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Jean-Yves Prado CNES Toulouse France

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1 Jean-Yves Prado CNES Toulouse France
French Assets Jean-Yves Prado CNES Toulouse France

2 Models and Data centers
SALAMMBO ONERA Radiation belts modelling FROMAGE Paris Observatory/Ecole Polytechnique Solar magnetic field extrapolation(s) DTM GRGS Atmospheric model Transcar CESR/LPG Thermosphere/ionosphere coupling IMM CESR Ionosphere/magnetosphere coupling Data Centers CDPP CESR Plasma Physics Bass 2000 OMP/LESIA Solar observations from ground MEDOC IAS Solar observations from space ESWW French assets Brugge, 16 November, 2009

3 Space Assets Space missions Space borne Instrumentation PICARD CNES/
LATMOS Solar physics /Climate DEMETER CNES/LPCEE Ionospheric studies Space borne Instrumentation Many missions CNRS/Universities Many laboratories SOHO/STEREO/ CLUSTER/THEMIS… CEA presently operational ONERA ESWW French assets Brugge, 16 November, 2009

4 ESWW6 French assets Brugge, 16 November, 2009

5 Under national Funding
Ground assets Under national Funding Nançay Radio Heliograph and Spectrographs radio bursts, flares, CME onsets Neutron Monitors (Terre-Adélie and Kerguelen) FP7 support for Data Base Aussaguel Ground Station CNES STEREO space weather beacon reception CLIMSO (Pic du Midi) coronograh (CME onsets, eruptive prominences) Spectro Heliograph Meudon systematic observations at optical wavelengths THEMIS solar observatory solar magnetic fields Observatory in Tenerife Spain Contributions to international assets SuperDARN Network of Coherent Radars Ionospheric convection EISCAT Ionospheric density, temperature, velocity + TEC (radars) ESWW French assets Brugge, 16 November, 2009

6 ESWW6 French assets Brugge, 16 November, 2009

7 SuperDARN ESWW French assets Brugge, 16 November, 2009

8 Services SIEVERT Meudon radiation doses for aeronautics Previsol CLS
Ionospheric scintillations, orbitography, SPEs SIIG LATMOS Geophysical Indices ESWW French assets Brugge, 16 November, 2009

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