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PIT/HIC Data Entry and Reporting

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1 PIT/HIC Data Entry and Reporting
The Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness PIT/HIC Data Entry and Reporting February 1, 2017

2 Topics for Today’s Webinar
Provider Page Set Up Data Entry Workflow PIT/HIC Reports Updating HDX Submission

3 Provider Page Set-Up

4 Standard Setup for PIT Provider Pages:
*Non-HMIS (Non-DV) ES and TH Providers – Level 3 Shell Provider *Unsheltered Provider – Level 3 *Subordinate Non-HMIS ES and TH Providers – Level 4 - Anonymous records with masked identifiers for DV entered here * Non-HMIS ES and TH projects that are not DV agencies will have data entered directly into their shell providers

5 Unsheltered and Non-HMIS ES Provider Page Configuration
PIT Provider Pages Unsheltered and Non-HMIS ES Provider Page Configuration

6 PIT Provider Pages Unsheltered and Non-HMIS ES Provider Page Configuration *Non-HMIS ES Providers will have B/U Inventory

7 PIT Provider Pages Unsheltered and Non-HMIS ES Provider Page Configuration *On the “Services” Tab set Services Quicklist

8 Unsheltered and Non-HMIS ES Provider Page Configuration
PIT Provider Pages Unsheltered and Non-HMIS ES Provider Page Configuration *On the “Display Settings” Tab assign PIT assessment to Profile, Summary, and Default assessment

9 Non-HMIS TH Provider Page Configuration
PIT Provider Pages Non-HMIS TH Provider Page Configuration Non-HMIS TH DV Provider Pages will be set up the same with the exception of: Program Type will be set to Transitional Housing Method for tracking ES will be left as “select” Service Transaction Workflow will be set to “no” PIT Assessment must also be assigned to the HUD Entry and HUD Exit in “Display Settings”

10 PIT Provider Pages Visibility: There should be no visibility set up on any PIT Provider Pages in the system. They will only be visible to persons doing data entry via EDA, or System Administrators/CoC staff with access to the top level CoC HMIS provider pages. Review both the static and dynamic visibility tabs to ensure that visibility is not set up. This includes “Global” in the Client field.

11 PIT Provider Pages ES and TH providers who already use HMIS should audit providers to ensure that all information is complete and correct. This includes: Standards Information CoC Code Bed and Unit Inventory Federal Partner Funding Sources

12 PIT Workflows

13 PIT Workflow PIT Data Entry must be done with an Agency Administrator license that is attached at the Level 3 Unsheltered PIT Page. In many cases an additional license will need to be created. Agency Admin License must have EDA access to all pages providing PIT data.

14 Unsheltered PIT Workflow
While logged in under the appropriate license, the Sys Admin or his/her designee will enter the street-count data using the following steps: Set Back Date mode to the date of the PIT Count (set time stamp to 1:00 AM or later). Set Enter Data As (EDA) to the Unsheltered PIT Count bin. Create Client Record using data collection form. Create households as applicable. Complete the PIT (MSHMIS) assessment for all literally homeless (Category 1 only) persons and their households captured on the data collection forms.

15 Unsheltered PIT Workflow
Set a Need Only as follows: Click the Service Transactions tab then click the “Add Need” icon. Choose the Need Type from the drop-down list (must be populated on PIT Bin Provider Page Service Quicklist as follows: Emergency service BH-1800 to BH ). Include all household members in Need, as applicable. Need date should be set to PIT date selected for Back Date mode. Set Status of Need to “Closed.” Set Outcome of Need to “Not Met.” Note: “If Need Not Met Reason” does not need to be set. Click “Save and Exit.”

16 Non-HMIS Emergency Shelter Workflow
Go to the shell provider bin created for the non-HMIS participating program on the system, the provider shell page where the bed and unit inventory list resides. Set Back Date mode to the date of the PIT Count (set time stamp to 1:00 AM or later). Set Enter Data As (EDA) to the appropriate ES, TH or Safe Haven PIT Count bin. Create Client Record using data collection form. Create households as applicable

17 Non-HMIS Emergency Shelter Workflow
6. Complete the PIT (MSHMIS) assessment for all literally homeless (Category 1 only) persons and their households captured on the data collection forms. 7. Add a Service (suggest via the Multiple Services button or SkanPoint). Be sure to include all applicable household members. The Service type/code is the same: Emergency Shelter/BH-1800 (or any emergency service type from BH-1800 to BH ). The Start Date of the Service is set for the PIT Count date and the End Date is set for the day after the PIT Count (PIT Date plus one day). 8. Complete need information. Need Status: Closed. Outcome of Need: Fully Met

18 Non-HMIS Transitional Housing Workflow
The Transitional Housing workflow will mirror that of the Emergency Shelter with the exception that an Entry/Exit will be created instead of a Service and Need. *Be sure to include all household members.

19 Non-HMIS Transitional Housing Workflow
When creating an exit be sure the time captures the overnight hours of the PIT

20 Domestic Violence Data Entry
DV Programs are required to participate in the 2017 PIT and eHIC process within the local communities Data entry for DV providers will follow the same basic sheltered ES or TH workflow. *Data entry for DV providers are NOT completed in the provider shell. Instead, they are entered in the level 4 ES or TH PIT pages. * All clients and their households will be entered using the anonymous client. See supplemental documentation for instructions

21 Domestic Violence Data Entry
Ages or Age Codes should be converted to the Masking DOB (see table below). Age Range Code Age Range Masking DOB 1 Ages 0 to 5 1/1/2012 2 Ages 6 to 11 1/1/2006 3 Ages 12 to 17 1/1/2000 4 Ages 18 to 23 1/1/1994 5 Ages 24 to 44 1/1/1973 6 Ages 45 to 54 1/1/1963 7 Ages 54 to 64 1/1/1953 8 Age 65+ 1/1/1950

22 HMIS Participating ES and TH Workflow
There is no specific PIT workflow for HMIS participating ES and TH projects. *Projects should be audited for data quality. *Projects should be audited for un-exited clients and/or open service transactions. *Timely data entry is essential.

23 PIT/HIC Reporting (ART)

24 PIT/HIC Reports (ART) PIT/HIC Report Location:
Public Folder> PIT/HIC Reports> Housing Inventory Count Reports or Point in Time Reports

25 PIT/HIC Reports (ART) PIT Reports
## Sheltered-Unsheltered PIT v19 (Report Manual Available) This report has been created to provide the client and household data needed to complete the sheltered and unsheltered portion of the “Homeless Populations” tab and the “Homeless Subpopulation” tab in the Annual Point-In-Time module of the HUD HDX. Clients are identified based on their project enrollment (EE) status; their shelter specific service transactions and their ShelterPoint shelter stays.

26 PIT/HIC Reports (ART) HIC Reports
## Housing Inventory Count - v14 (Report Manual Available) This report produces the HUD Housing Inventory Count required by HUD. The HIC is designed to accurately reflect each Continuum of Care’s (CoC) capacity to house homeless and formerly homeless persons. The HIC is a complete inventory of Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Safe Haven, Permanent Housing - Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Re-housing beds available in the CoC. The inventory should include all residential programs as described in HUD's HIC and PIT guidance released each year. ## HIC Supplement - v7 (Report Manual Available) This report has been created to provide the client and household data needed to complete the PIT count column of the Housing Inventory Count in the HIC module of the HUD HDX.

27 PIT/HIC Reports (ART) HIC Report Prompts:

28 PIT/HIC Reports MCAH Designed HIC Reports

29 Entering Data Into HDX

30 Entering Data Into HDX HUD HDX Website:
Be sure that CoC assigned individual has proper access to HDX. Entry into HDX can begin once data has been reviewed and corrected. CoC must approve final submission.

31 Workflow and Supporting Documents
All Information, workflow, and supporting documents are located on the MCAH website in the PIT KIT Resources section. resources

32 Qustions?? Comments?? The MCAH Staff is always here to help you with PIT/HIC questions you might have: Elizabeth Hurkman Jesse Sanderson Gerry Leslie Jill Shoemaker

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