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Linux on the desktop: The ubuntu phenomenon and the GNOME project.

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Presentation on theme: "Linux on the desktop: The ubuntu phenomenon and the GNOME project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paolo Borelli <>
Linux on the desktop: The ubuntu phenomenon and the GNOME project. Paolo Borelli

2 Linux on the Desktop The “Year of the linux desktop” myth Desktop?
Laptop Webtop Appliances Virtualization

3 Rise of Ubuntu Most popular desktop distribution according to distrowatch First distribution preinstalled on DELL

4 Brief History of Ubuntu
Created by Mark Shuttleworth in 2004 Technical Board Community Council Local Community Teams ubuntu-it Commercial support by Canonical

5 Standing on the shoulders of giants
Based on Debian Security & Stability “Upstream” collaboration GNOME Xorg

6 Latest and Greatest Release every 6 months 18 months support
Long Term Support releases Coordination with the upstream projects allows inclusion of the latest technologies

7 Key to Success Free of Charge ship-it service Focus on end users
Hardware support out of the box WiFi, Laptop suspend&resume, ... Creation of a community

8 Choice is good, making choices is better
Ubuntu made some radical choices: GNOME Python Debian At the same time it encourages derivatives Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu, ...

9 GNOME symbiosis GNOME is the default “face” of ubuntu and played a key role in its success Ubuntu Success in turn had a great influence on GNOME However there is a stronger relation between the two projects: Methodologies (Time based releases) Some of the core developers

10 GNOME Desktop Environment
Started in 1997 by Miguel de Icaza and Federico Mena Quintero 1.0 in 1999 2.0 in 2002 Today: GNOME 2.20

11 Behind GNOME GNOME Foundation GNOME Advisory Board


13 GNOME Today

14 What Changed Mindset: Usability, Accessibility, sane defaults Target:
Not only UNIX gurus should enjoy a free desktop Technologies: GTK+ 2, D-Bus, Gstreamer, drop CORBA, ...

15 Working Out of the Box Default values matter Autodetection
Proper system integration HAL NetworkManager PolicyKit

16 Usability Interaction design Usability Testing Sun usability study HIG: Gnome Human Interface Guidelines Consistency Discoverability Full keyboard navigation

17 Accessibility Make the desktop usable to people with disabilities
Assistive Technologies screen reader – ORCA, LSR screen magnifier – Gnopernicus onscreen keyboards – GOK, Dasher ATK – Accessibility ToolKit

18 Internationalization
GNOME is currently translated in: 48 supported languages ( > 80% strings) 135 languages

19 Internationalization
GNOME (Pango) is able to render most of the world languages

20 Internationalization
GNOME Applications automatically switch to RTL (Right to Left) layout

21 GNOME Development Platform
Complete library framework Gtk+, glib, atk, cairo, pango, gstreamer, ... language bindings LGPL license standards

22 GNOME Development Platform
Applications C C Python Other GTK+ Pango Cairo Atk GStreamer X GLib D-bus

23 Applications Suite Desktop Environment
File Manager, Control Center, Window Manager,... Search Tools (beagle, tracker) Productivity Communications (Evolution, Epiphany) Abiword, Gnumeric, glom, GIMP, Inkscape Integration with OpenOffice and Firefox adoption of GNOME technologies and guidelines

24 Multimedia GStreamer Audio/Video Framework
Pluggable support for every media format PulseAudio Modern Sound Server

25 Appliances Network Everywhere Desktop is here to stay
Where are we going? Appliances Network Everywhere Desktop is here to stay

26 Embedded Gnome Mobile and Embedded (GMAE)
Coordinates efforts of people and companies using GNOME technologies in embedded appliances Promote free software and standardization Ensure interoperability Ubuntu Mobile Ubuntu derivative for mobile internet devices Development kit in the main ubuntu distribution Collaboration with GMAE, Intel, Nokia

27 Nokia/Maemo Nokia N770 N800 N810 Maemo Platform
Linux, GTK+, D- Bus, gnome-vfs, ...

28 Intel MID (Mobile Internet Device)

29 ACCESS ACCESS Linux Platform Native Apllications Garnet OS
Java Application Garnet OS (formerly Palm) VM for Nokia Tablets

30 OpenMoko Neo1973 (developer edition) Linux Xorg MatchBox Gtk+

31 OLPC XO Laptop SUGAR Interface Journal

32 GNOME Online Desktop Integrating online services directly into the desktop, not through the web browser A stateless system Store file and settings online, every system is your system

33 Web Services GNOME as a service provider Mugshot
Online collaboration

34 Third party services gmail, flickr, facebook, google-documents
No Agenda: take advantage of the best of the Internet "Freedom" considerations

35 Thanks!

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