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KT electronics cases Tiago Araújo Knowledge Transfer Officer

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2 KT electronics cases Tiago Araújo Knowledge Transfer Officer
Business Development Section Knowledge Transfer Group CERN

3 Outline NINO MMS FEAST2 Opt. GEM GBTx Description
Technical Specifications / Features Applications Licenses

4 An ultra-fast differential amplifier-discriminator
NINO Description of the Technology An ultra-fast differential amplifier-discriminator

5 Intellectual Property
NINO Intellectual Property Developed at CERN under LAA project Front-end electronics ALICE TOF detector Used for time-of-flight measurements for particle vertex reconstruction in the ALICE experiment of the LHC collider. NINO32 channels version, NINO board CERN owns 100% the intellectual property Protected by Know-how

6 NINO Innovative Features Low noise-large bandwidth input stage;
Adjustable discriminator threshold; Adjustable input impedance; Low delay in the amplification and high slew rate;

7 Technical Specifications
NINO Technical Specifications 0.25um CMOS technology Size: 2 x 4 mm2 # channels: 8 Power supply: 2.5 V Peaking time: 1 ns Input signal range: [100fC, 2pC] Noise: < 5000 e- rms Threshold: [10fC, 100fC] Front edge time jitter: < 25ps rms Power consumption: 30mW/channel Differential input impedance: [40W, 75 W] Rate: > 10 MHz

8 NINO Applications Life Sciences Medical imaging Material research
R&D licenses in Germany, UK, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Romania, China, …

9 NINO Licenses Beijing Normal University University of Glasgow
2 1 4 6 7 Beijing Normal University University of Glasgow University of Physics SAS, Slovakia IFINHH (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering), Romania 2 1 5 LIP, Portugal Universitat Politecnica Catalunya INFN (Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Italy LPCCAEN , France VECC (Variable Energy Cyclotron) India University of Delhi, India STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Stanford Medicine, Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics - India

10 MMS: Automatic Memory Management System
Description of the technology MMS: Automatic Memory Management System Programmable devices store configurations and/or the main application code in non-volatile memory. Harsh conditions, such as extreme temperatures or ionising radiation, can corrupt the configuration, leading to a system malfunction. At CERN we have a huge need of high robustness electronics, mainly in the redouts, and all the electronics that goes inside the caverns and tunnels. there's twousands of FPGA's working permanently and we cant afford an error on a sigle one that would compromise the overal LHC run.

11 Technical Specifications
MMS Technical Specifications CERN developed a new multiple memory configuration circuit, which solves this problem and increases the reliability of a programmable system located in harsh environments. The new system can identify and bypass a corrupted memory, ensuring continuous access to the information stored. Automatic System recovery System update Damage mode triggering

12 Dissemination Strategy Spectrum
MMS Intellectual Property Dissemination Strategy Spectrum Patent Electronic Schematics Industrial Secret OHL v1.2 We‘ve identified several technologies with implementations of similar concepts. However, the disclosures do not explicitly define a second, physically separate memory chip but in most cases appear to utilise redundant memory bits of the same memory. The simplicity of the solution makes it difficult to protect it via industrial secret, in a potential transfer. Implementing the technology in an ASIC could be an option.

13 MMS Applications * From CERN-NTU Screening Week, Multi-memory management system

14 FEAST2 Description With this spatial resolution it is possible to:
The R&D effort to develop DCDC converters for applications in High Energy Physics, with specific emphasis on the upgrade of LHC detectors, started at CERN around In 2008, the project was formally defined and approved by the PH management, and received also support from the EU as part of the FP7 SLHC-PP program. Work concentrated mainly on the development of a radiation-tolerant ASIC embedding both the power switches and the control circuitry, and on its integration on a DCDC module satisfying the EMC requirements of the low-noise HEP detectors at LHC. In 2013, all the different aspects of the project have reached sufficient maturity to enable the preparation of series production. Positive and negative DCDC converter modules can now be provided to the LHC experiments. They are built around a buck converter ASIC With this spatial resolution it is possible to: Map volume for charge collection (depletion width) Map collection time of charge carriers (calculation of mobilities) Discriminate regions for drift and diffusion of charge carriers (carrier dynamics) Calculate doping concentration of bulk, implants... (device reverse engineering) We have an updated figure (see attached) It is centered and cropped. The DNW length is ~100 um, depth is ~ 5 um. Plot shows collection time (travelling time of slowest carrier). Histogram is limited to 20 ns to increase the contrast.

15 Technical Specifications
FEAST2 Technical Specifications Features Input voltage range 5 to 12V Continuous 4A load capability Integrated Power N-channel MOSFETs Adjustable switching frequency 1-3MHz Synchronous Buck topology with continuous mode operation High bandwidth feedback loop (150KHz) for good transient performance Over-Current protection Under-voltage lockup Over-Temperature protection Power Good output Enable Input Selectable Power Transistor size (5/5th or 2/5th) for improved efficiency at small loads (<600mA) Radiation tolerant, magnetic field tolerant With this spatial resolution it is possible to: Map volume for charge collection (depletion width) Map collection time of charge carriers (calculation of mobilities) Discriminate regions for drift and diffusion of charge carriers (carrier dynamics) Calculate doping concentration of bulk, implants... (device reverse engineering) We have an updated figure (see attached) It is centered and cropped. The DNW length is ~100 um, depth is ~ 5 um. Plot shows collection time (travelling time of slowest carrier). Histogram is limited to 20 ns to increase the contrast.

16 FEAST2 Applications Point Of Load in distributed power systems where either radiation tolerance or magnetic field tolerance, or both, are required. With this spatial resolution it is possible to: Map volume for charge collection (depletion width) Map collection time of charge carriers (calculation of mobilities) Discriminate regions for drift and diffusion of charge carriers (carrier dynamics) Calculate doping concentration of bulk, implants... (device reverse engineering) We have an updated figure (see attached) It is centered and cropped. The DNW length is ~100 um, depth is ~ 5 um. Plot shows collection time (travelling time of slowest carrier). Histogram is limited to 20 ns to increase the contrast.

17 GBTx Description The GBTX is a radiation tolerant chip that can be used to implement multipurpose high speed ( Gb/s user bandwidth) bidirectional optical links for high- energy physics experiments. It is a highly flexible link interface chip with a large number of programmable options to enable its efficient use in a large variety of front-end applications With this spatial resolution it is possible to: Map volume for charge collection (depletion width) Map collection time of charge carriers (calculation of mobilities) Discriminate regions for drift and diffusion of charge carriers (carrier dynamics) Calculate doping concentration of bulk, implants... (device reverse engineering) We have an updated figure (see attached) It is centered and cropped. The DNW length is ~100 um, depth is ~ 5 um. Plot shows collection time (travelling time of slowest carrier). Histogram is limited to 20 ns to increase the contrast.

18 Optical Readout GEM Description
The Optical readout GEM is the combination between the principle of the Gas Electron Multiplier coupled with a CCD camera to record the light emitted during the electron avalanche, using the detector as a scintillating plate. The usage of the CCD camera combined with the advance of the precision mechanics enables the very high flexibility controlling the detection area and the overall size and dimensions of the detector. With this spatial resolution it is possible to: Map volume for charge collection (depletion width) Map collection time of charge carriers (calculation of mobilities) Discriminate regions for drift and diffusion of charge carriers (carrier dynamics) Calculate doping concentration of bulk, implants... (device reverse engineering) We have an updated figure (see attached) It is centered and cropped. The DNW length is ~100 um, depth is ~ 5 um. Plot shows collection time (travelling time of slowest carrier). Histogram is limited to 20 ns to increase the contrast. UV imaging, Neutron Imaging, ƴ - imaging, X-ray crystallography (1-15keV, extendable). In terms of timing it can be: i) single event; ii) integrating mode; iii) continuous mode.

19 Optical Readout GEM Applications For whom?
The setup of the planispherical GEM is both light-weight and small in size, making it ideal for on-site real time analysis, like: Material analysis, characterisation and evaluation Quality control Safety and security For whom? Gas and oil industry; Pharma; Cosmetics; Jewelry industries; With this spatial resolution it is possible to: Map volume for charge collection (depletion width) Map collection time of charge carriers (calculation of mobilities) Discriminate regions for drift and diffusion of charge carriers (carrier dynamics) Calculate doping concentration of bulk, implants... (device reverse engineering) We have an updated figure (see attached) It is centered and cropped. The DNW length is ~100 um, depth is ~ 5 um. Plot shows collection time (travelling time of slowest carrier). Histogram is limited to 20 ns to increase the contrast.

20 ? Questions

21 NINO Licences and scope: additional info
Beijing Normal University (2014) - development of readout electronics for arrays of silicon photomultipliers to be used in time- resolved fluorescence spectroscopy LIP, Portugal (2015) – CMS TOTEM Universitat Politecnica Catalunya (2015) – development of a LIDAR camera for 3D imaging through TOF technique University of Glasgow (2014) – new focal plane hodoscope University of Physics SAS, Slovakia (2014) – position sensitive scintillator

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