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Diseases and Parasites of Beef Cattle

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1 Diseases and Parasites of Beef Cattle
Chapter 17 Diseases and Parasites of Beef Cattle

2 Objectives Explain the importance of maintaining healthy beef cattle
Identify and recommend prevention and treatment for beef cattle diseases and parasites common to the local area

3 Objectives (cont.) Recognize and suggest controls for common nutritional health disorders of beef cattle in the local area

4 Herd Health Plan Key to success of a health plan is prevention of problems Develop a good working relationship with a veterinarian Observation can help with early detection Better to prevent health problems than to try to cure them

5 Diseases Anthrax Cause: bacteria
Infection results from grazing infected pastures Symptoms: sudden death or high fever, sudden staggering, trembling, collapse Death follows shortly after Treatment: vaccines can be used for control

6 Diseases (cont.) Anthrax (cont.)

7 Diseases (cont.) Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus Cause: virus
Affects cells lining the respiratory system Symptoms: respiratory system is weakened, becomes vulnerable to other viruses, bacteria Treatment: a combination vaccine

8 Diseases (cont.) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Cause: prion
Affects the central nervous system of cattle Sometimes called mad cow disease Symptoms: aggression, nervousness, abnormal posture, difficulty in rising and lying down, loss of body weight, etc. Treatment: none; animals eventually die

9 Diseases (cont.) Bovine Virus Diarrhea (BVD) Cause: virus
Appears in mild, acute, chronic forms Symptoms: fever, coughing, nasal discharge, slow gains, rapid breathing, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, lameness, dehydration Treatment: no cure; treat diarrhea, infections Prevention: modified live virus vaccination

10 Diseases (cont.) Blackleg Cause: bacteria
Infected soil: spores enter body through mouth or wounds Symptoms: sudden death, lameness, swollen muscles, inability to stand Treatment: massive doses of antibiotics Prevention: vaccination

11 Diseases (cont.) Brucellosis Cause: microorganism
Dangerous to humans, can cause Malta fever Symptoms: abortion, retain afterbirth, sterility, reduced milk, enlarged testicles Treatment: no cure Prevention: good management practices; calves should be vaccinated

12 Diseases (cont.) Calf Enteritis (Scours) Cause: virus
Affects young calves (under 2 months) Symptoms: shock, cold in nose, ears, legs, diarrhea, weight loss, sudden death Treatment: antibiotics, sulfa drugs Prevention: proper sanitation, vaccination

13 Diseases (cont.) Campylobacteriosis
Reproductive disease also known as vibriosis Intestinal and venereal form, venereal more serious Symptoms: abortion, infertility, irregular heat Treatment: possibly antibiotics Prevention: vaccination

14 Diseases (cont.) Foot-and-Mouth Disease Cause: virus
Affects cloven-hoofed animals, spreads easily Symptoms: loss of appetite, fever, blisters in mouth and on feet, lameness, death Treatment: no cure Prevention: vaccination, destroying infected animals

15 Diseases (cont.) Foot-and-Mouth Disease (cont.)

16 Diseases (cont.) Foot Rot Cause: bacteria, fungi, and other organisms
Symptoms: lameness, loss of appetite, fever, depression, death Treatment: massive doses of antibiotics or sulfa drugs Prevention: no vaccine, sanitation, good drainage, spreading lime

17 Diseases (cont.) Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) Cause: virus
Can affect respiratory system, genitals, eyes, brain, and nervous system Symptoms: fever, nasal discharge, inflammation of vagina, vulva swelling, blisters, lack of muscle control, convulsions, death Prevention: vaccination

18 Diseases (cont.) Johne’s Disease (paratuberculosis) Cause: bacteria
Causes a thickening of the intestine wall Symptoms: rarely shows signs, mistaken for diarrhea, loss of weight and eventually death Diagnosed with a Johnin test Prevention/treatment: culling diseased calves to prevent further problems

19 Diseases (cont.) Johne’s Disease (cont.)

20 Diseases (cont.) Leptospirosis Cause: bacteria
Some infected cattle show no symptoms Symptoms: acute cases show sudden temperature rise, rapid breathing, appetite loss, bloody urine, jaundice, diarrhea, abortion Prevention: proper sanitation, isolation of new animals, vaccination

21 Diseases (cont.) Listeriosis Cause: germ
Common in animals fed low-quality silage Affects the brain Symptoms: fever, appetite loss, difficulty standing, droopiness, animal wandering, death Prevention: proper sanitation, no vaccine

22 Diseases (cont.) Listeriosis (cont.)

23 Diseases (cont.) Lumpy Jaw (Actinomycosis) Cause: organism
Seldom deadly, causes economic loss as affected body parts condemned at harvest Affects jaw, surrounding bony part of head Symptoms: tumors, lumps on jaw Prevention: ensure no sharp objects in pasture or feedlot

24 Diseases (cont.) Malignant Edema
Symptoms, control, treatment similar to those for blackleg

25 Diseases (cont.) Pinkeye Cause: insects
Affects eyeball, cornea becomes cloudy Symptoms: corneal cloudiness, ulcers may develop, blindness may result Treatment: isolation, antibiotics, sulfa drugs Prevention: control flies and insects; vaccinations are now available

26 Diseases (cont.) Pinkeye (cont.)

27 Diseases (cont.) Prolapse in Cattle
Abnormal repositioning of a body part from its normal position Types include vaginal and uterine Vaginal: caused by pressure during pregnancy Uterine: occurs after calving and must be treated immediately to avoid death

28 Diseases (cont.) Ringworm Skin disease: can spread to animals, humans
Symptoms: scaly patches of skin that lack hair Affected areas clear up, but infection may spread to other parts of the body Treatment: iodine tincture or ammonium Prevention: proper sanitation

29 Diseases (cont.) Shipping Fever
Cause: stress, viral and bacterial infections Affects respiratory tract of animal Symptoms: depression, droopy ears, nasal discharge, watery eyes, appetite loss, diarrhea, weight loss, difficulty breathing Prevention/treatment: vaccination, antibiotics, good feedlot management, careful handling

30 Diseases (cont.) Trichomoniasis Cause: protozoan
Venereal disease, infects the genital tract and transmitted during breeding Symptoms: early abortion, low fertility, heat irregularity, infection of uterus Treatment: no treatment for bulls Prevention: no vaccination; use clean bulls

31 Diseases (cont.) Warts Cause: virus Spread by contact
Treatment: warts may be clipped off, or treated with different acids or oils Prevention: disinfecting pens and rubbing posts; vaccination

32 Diseases (cont.) Wooden Tongue (Actinobacillosis)
Seldom fatal, causes economic loss when animal is harvested Causes lesions on soft tissues around head, swelling of lymph glands of the neck Spread by contaminated animals through feed. Treatment: animal isolation, surgery

33 External Parasites Include flies, lice, mites, and ticks
Chemical, biological, mechanical, and cultural control methods can be used to control external parasites Proper sanitation also helps with control and prevention

34 External Parasites (cont.)
Flies, Gnats, and Mosquitos Bloodsuckers Horn Fly Stable Fly Horsefly Deerfly Blackfly Mosquitoes

35 External Parasites (cont.)
Flies, Gnats, and Mosquitos (cont.) Irritation flies Screwworm Fly Housefly Face Fly Heel Fly

36 External Parasites (cont.)
Lice One species of biting lice and four types of bloodsuckers that attack beef Population low in summer, higher in fall, winter Symptoms: constant rubbing, bloodsuckers weaken cattle Control through insecticides Treat in late fall or early winter

37 External Parasites (cont.)
Mites Live on skin or burrow into skin Cause condition of scab, mange, or itch Population lowest in the summer Symptoms: small pimply areas on skin; restlessness; rubbing, scratching, licking of affected area Treatment/prevention same as for lice

38 External Parasites (cont.)
Ticks Serious pests to cattle in parts of U.S. Bloodsuckers that transmit serious disease Can cause scabby skin condition, injury Symptoms: rubbing, scratching affected area Ear ticks controlled by dipping/treating ears individually, others similar to lice treatment

39 Internal Parasites Most common are Anaplasma Coccidia Flatworms

40 Internal Parasites (cont.)
Anaplasma Cause: protozoan parasite Destroys red blood cells Spread by various biting insects Symptoms: anemia, weight loss, difficulty breathing, abortion, death Prevention: reduce insect populations Treatment: antibiotics

41 Internal Parasites (cont.)
Coccidia Protozoan that live in the intestinal lining Cause irritation of intestinal wall and bleeding Symptoms: bloody diarrhea, weakness, and going off feed Treatment: sulfa drugs and antibiotics Prevention: proper sanitation

42 Internal Parasites (cont.)
Flatworms Include tapeworms and liver flukes Symptoms: diarrhea, weight loss, limping, weakness in hind quarters Treatment: typically not successful, though new treatments being tested Prevention: feeding cattle on paved lots, pasturing away from streams, ponds, swamps

43 Internal Parasites (cont.)
Roundworms Include eight different types of worms Stomach worms are the most serious Symptoms: anemia, weakness, constipation, diarrhea, sometimes bottle jaw Treatment: several chemicals, boluses, drenches, or feed additives Prevention: good sanitation

44 Nutritional Health Problems
Bloat Bovine Pulmonary Emphysema Brisket Disease Enterotoxemia (overeating disease) Fescue Toxicity Fluorosis

45 Nutritional Health Problems (cont.)
Founder Grass Tetany Hardware Disease Nitrate Poisoning Photosensitization Poisonous Plants

46 Nutritional Health Problems (cont.)
Urinary Calculi Rumenititis White Muscle

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