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Cessna Aircraft Differences Training.

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1 Cessna Aircraft Differences Training

2 Objectives / Content Summarize key differences among models in CAP’s Cessna aircraft fleet in terms of: General Description Aerodynamics (speeds) Weight Limitations Training Requirements General Differences Techniques

3 The information in this briefing is intended to serve as a departure point for discussion during CAP flight evaluations and transition training. It should not be interpreted or used as a substitute for the detailed information provided in the Airplane Flying Manual or Pilot’s Operating Handbook for each aircraft model.

4 General Description Aircraft Information C172P C182T C185F C206
Horsepower 180 230 300 Propeller Fixed Controllable Cowl Flaps No Yes Usable Fuel Capacity 40/50/62* 87 gal 84 gal Electrical 24 volts Landing Gear Tricycle Tail Wheel Seating Capacity 4 6 *Standard Tanks-40 Gal / Long Range-50 Gal / Integral-62 Gal

5 Aerodynamics KIAS C172P C182T C185F C206 Rotation 55 59 ?? 56 Vx 62 65
76 70 Vy 73 80 90 86 Va 105 110 (3100#) 117 (3350#) 125 (3600 #) Vno 127 140 149 Vne 158 175 184 180 Landing-Flaps Up 65-75 70-80 75-85 Landing-Flaps Down 60-70 Xwind (knots) 15 20

6 Weight Limitations Weights* C172P C182T C185F C206 Take Off 2550 3100
3350 3600 Landing 2950 Nominal Useful Load* 905 1052 1400 1300 * Useful load varies, check the aircraft’s weight and balance for specific data

7 Training Requirements
Qualifications C172P C182T C185F C206 Form 5 Yes Yes* 100 Hrs Total Time (other than solo pilot) No High Performance Endorsement Tail Wheel Endorsement *60-1 Notes: 3-4-d: To renew tailwheel airplanes, the flight evaluation model flown must be a tailwheel airplane. 3-6-5: Tailwheel Airplanes – 25 hours and 50 take-offs & landings in tailwheel airplanes. 3-7-a-3: CAP Solo Pilot- For C182 airplanes, 25 (including cross wind, short, soft and simulated engine failure) dual take-offs & landings with a CAP instructor in a C182 airplane prior to solo.

8 General Differences – C182
Heavier on the controls then the C-172 Normally configured with flaps at 10 degrees for takeoff – – allows for easier rotation and less “pull” on the yoke Considerably more “nose heavy,” thus requiring more back pressure on landing. Takeoff weight can be higher than maximum landing weight Slips are to be avoided in varied C-172/185 models in certain flap settings – check the specific POH.

9 General Differences – C206
Heavier controls: Similar in feel to the 182, but larger, heavier Longer nose: Limited visibility over the nose in the landing flare Landing attitude: Far more tail low than 172 or tendency is to land nose wheel first or three point

10 General Differences – C206
Engine: Discuss engine operation for turbocharger Fuel injection vs carbureted engines Flaps: Flap interrupt switch How to open cargo door if flaps are extended Gear: Spring steel gear tends to vibrate in flight

11 Technique – C206 Taxi: Landing:
Keep taxi speeds low in gusty/crosswinds Minimize use of flaps while taxiing Landing: Proper technique for recovery from a bounce is imperative Use caution on landing rollout to maintain directional control and avoid over braking Avoid configuration changes during the landing rollout: wait until clear of the runway before retracting wing flaps and opening cowl flaps to reduce distractions during a critical phase

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