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Learning Plan Workshop

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1 Learning Plan Workshop

2 Learning Plan Workshop Agenda
Workshop Objectives Roles and Responsibilities Types of Training Training Objectives Train the Trainer (Netsmart Led) End User Training (Client Trainer Led) Adult Learning Principles Training Requirements Audience Method/Suggested Outline

3 Learning Plan Workshop Agenda - Continued
Training Timeline Schedule Resource Requirements Sample Training Scripts Avatar PM Training Examples Avatar CWS Training Examples Evaluations Post Implementation Training Strategy

4 Workshop Objectives

5 Workshop Objectives Understand the Learning Plan and begin its creation. Understand Adult Learning Principles and best practices for training. Understand the roles and responsibilities for training. Begin to review the training scripts and how they can be used to create solution training. Begin to formulate a plan for end user training, including identifying resources, method of training and schedule. Understand the training timeline. Identify personnel for training, including solution training demo to the project team during the Go-Live Preparation event.

6 Roles & Responsibilities

7 Client Roles & Responsibilities
Learning Coordinator Complete the Learning Plan, including the Learning/Training Timeline. Identify and Coordinate Training Resources. Assign and Coordinate Training Development, including Training Scripts. Schedule Training Resources. Secure Facilities, Location and Equipment for all Training. Track and Communicate Progress Against the Learning Plan. Trainers Train end users. Create (or co-create) training. Provide Feedback for training refinement. Qualities – Patient, Knowledgeable, Respected

8 Netsmart Role & Responsibilities
Netsmart Associates Lead the Learning Workshop. Deliver Train the Trainer training. Provide and review the Training Script Templates. Collaborate with the Learning Coordinator to develop a feasible timeline and Learning Plan. Offer feedback to the trainers providing the solution training demo during the Go-Live Preparation event. Assist in order to successfully execute the learning plan objectives.

9 Types of Training

10 Train the Trainer Solutions Training Training Objectives
Ensure all trainers are adequately prepared to deliver solutions training. Demo to Project Team during Go-Live Preparation to confirm readiness for end user training. Solutions Training All users have the necessary knowledge and skills to be effective, efficient and proficient users of the solutions used in daily work activities.

11 What: When: Who: Train the Trainer
Training delivered to client to review solution training and training objectives When: Final Review & Validation Who: Netsmart: Provides training Client: Learning Coordinator and client trainers who will be providing solutions training (end user training)

12 Solutions Training (End User Training)
What: Training delivered to staff members in preparation for Go-Live When: Between the completion of Go-Live Preparation and prior to Go-Live Who: Netsmart: Support Role Client: Client trainers to demo training during Go-Live Preparation and deliver solutions training to end users

13 Adult Learning Principles

14 Adult Learning Principles
Malcolm Knowles – Theory of Adult Learning (Andragogy) Emphasizes that adults are self-directed and expect to take responsibility for decisions. Adults need to know why they need to learn something. Adults need to learn experientially. Adults approach learning as problem-solving. Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value.

15 Adult Learning Principles
Software Training Example by Knowles Need to explain why specific things are being taught (e.g., certain commands, functions, operations, etc.) Instruction should be task-oriented instead of memorization - learning activities should be in the context of common tasks to be performed. Instruction should take into account the wide range of different backgrounds of learners; learning materials and activities should allow for different levels/types of previous experience with computers. Since adults are self-directed, instruction should allow learners to discover things for themselves, providing guidance and help when mistakes are made. References Knowles, M. (1975). Self-Directed Learning. Chicago: Follet. Knowles, M. (1984). The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species (3rd Ed.). Houston: Gulf Publishing. Knowles, M. (1984). Andragogy in Action. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

16 Adult Learning Principles
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. ~Confucius c.450 BC

17 Adult Learning Principles
Types of Learning Styles Auditory Learn through listening (lectures, discussions) Written information has little meaning Visual Learning through seeing (demonstrations, diagrams, handouts) Instructor’s body language/facial expressions help in learning process Tactile or Kinesthetic Learn by doing, touching (hands-on activities) Want to explore Combination Good instruction should combine auditory, visual and tactile Retention increases when learning involves more senses and activities Reference FEMA/CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Basic Train-the-Trainer Training

18 Training Requirements

19 Training Audience Training Category Breakdown
Ensures all staff is adequately trained for their role in the organization. Ensures correct personnel are chosen to train those end users. Table provided in Learning Plan to list the Training Category, End User Roles in that category and any Comments. Training Category End User Roles Comments Ex: Clinical Staff Ex: Nursing, SW, Psychiatrists CWS, Order Entry

20 Training Method/Suggested Outline
Traditional Face-to-Face Training in Classroom Setting Minimizes distractions Allows for more users to be training at one time Users can learn from each other’s questions Suggested Outline Introduction Learning Objectives Solutions Training demo Hands-on Exercises Assessment for Learning Confirmation Exceptions/Misc. Items in Solution Workflow Hands-on Exercises if applicable Question/Answer Session Summary Training Evaluation

21 Training Timeline

22 Update Policies & Procedures
Santa Cruz County Proposed Project Timeline 4 wks 12 wks 6 wks 16 wks Nov 20 2014 Dec 18 2014 March 11 2015 July Sept 28 2015 Oct 26 2015 Nov 23 2015 Jan 1 2015 May 1 2016 Project Management Office Oversight Data Collection Design Build End-User Training Unit Test System Test Int. Testing Identify Improvement and Optimization Opportunities Test Script Dev 10 Wks Train 6 Wks Syst Test 6 Wks DC1 4 Wks Client Train Mat. Dev 10 Wks INT 2 Wk DC2 8 Wks Client Site Netsmart Legend Quality Control Client Owned Netsmart Owned DC3 16 Wks Rev 1 Wk Bld/Test1 4 Wks Netsmart Bld/Test2 4 Wks Bld/Test3 4 Wk Update Policies & Procedures

23 Training Timeline Considerations
A detailed timeline needs to be developed to ensure all steps in the Learning Plan are met. Items include: Train the Trainer Training Script Development Demo to Project Team Finalization of Training Materials Training schedule timeline Other Resource Items to Consider Number of People to Train, including Multiple Shifts (If Applicable) Number of Training Scripts Needed Facilities and/or Equipment Constraints Trainer Availability Staff Availability

24 Training Timeline Considerations
Utilize the Training Activity Table in the Learning Plan map out deliverables and completion dates Training Activity Completion Date Learning Workshop MM/DD/YYYY  Train the Trainer  Training Script Development  Demo to Project Team (Go-Live Preparation)  MM/DD/YYYY  Finalization of Training Materials  End User Training  Other Activities

25 Sample Training Scripts

26 Sample Training Scripts
Library of Sample Training Scripts Available Use to piece together workflow for your site Steps are in place but may need modified based on specific workflow needs Placeholders in place for screenshots Can be used for training as well as job aids or other training materials deemed necessary

27 Other Training Considerations
Evaluations Critical to Ensure Training is Effective Types of Evaluations: Assessments during training Surveys after training Observations post go-live Post Implementation Training Strategy Need strategy for future hires New Workflow Implementations, Software Changes Analysis of evaluations may find potential need for supplemental training or job aids

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