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Triple Science Revision Module

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1 Triple Science Revision Module
February – May/June 2017 Subject Board Level Unit Date AM/PM Biology AQA GCSE BL1 16/05/2017 pm BL2 09/06/2017 am BL3 Chemistry CH1 18/05/2017 CH2 14/06/2017 CH3 04/06/2017 Physics PH1 24/05/2017 PH2 16/06/2017 PH3 Name: TG:

2 Example In order to achieve an A/A* I must… Learning Gap 1 2 3 4 5
Paper: P2HP June 2014 Date : 02.09/16 Learning Gap Revised? Resources Created? 1 Electrical symbols Pages in Revision Guide: 2 How an RCCB works 3 Distance-Time Graphs 4 Terminal Velocity 5 Life Cycle of a star Example Tally Total Maths  I I I I I  5 Application  I I I  3 Reading the question  I I I I I I I  7 Clarity of response Knowledge Statements per mark  I I I I  4 Action to address skill deficit: I will underline the key and command words in each question before attempting to answer it.

3 Why did I lose MARKS? Maths Incomplete calculations Incorrect calculations Selecting the incorrect equation to answer the question Unanswered calculations Failure to include units on answers Incorrect reading of graphs Incorrect interpretations of data Failure to convert a number from one form to another (i.e. grams to kilograms, kilojoules to joules) Application The question was in a situation I had not heard before There was a piece of equipment/organism/chemical etc that I had not heard of before I did not know which knowledge/information to use to answer the question with Reading the question I did not read the question properly. I could not identify/misidentified the command word I did not read the information which comes before the question I do not understand the difference between some of the command words Clarity of Response I failed to use the correct keywords in my answer The answer I wrote did not make sense There were incorrect spellings in my answer The grammar in my answer caused the meaning to be different There were spelling/grammatical mistakes which caused me to lose QWC marks Knowledge I did not have sufficient subject knowledge to answer this question I did not know what the question was about I left questions unanswered Statements per Mark I got some of the marks for this question but not all I thought wrote enough but I did not know the other part to the answer I failed to mention a key piece of information I wrote an answer which repeated itself I contradicted myself

4 Reading text books/notes /revision guides
Listening to Podcasts Watching videos Creating flashcards Creating mind maps/spider diagrams Writing bullet points on topics Recalling information at the correct time Answering short answer questions Creating acronyms/mnemonics to aid memory Chunking Encoding into images Answering exam style questions under exam conditions Self assessment Peer assessment Teacher Assessment MARCKS (exam analysis)

5 Title (What is my revision card about)
How to make a flashcard Title (What is my revision card about) Important piece of information 1 Written in as few important key words as possible Important piece of information 2 Important piece of information 3 Important piece of information 4 Super important diagram Super important equation with worked example

6 How to make a flashcard Title (What is my revision card about)
Key Questions: (all based on the information on the other side of the card) Simple question (List, name state) Less simple question (Describe in detail, explain) Complex question (compare, evaluate)

7 Answering 6 mark questions
Underline Underline the key words and command words in the information and in the question Structure How many paragraphs will be needed, what will go into each paragraph? Key words Which key words will be needed in order to answer the question? Write a list Proofread Double check your answer checking you have answered the question and for SPaG

8 Answering 3 - 5 mark questions
Underline Underline the key words and command words in the information and in the question Structure Point: Answer the question Evidence: Use observation/data given in the question Explanation: Link back to question P: Graphite can conduct electricity because there is one delocalised electron. Ev: The carbon atom has 4 electrons in the outside shell, but in graphite the carbon forms 3 covalent bonds. Ex: This means the fourth electron is delocalised so it can move and carry a charge. Proofread Double check your answer checking you have answered the question, used key words and for SPaG

9 Physics

10 Physics 1 Checklist Topic R A G Infrared Radiation- factors affecting
Kinetic Theory Heat transfer- conduction, convection, radiation Specific heat capacity Types of energy & energy transfers Efficiency (calculating) and Sankey diagrams Electrical Energy (calculations) Power stations (parts, how they work) Energy from renewable resources Renewable energy & the environment The National Grid (transformers, transfer) Waves (anatomy, calculations) Wave behaviour (diffraction, reflection, refraction) The Electromagnetic Spectrum (properties & uses) Light (reflection, refraction, dispersion) Sound (properties, behaviour) Red Shift Doppler Effect The Big Bang Theory

11 Physics 1 Learning Gap 1 2 3 4 5 Revised? Resources Created?
Pages in Revision Guide: 2 3 4 5

12 Physics 2 Checklist Topic R A G Forces Elasticity (Hooke’s Law)
Speed, distance, velocity (calculations) Velocity(Speed)/Time ;Distance/Time graphs Acceleration (calculations, descriptions) Terminal Velocity Forces & energy Power Potential & Kinetic Energy Momentum (conservation, calculations) Car safety Static electricity (properties & uses) Series & Parallel circuits (properties) Electrical calculations (Q,I,t, V, P, R) Mains electricity Wiring a plug Electrical safety (fuses, circuit breakers, RCCB’s) Atomic Structure (including isotopes, ions) Nuclear Radiation (Alpha, beta, gamma- properties & uses) Half Life Nuclear Fusion Nuclear Fission The Life cycle of a star

13 Physics 2 Learning Gap 1 2 3 4 5 Revised? Resources Created?
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14 Physics 3 Checklist Topic R A G
X-rays (properties uses, how they work) Ultrasound (properties uses, how they work) Refraction Lenses (properties, uses how they work) Images & ray diagrams The Eye (structure & function) Correcting vision Total Internal reflection (what it is and uses) Moments (description, calculation) Levers Centre of mass (factors affecting) Hydraulics Pendulums Circular Motion Magnetic Fields Electric Motors Electromagnetism Electromagnetic induction Transformers (how they work, uses)

15 Physics 3 Learning Gap 1 2 3 4 5 Revised? Resources Created?
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16 Chemistry

17 Chemistry 1 Checklist Topic R A G Atomic Structure
Electronic configuration (draw and read) Group 1 ( names, properties, reactions) Group 0 (names, properties, reactions) Balancing Equations The Periodic Table (arrangement, groups, periods) Limestone reactions (formulae, reactions) Extracting Limestone Thermal decomposition Making mortar, cement & concrete Extracting ores The reactivity series Oxidation/ reduction of metal ores Electrolysis & phytomining to extract metals Alloys (definition, uses, structures) Alkanes & Alkenes (names, structures, properties) Fractional distillation Burning fuels (names of fuels, products and problems caused Cracking Polymers (structure, uses, smart polymers, disposal, problems) Emulsions Hydrogenation Global warming New fuels (hydrogen, ethanol, biodiesel) The structure of the Earth Continental Drift (Wegener, fossils) The atmosphere (composition today and in the past)

18 Chemistry 1 Learning Gap 1 2 3 4 5 Revised? Resources Created?
Pages in Revision Guide: 2 3 4 5

19 Chemistry 2 Checklist Topic R A G Forming Ions
Ionic Bonding (written and in diagrams) Covalent bonding (written and in diagrams) Metallic bonding (Explain using diagrams) Properties of each type of bonding Alloys (properties, structure, uses) Polymers (thermosoftening/setting-structures) Atomic Structure Mr calculations Mole calculations Percentage yield calculations Reacting masses calculations Empirical formulae calculations Analysis- (gas chromatography, mass spectrometer) Rates of reaction (factors affecting, behaviour of particles) Endothermic/Exothermic reactions Reversible reactions Acids and bases Neutralisation Making soluble salts (making and separating) Making insoluble salts (making & separating) Naming compounds Electrolysis (salt water and other metal salts)

20 Chemistry 2 Learning Gap 1 2 3 4 5 Revised? Resources Created?
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21 Chemistry 3 Checklist Topic R A G
The early periodic table (Newlands, Mendeleev) The modern periodic table (arrangement , properties) Group 1 (properties, reactions, electron arrangement) Group 7 (properties, reactions, electron arrangement) Transition metals (properties, uses, electron arrangement) Hard & soft water (ions present, effect on properties) Calorimetry Bond energy calculations Energy level diagrams Hydrogen cells Testing for anions (tests, positive results) Testing for cations (tests, positive results) Equilibria The Haber process (reactants, conditions, uses) Alcohols (functional group, uses, properties) Carboxylic acids (functional group, uses, properties) Esters (functional group, uses, properties)

22 Chemistry 3 Learning Gap 1 2 3 4 5 Revised? Resources Created?
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23 Biology

24 Biology 1 Checklist Topic R A G Healthy Diet
Health benefits of exercise Pathogens (types, infectious illnesses) Defence against disease Treating and preventing disease Preventing/controlling infection Vaccinations (how they work, why they are needed) Growing bacteria The nervous system (structure, reflex arc) Homeostasis (factors controlled, why they need to be ) The Menstrual cycle Fertility treatment (process, ethics, evaluation) Plant responses (tropisms, hormones) Developing medicinal drugs (process, ethics) Recreational drugs Plant & animal adaptations (how they help survival) Competition (inter and intra species) Pollution indicators Ecological pyramids (biomass, energy, number) The Carbon Cycle (decay, factors affecting) Genes & inheritance Cloning Genetically modified crops Evolution & natural selection (Darwin & Lamarck theories)

25 Biology 1 Learning Gap 1 2 3 4 5 Revised? Resources Created?
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26 Biology 2 Checklist Topic R A G
Animal cells (structure, functions, specialised cells) Plant cells (structure, functions, specialised cells) Bacterial & yeast cells (structure, functions) Diffusion, osmosis & active transport Specialised organs systems (plant & animal) Photosynthesis (equation, limiting factors) Growing crops (fertilisers, greenhouses, polytunnels) Collecting ecological data (quadrats, transects) Proteins (structure, shape, functions) Enzymes (uses, how they work, factors affecting) Respiration (aerobic, anaerobic, factors affecting) Exercise & respiration Cell division (mitosis, meiosis) Stem cells (uses, definition) Genes & Alleles Inheritance (diagrams, Punnett squares) Inherited illnesses Fossils (formation, evidence for evolution) Extinction (causes, evidence, link to evolution) Speciation (geographic isolation, natural section)

27 Biology 2 Learning Gap 1 2 3 4 5 Revised? Resources Created?
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28 Biology 3 Checklist Topic R A G
Diffusion, Active transport & osmosis (factors affecting) Sports drinks Exchange surfaces (villi, alveoli, placenta) Lung structure , Gas exchange & ventilation Transpiration (transpiration stream, factors affecting) The heart (structure & function) Blood vessels (names, structure, function) Blood (names of cells, function) Heart surgery (stents, artificial valves/hearts/pacemakers) Homeostasis Kidney structure/function Treating kidney diseases (transplants/dialysis) Thermoregulation (responses, negative feedback loop) Glucoregulation (hormones , negative feedback loop) Diabetes Human impact on the environment (deforestation, burning fossil fuels) Biofuels Producing biofuels via fermentation (process) Mycoprotiens Intensive farming Fishing (methods, overfishing)

29 Biology 3 Learning Gap 1 2 3 4 5 Revised? Resources Created?
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