Information System Integrate child protection register, community profile, household profile, GBV command center and alternative care into a single information management system Integrate welfare services into the single information management system Integrate all remaining services into the single information management system Develop Social Sector-wide ICT strategy E-registration platform for entities developed by 2017/18 A functional NISPIS System (DSD portal) by 2018/19
Programme 2: Social Assistance
Medium-term targets High-level outputs 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Social grants for eligible individuals Old age grant 3 3 3 Child support grant 12 12 12 War veterans grant 162 104 62 Disability grant 1 1 1 Care dependency grant 152 967 Foster care grant Grant-in-aid Social relief reaching affected individuals timeously 400 000 SRD applications awarded
Programme 3: Social Security Policy & Administration
Medium-term targets High-level outputs 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Provide an effective and accessible social assistance appeals service Adjudicate 70% of appeals within 90 days of receipt Adjudicate 80% of appeals within 90 days of receipt Adjudicate 90% of appeals within 90 days of receipt 100% of appeals received from SASSA with complete records adjudicated within 90 days of receipt 100% of appeals received from SASSA with complete records adjudicated within 90 days of receipt Universalization of older person’s & CSG grants Complete the policy on universalization of benefits to older persons Consult on the policy for the universalization of benefits to older persons N/A Complete a discussion paper on the universalization of the Child Support Grant. Consult on discussion paper on the universalization of the Child Support Grant Expansion of the CSG to orphans and vulnerable children Social Development Amendment Bill submitted to Cabinet Implement the policy Retirement, disability and survivor benefits Develop a technical report on mandatory cover for retirement, disability and survivor benefits Develop policy on mandatory cover for retirement, disability and survivor benefits Complete policy on mandatory cover for retirement, disability and survivor benefits Establishment of the Inspectorate for Social Assistance Approved methodology for Audit and Compliance Capacitate the Inspectorate Fully capacitate the Inspectorate Approved Framework for Investigations Conduct investigations to ensure integrity of social grants administration; Conduct investigations to ensure integrity of social grants administration Develop the Stakeholder and Partnership Strategy Implement the Stakeholder & Partnership Strategy
Medium-term targets High-level outputs 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 A review of the White Paper on Social Welfare Revise White Paper on Social Welfare White Paper on Social Welfare approved by 2017/18 Build capacity of provinces and other stakeholders to implement the White Paper Demand and Supply Model for social service professionals developed Develop a Demand and supply model for social services practitioners Demand and supply model for social services practitioners approved N/A Develop Recruitment and Retention Strategy for social service practitioners (SSPs) Approve Recruitment and Retention Strategy for social service practitioners Develop and an implementation plan on the Recruitment and Retention Strategy for social service practitioners Build the capacity of provinces to implement the Recruitment and Retention Strategy for social service practitioners Scholarship programme implemented Award youth with social service scholarships Award youth with social service scholarships Legislation on the professionalization of social service practitioners Consult on the draft social service practitioners Bill Finalise comments and inputs and submit the Bill to State Law Advisors for certification Table the Bill in Cabinet for approval and public comments Amendments to the Older Persons Act 2006 Approval of the Amendment Bill by Cabinet Introduction to Parliament of the Amendment Bill Enactment of Legislation Strengthened Older Persons Services Coordinate the implementation of the national Active Aging Programme for Older Persons
Programme 4 cont Medium-term targets High-level outputs 2016/17
2017/18 2018/19 ECD services improved Align ECD Program of Action to the ECD policy Consultation with National Government Departments on the review of the ECD Program of Action to the ECD policy Approval of the ECD Program of Action aligned to the ECD policy Align the regulatory framework to ECD policy Approval of regulatory framework aligned to the ECD policy. Capacity building on the regulatory framework aligned to the ECD policy in provinces Early Childhood Development (ECD) infrastructure Review of the infrastructure plan Approve ECD infrastructure plan N/A Develop an ECD maintenance and Improvement Plan Management of the Adoption Register Register 100% of adoptions received from Children’s Courts with complete record Evaluation and sustainability plan for child and youth care services Develop the sustainability plan of Isibindi Model Roll out a sustainability plan of Isibindi Model Complete midterm review of Isibindi model Implement the outcomes of the review Strengthen child protection services Develop a policy framework on foster care Approved policy framework on foster care Conduct capacity building on the policy framework on foster care Conduct 9 Inter-Sectoral capacity building workshops on children’s rights and responsibilities Conduct 9 Inter-Sectoral capacity building workshops on children’s rights and responsibilities
Programme 4 cont Medium-term targets High-level outputs 201617 2017/18
2018/19 Review of the Children’s Act Second amendment to Children’s Act considered by the portfolio committee and NCOP select committee Build capacity of provinces on the second amendments to Children’s Act. Draft the third amendment bill Develop a child care and protection policy Introduce the child care and protection policy to Cabinet. Strengthen child rights, governance and compliance systems Submit the compliance reports on regional obligations to the AU structures Submit the compliance reports on international obligations to the UN structures Implementation of the Child Justice Act Policy Framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services Conduct capacity building on the Policy Framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services Implementation of the Policy Framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services 9 provinces trained on therapeutic programs 9 provinces trained on therapeutic programs Implementation of the Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy Establish 5 provincial Multidisciplinary committees on Integrated Social Crime Prevention Establish 4 provincial Multidisciplinary committees on Integrated Social Crime Prevention Review of Multidisciplinary committees (National and provincial committed) on Integrated Social Crime Prevention Legislation on victim empowerment support services Finalise consultation on the Bill and submit to the State Law Advisors (SLA) for certification Table the Bill to Cabinet for approval and publication for comments Send the Bill to SLAs for final certification and request cabinet to approve the introduction of Bill in Parliament The South African Integrated Programme of Action addressing GBV implemented Increase the number of people accessing command centre services by 5% (2993) Increase the number of people accessing command centre services by 5% (3142) Increase the number of people accessing command centre services by 5% (3299)
Programme 4 cont Medium-term targets
Trafficking in Persons Framework implemented Conduct the National awareness campaigns on human trafficking Inter departmental coordination within the Victim Empowerment ( VE) sector Conduct the 2nd Victim Satisfaction Survey Adoption and the approval of the victim’s satisfaction survey. Facilitate the recommendations and findings of the 2nd Victim Satisfaction Survey Social Development Academy Develop operating policy for the Social Sector Academy Establish Phase 1 of the Social Sector Academy Strengthened care and support services to families Approved strategy on families facing imminent risk of removal of a family member Capacity building on the strategy Monitor the implementation of the strategy Approval of the capacity building program for teenage parents Build capacity of provinces on teenage parenting program Monitor the implementation of parenting program Train 4 provinces on the national parenting programme 5 provinces trained on the national parenting programme Monitor the implementation of national parenting programme Implementation of the Anti-substance Abuse Plan of Action Conduct 3 anti-substance abuse campaigns Improving access to community based treatment services Capacitate 9 provinces to establish Community Based Treatment Services Implement National Drug Master Plan(NDMP) Review National Drug Master Plan [NDMP] Approval of the National Drug Master Plan [NDMP] Capacitate key stakeholders on the NDMP
Programme 4 cont Medium-term targets
Promote psychosocial wellbeing amongst individuals, families and communities affected by HIV and AIDS Train 300 organisations on Psychosocial support programmes Train 350 organisations on Psychosocial support programmes Train 400 organisations on Psychosocial support programmes Train 400 CBOs on Community Based Interventions Monitoring Systems (CBIMS) Train 450 CBOs on Community Based Interventions Monitoring Systems (CBIMS) Conduct action research on community based care workers Draft policy framework on the management of community based care workers Approved policy framework on the management of community based care workers Contribute to the reduction of HIV risky behaviours amongst targeted key populations Train 500 implementers on social behaviour change Legislative and policy framework strengthened Update draft Policy on Disability within Welfare Services Complete Disability within Welfare Services policy Draft Bill tabled for approval Guidelines, Norms and Standards for key areas of policy implementation developed Develop two National Strategic Frameworks that support implementation of the WPRPD Build capacity of sector departments and stakeholders to implement the Matrix Review the Implementation of the Matrix White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (WPRPD) implemented Develop Disability Rights Information Portal Phase 1 Disability Rights Information Portal Phase 2 developed Disability Rights Information Portal Phase 3 developed Conduct a pilot project on the implementation of the WPRPD Disability Inequality Index implemented Update Disability Inequality Index Update Disability Inequality Index
Programme 4 cont Medium-term targets High-level outputs 2016/17
2017/18 2018/19 Youth mobilization facilitated Develop draft Youth Mobilisation Guidelines Finalise guidelines Facilitate implementation of the guidelines Build conscious and active youth 1000 youths attending national youth camps Review Youth Structures Guidelines Facilitate implementation Social Development Youth Strategy Developed Draft Social Development Youth Strategy Finalize Social Development Youth Strategy Implementation of Social Development Youth Strategy Cooperatives linked to economic opportunities Develop a framework for linkage of cooperatives economic opportunities within the sector Facilitate the implementation of cooperatives linkage framework within the sector Facilitate the implementation of cooperatives linkage framework within the sector Enhanced capacity of women to participate and access economic opportunities Develop a framework for women empowerment for the Social Sector Facilitate and support implementation of women empowerment framework within Social Sector Monitor impact of the women empowerment framework implementation
Medium-term targets High-level outputs 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Research and social policy capacity built through training on social policy in the social development sector Train 50 officials Develop and review 1 social policy in collaboration with the relevant directorate Develop and disseminate 4 policy briefs Coordinated integrated social protection interventions 152 263 Work Opportunities created through EPWP Social Sector 153 398 Work Opportunities created through EPWP Social Sector 153 644 WO created through EPWP Social Sector 60 CWP sites provided with social sector services 82 CWP sites provided with social sector services 124 CWP sites provided with social sector services 450 Military Veterans Households participating in DSD-DMV EPWP project 500 Military Veterans Households participating in DSD-DMV EPWP project 550 Military Veterans Households participating in DSD-DMV EPWP project Population Policy implemented and monitored Policy+20/ICPD+25 progress review draft thematic papers 12 thematic papers finalised and draft Policy+20/ICPD+25 progress review synthesis report Policy+20/ICPD+25 progress review synthesis report approved and disseminated 4th UNFPA Country Programme coordinated and evaluated through the NCF 5th UNFPA Country Programme developed and coordinated through the NCF Monitor the 5th UNFPA Country Programme, coordinated through the NCF Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the National ASRHR Framework Strategy Coordinate and monitor the IMC for Population Policy work plan
Programme 5: cont Medium-term targets High-level outputs 2016/17
2017/18 2018/18 Capacity-building interventions and support to stake holders to implement the Population Policy Place 15 Population studies graduates Mentor 15 graduates in Population studies An effective and efficient NPO registration and information management system Process 99% of applications within 2 months of receipt Process 100% of applications within 2 months of receipt Conduct NPO National Roadshows in 80 Local Municipalities Conduct NPO National Roadshows in 90 Local Municipalities Conduct NPO National Roadshows in 100 Local Municipalities A co-ordinated, and integrated capacity building and support to NPOs 3000 emerging NPOs trained on governance and compliance with the NPO Act 3500 emerging NPOs trained on governance and compliance with the NPO Act An effective and efficient national NPO Compliance monitoring system 95% NPO reports processed within 2 months 95% NPO reports processed within 2 months DSD Sector Financing Policy Develop Draft DSD Sector Financing policy Approved DSD Sector Financing Policy Implementation of the DSD Sector Financing Policy Partnership model for state, NPOs and relevant stakeholders Finalised Finalise Partnership model for state, NPOs and relevant stakeholders Facilitate the implementation of the state civil society partnership model State-civil and society partnership model implemented Revised regulatory framework for NPOs Introduce the Draft Bill on NPO Act in Parliament Draft Bill on NPO Act approved by Parliament in 2017/18 NPO Amendment Act Regulated and Uniform Community Development Practice Submit Community Development Practice Policy Framework for approval Facilitate Implementation of the Community Development Practice Policy Framework Assess community development capability against Norms and Standards Facilitate Implementation of Norms and Standards for Community Development
Programme 5: cont Medium-term targets High-level outputs 2016/17
2017/18 2018/19 Guidelines on community mobilization and empowerment developed Develop community mobilization and empowerment guidelines Consultations on the guidelines Facilitate implementation of guidelines Draft guidelines on implementation of community development interventions Finalisation of guidelines on implementation of community development interventions Facilitate implementation of the guidelines on development interventions Community mobilisation through outreach programs Reach 450 of wards reached through community outreach programs Reach 450 of wards reached through community outreach programs Cooperatives linked to economic opportunities Develop a framework for linking cooperatives to economic opportunities within the sector Facilitate the implementation of the cooperatives framework Enhanced capacity of women to participate and access economic opportunities Develop a framework for women empowerment for the Social Sector Facilitate and support implementation of women empowerment framework Monitor impact of the women empowerment framework implementation Implementation of the Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Plan Facilitate the implementation of Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Plan Assess and review the implementation of the Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Plan Provide food to 60 000 vulnerable individuals through CNDCs Provide food to 80 000 vulnerable individuals through CNDCs Asses Social Development Sector Food Nutrition Security Programmes Development of the norms and standards Facilitate implementation of the Norms and Standards
PART B 9 October 2017 DSD 27 Budget Committee 27
9 October 2017
SUMMARY - 2016 MTEF 9 October 2017 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 R' 000
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 R' 000 2015 MTEF ALLOCATIONS 148,106,330 157,917,404 167,076,611 • Departmental baseline 148,058,830 Conditional Grants to Provincial Government 47,500 - Substance Abuse Treatment Grant BASELINE INCREASES 1,763,609 4,013,785 7,244,885 Compensation of employees: 2015 public sector wage settlement 9,130 26,300 32,900 Social grants 1,054,479 3,272,485 7,181,985 HIV Prevention: Transfer to South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) 15,000 30,000 BASELINE REPRIORITISATION (38,000 ) South African Social Security Agency BASELINE REDUCTIONS (232,210 ) (87,871 ) (76,890 ) South African Social Security Agency: Planned areas of work to be deferred until the 2017/18 financial year (120,000 ) (58,224 ) (30,956 ) Social relief of distress (112,210 ) Compensation of employees reduction (29,647 ) (45,934 ) ADJUSTMENTS TO CONDITIONAL GRANTS 38,000 376,778 563,898 Early Childhood Development Grant 319,828 493,065 Of which ECD subsidy expansion 250,000 413,187 ECD centre maintenance 69,828 79,878 56,950 70,833 Construction of treatment centres in Northern Cape and Free State Operationalisation of treatment centres in Northern Cape, Free State, North West and Eastern Cape 2016 MTEF ALLOCATIONS (to be included in 2016 ENE) 1 148,937,729 161,520,096 174,808,504 9 October 2017
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Total R thousand Amount Requested Amount Approved Total Requested Total Approved Requests Social service professionals employment 1,334,919 - 1,065,225 2,400,144 Substance Abuse - Maintenance 56,899 56,950 60,779 70,833 117,678 127,783 Substance Abuse - Infrastructure 39,913 38,000 - ECD Maintenance 104,083 69,828 79,878 208,166 149,706 ECD Expansion 4,281,382 250,000 5,209,156 413,187 9,490,538 663,187 Social Assistance Grants 1,054,476 3,762,000 3,272,485 6,987,000 7,181,985 11,803,476 11,508,946 1,094,389 1,092,476 9,539,283 3,649,263 13,426,243 7,745,883 24,059,915 12,487,622
9 October 2017 ENE BASELINE ALLOCATION 9 October 2017 Audit Committee
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 R’ 000 % increase P 1: Administration 322,512 335,792 4.12% 351,112 4.56% P 2: Social Assistance 140,498,691 152,206,728 8.33% 164,754,413 8.24% P 3: Social Security Policy and Administration 7,015,500 7,526,794 7.29% 7,992,483 6.19% P 4: Welfare Services Policy Development And Implement Support 723,322 1,057,685 46.23% 1,296,135 22.54% P 5: Social Policy And Integrated Service Delivery 377,704 393,097 4.08% 414,361 5.41% TOTAL 148,937,729 161,520,096 8.45% 174,808,504 8.23% 9 October 2017
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 R’ 000 % increase Compensation of Employees 458,857 465,532 1.45% 478,373 2.76% Goods and Services 343,450 366,719 6.78% 393,083 7.19% Transfers and Subsidies 148,125,081 160,677,158 8.47% 173,925,799 8.25% Payment of Capital Assets 10,341 10,687 3.35% 11,249 5.26% TOTAL 148,937,729 161,520,096 8.45% 174,808,504 8.23% 9 October 2017
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 R’ 000 % increase Social Assistance Grants 140,498,691 152,206,728 8.33% 164,754,413 8.24% Social Grant Administration 6,825,866 7,328,498 7.36% 7,784,196 6.22% Social Grant Fraud Investigations 83,066 87,219 5.00% 92,278 5.80% National Development Agency 194,153 203,861 215,685 Social Work Scholarships 290,780 305,319 323,028 HIV and AIDS Organisations 56,315 74,131 31.64% 92,560 24.86% National Councils 32,283 33,771 4.61% 35,698 5.71% ECD Conditional Grant - 319,828 493,065 54.17% Substance Abuse Conditional Grant 85,500 56,950 -33.39% 70,833 24.38% Food Relief Programme 53,805 56,657 5.30% 59,943 TOTAL 148,120,459 160,672,962 8.47% 173,921,698 8.25% 9 October 2017
9 October 2017
9 October 2017 ENE BASELINE ALLOCATION 9 October 2017 Audit Committee
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 SUB PROGRAMMES R’ 000 % increase Ministry 32,662 33,561 2.75% 36,014 7.31% 37,927 5.31% Department Management 63,705 68,376 7.33% 71,319 4.30% 74,060 3.84% Corporate Management 104,987 114,266 8.84% 117,935 3.21% 123,023 4.31% Finance 55,243 57,844 4.71% 60,020 3.76% 62,485 4.11% Internal Audit 9,433 15,838 67.90% 16,246 2.58% 17,372 6.93% Office Accommodation 30,985 32,627 5.30% 34,258 5.00% 36,245 5.80% TOTAL 297,015 322,512 8.58% 335,792 4.12% 351,112 4.56% 9 October 2017
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION R’ 000 % increase Current payments 292,562 317,956 8.68% 330,984 4.10% 346,032 4.55% Compensation of employees 166,749 193,856 16.26% 197,504 1.88% 202,804 2.68% Goods and services 125,813 124,100 -1.36% 133,480 7.56% 143,228 7.30% Transfers and subsidies 1,564 1,803 15.28% 1,929 6.99% 2,034 5.44% Payments for capital assets 2,889 2,753 -4.71% 2,879 4.58% 3,046 5.80% Machinery and equipment 2,413 2,252 -6.67% 2,353 4.48% 2,489 5.78% Software and other intangible assets 476 501 5.25% 526 4.99% 557 5.89% Total 297,015 322,512 8.58% 335,792 4.12% 351,112 4.56% 9 October 2017
9 October 2017 ENE BASELINE ALLOCATION 9 October 2017 Audit Committee
SUB PROGRAMMES 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 R’ 000 % increase OLD AGE 54,072,449 58,927,478 8.98% 64,656,265 9.72% 70,832,706 9.55% WAR VETERANS 4,727 3,622 -23.38% 2,509 -30.73% 1,643 -34.52% DISABILITY 19,237,275 20,418,422 6.14% 21,447,424 5.04% 22,522,464 5.01% FOSTER CARE 6,039,475 5,521,995 -8.57% 5,780,688 4.68% 6,028,625 4.29% CARE DEPENDENCY 2,392,997 2,676,824 11.86% 2,939,454 9.81% 3,218,811 9.50% CHILD SUPPORT 47,346,948 51,950,579 56,286,912 8.35% 60,981,421 8.34% GRANT-IN-AID 274,195 499,771 82.27% 593,476 18.75% 668,743 12.68% SOCIAL RELIEF 450,212 500,000 11.06% 0.00% TOTAL 129,818,278 140,498,691 8.23% 152,206,728 8.33% 164,754,413 8.24%
Social Grants BASELINE REDUCTIONS 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Social Relief of Distress ( ) - 10/9/2017
9 October 2017
9 October 2017 ENE BASELINE ALLOCATION 9 October 2017 Audit Committee
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 SUB PROGRAMMES R’ 000 % increase Social Security Policy Development 53,440 57,228 7.09% 58,485 2.20% 60,464 3.38% Appeals Adjudication 40,012 43,934 9.80% 47,007 6.99% 49,707 5.74% Social Grants Administration 6,564,085 6,825,866 3.99% 7,328,498 7.36% 7,784,196 6.22% Social Grants Fraud Investigations 78,885 83,066 5.30% 87,219 5.00% 92,278 5.80% Programme Management 4,743 5,406 13.98% 5,585 3.31% 5,838 4.53% Total 6,741,165 7,015,500 4.07% 7,526,794 7.29% 7,992,483 6.19% 9 October 2017
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION R’ 000 % increase Current payments 94,032 100,687 7.08% 105,551 4.83% 110,296 4.50% Compensation of employees 47,632 50,683 6.41% 51,228 1.08% 52,654 2.78% Goods and services 46,400 50,004 7.77% 54,323 8.64% 57,642 6.11% Transfers and subsidies 6,645,720 6,912,606 4.02% 7,418,987 7.33% 7,879,857 6.21% Departmental agencies and accounts 6,642,970 6,908,932 4.00% 7,415,717 7.34% 7,876,474 Higher education institutions 1,000 2,000 100.00% 1,500 -25.00% 0.00% Foreign governments and international organisations 1,610 1,454 -9.69% 1,525 4.88% 1,613 5.77% Households 140 220 57.14% 245 11.36% 270 10.20% Payments for capital assets 1,413 2,207 56.19% 2,256 2.22% 2,330 3.28% Total 6,741,165 7,015,500 4.07% 7,526,794 7.29% 7,992,483 6.19% 9 October 2017
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 SASSA (38 000) - BASELINE REDUCTIONS 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 SASSA ( ) (58 224) (30 956) 10/9/2017
9 October 2017
9 October 2017 ENE BASELINE ALLOCATION Audit Committee
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 SUB PROGRAMMES R’ 000 % increase Service Standards 27,561 29,868 8.37% 31,032 3.90% 32,364 4.29% Substance Abuse 77,570 101,325 30.62% 72,453 -28.49% 88,174 21.70% Older Persons 20,701 20,549 -0.73% 21,191 3.12% 22,285 5.16% People with Disabilities 28,494 29,273 2.73% 30,679 4.80% 32,059 4.50% Children 80,295 76,288 -4.99% 399,621 423.83% 576,305 44.21% Families 8,744 8,996 2.88% 9,359 4.04% 9,765 4.34% Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment 59,875 62,597 4.55% 64,901 3.68% 67,682 4.28% Youth 13,197 14,561 10.34% 15,025 3.19% 16,406 9.19% HIV and AIDS 81,219 85,220 4.93% 104,095 22.15% 123,891 19.02% Social Worker Scholarships 276,144 290,780 5.30% 305,319 5.00% 323,028 5.80% Programme Management 3,562 3,865 8.51% 4,010 3.75% 4,176 4.14% Total 677,362 723,322 6.79% 1,057,685 46.23% 1,296,135 22.54%
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION R’ 000 % increase Current payments 269,912 258,290 -4.31% 267,582 3.60% 280,860 4.96% Compensation of employees 137,251 137,075 -0.13% 138,650 1.15% 142,616 2.86% Goods and services 132,661 121,215 -8.63% 128,932 6.37% 138,244 7.22% Transfers and subsidies 403,036 460,385 14.23% 785,319 70.58% 1,010,214 28.64% Province and Municipalities 47,500 85,500 80.00% 376,778 340.68% 563,898 49.66% Departmental agencies and accounts 276,144 290,780 5.30% 305,319 5.00% 323,028 5.80% Foreign governments and international organisations 689 692 0.44% 706 2.02% 729 3.26% Non-profit institutions 78,657 82,746 5.20% 101,819 23.05% 121,822 19.65% Households 46 667 % 697 4.50% 737 5.74% Payments for capital assets 4,414 4,647 5.28% 4,784 2.95% 5,061 5.79% Total 677,362 723,322 6.79% 1,057,685 46.23% 1,296,135 22.54%
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 R’000 Early Childhood Development ECD – subsidy expansion - ECD – centre maintenance 69 828 79 878 Substance Abuse Treatment Grant Construction of treatment centers in NC and FS 38 000 Operationalisation of centers in NC, FS, NW and EC 56 950 70 833 10/9/2017
9 October 2017
9 October 2017 ENE BASELINE ALLOCATION 9 October 2017 Audit Committee
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 SUB PROGRAMMES R’ 000 % increase Social Policy Research and Development 5,204 5,552 6.69% 5,718 2.99% 5,910 3.36% Special Projects and Innovation 8,563 10,299 20.27% 10,612 3.04% 10,995 3.61% Population Policy Promotion 31,247 31,727 1.54% 32,439 2.24% 34,531 6.45% Registration and Monitoring of Non-Profit Organisations 30,387 35,634 17.27% 36,134 1.40% 37,472 3.70% Substance Abuse Advisory Services and Oversight 6,114 5,731 -6.26% 5,921 3.32% 6,205 4.80% Community Development 90,838 91,283 0.49% 95,078 4.16% 100,104 5.29% National Development Agency 184,381 194,153 5.30% 203,861 5.00% 215,685 5.80% Programme Management 3,086 3,325 7.74% 3,334 0.27% 3,459 3.75% Total 359,820 377,704 4.97% 393,097 4.08% 414,361 5.41% 9 October 2017
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION R’ 000 % increase Current payments 119,842 125,374 4.62% 128,134 2.20% 134,268 4.79% Compensation of employees 71,954 77,243 7.35% 78,150 1.17% 80,299 2.75% Goods and services 47,888 48,131 0.51% 49,984 3.85% 53,969 7.97% Transfers and subsidies 239,058 251,596 5.24% 264,195 5.01% 279,281 5.71% Departmental agencies and accounts 184,381 194,153 5.30% 203,861 5.00% 215,685 5.80% Higher education institutions 430 469 9.07% 0.00% 400 -14.71% Foreign governments and international organisations 1,931 1,824 -5.54% 1,854 1.64% 1,891 2.00% Non-profit institutions 23,322 30,281 29.84% 31,795 33,569 5.58% Households 28,994 24,869 -14.23% 26,216 5.42% 27,736 Payments for capital assets 920 734 -20.22% 768 4.63% 812 5.73% Total 359,820 377,704 4.97% 393,097 4.08% 414,361 5.41% 9 October 2017
BASELINE INCREASES 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 R’000 HIV / AIDS
Transfer to South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) - 15 000 30 000 10/9/2017
9 October 2017 THANK YOU 9 October 2017 Audit Committee
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