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3D computer vision techniques

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1 3D computer vision techniques
KH Wong 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

2 Seminar Title: 3D computer vision techniques.
Abstract In this talk, the ideas of obtaining 3D information of objects (or called 3D reconstruction) using different techniques are discussed. One popular approach is the image feature based method that uses 2D camera. In particular 3D reconstruction methods based on one-image, two-image and multiple-image are discussed. Moreover, batch and sequential treatments of input data are studied. I will also talk about novel techniques, such as using multiple cameras and laser based methods to obtain 3D information. And I will discuss how 3D computer vision is used in film and game production. Finally naked-eye 3D display technologies will be mentioned. 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

3 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Overview (part1) Introduction and motivation From 2D to 3D Camera systems/calibration What are the problems to be solved: pose estimation and structure from motion SFM Feature extraction/correspondence Reconstruction algorithms 1 view, 2 views, 3 views , N views (i) Batch method: slow (ii) sequential method : fast Real-time algorithms/Kalman filter Direct 3D approach using 3D scanners Projector-camera systems Applications example Recent project Wearable glasses Calibration of Multiple Kinect Depth Sensors for Full Surface Model Reconstruction Robot Avatar: a virtual tourism robot for people with disabilities An efficient 3-D environment scanning method 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

4 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Overview (part 2) Applications Photos from tourists (photo tourism) 3D displays Possible future research Classification based on 3D information Content search 3D based on 3D keys Merging with sound information 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

5 Introduction and motivation
We live in a 3D world We see 2D images but perceive the world in 3D Intelligent robot should have this 3D reconstruction capability 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

6 How to obtain 3D information?
Cameras-2D Range sensors-3D 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

7 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Challenges Obtain 3D information for tasks in a 3D world. 2D-to-3D reconstruction from a camera 3D directly— laser range sensor, kinect sensor Novel sensors Camera array/ multiple camera One pixel camera light field camera 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

8 From 2D to 3D: 2D-to-3D reconstruction (feature based method)
Camera (perspective projection) Features-extraction and correspondences Methods One-image method Two-image (Stereo) method Three-image method N-image method Bundle adjustment Kalman filter 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

9 Camera system: 3D to 2D projection
Camera system: 3D to 2D projection Pinhole Camera Perspective model u=F*X/Z (nonlinear relation) v=F*Y/Z Virtual Screen or CCD sensor World center Y v F Z F Real Screen Or CCD sensor Thin lens or a pin hole 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

10 Perspective Projective
World Coordinates Yw Zw Rc,Tc Xw Model Mx at t=1 c (Image center, ox,oy) F=focal length image Oc= (0,0,0) (Camera center) Xc-axis Zc-axis Yc-axis v-axis u-axis X,Y,Z Camera Coordinates. (u,v) Principal axis (0,0) of image plane 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

11 Define: Pose and model structure
y z Based on the reference coordinate system Model: Mx is a feature point, the model of Mx is the 3D position of Mx. Pose of the camera: Pose of image 1 is R1,T1. pose of camera2 is RF2,T2 etc. x The reference coronate Mx Object M v1 [u,v]1 v2 v3 [u,v]2 vm O1 Image t=1 [u,v]3 [u,v]m R1,T1 Image t=2 Image t=3 Image t=m O2 Om Rm,Tm R2,T2 O3 3D computer vision techniques v.6f Camera motion R3,T3

12 What are the problems to be solved ?
Assume you have a set of images taken by a moving camera (e.g. a video by a motiving camera) Pose estimation and Assume the model (3D positions of each feature point) of the object is known, from the sequence of images of the object find the pose (rotation R and translation T ) of each camera position. Structure from motion (SfM) From the sequence of images of the object find (i) the pose (rotation R and translation T ) of each camera position and (ii) also the model (3D positions of each feature point) of the object. 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

13 3D perception In paintings
3D computer vision techniques v.6f 3D perception In paintings Western:Fresco by Raphael, , Stanza della Signatura, Vatican Palace, Rome. Chinese: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains (富春山居圖) by Huang Gongwang (1269–1354) -- 《富春山居圖》是元朝畫家黃公望的作品,創作於1347年至1350年

14 Camera calibration of a camera
To find the camera parameters Focal length (f) , CCD alignment position (Ox,Oy) etc. Method: Take pictures of a known object (calibration object, e.g. checker board) at different positions Use mathematical method to find focal length etc. Popular tool: MATLAB camera calibration toolbox, or OPENCV cam cal tool 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

15 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Features extraction & correspondence --Camera moved, find correspondences for neighboring images --We can use feature to identify the motions of projected 3D features in 2D. Area a Image at t=t0+dt, (or right image) Image at t=t0 (or left image)

16 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
The Harris algorithm for feature extraction ref: %For each N(x,y) %in the 12x12 neighborhood image N(x,y) For (i=1, i<=12 i++) { For (j=1, j<=12 j++) { find I(i,j)/x %convolve I(i,j) with x_edge mask I(i,j) /y %convolve I(i,j) with y_edge mask } % then find a 2x2 matrix A(x,y) for N(x,y) The 12x12 window N(x,y) (i=1,j=1) (x,y) i=12,j=12 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

17 Demo : feature extraction and tracking
Youtube Moviehttp:// 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

18 2D-to-3D reconstruction
One-image 2D-to-3D reconstruction 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

19 One image 2D-to-3D reconstruction method
Difficult and with ambiguity 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

20 Photometric stereo method: One image 2D-to-3D
Using prior knowledge (e.g. face) The idea: Position the light source at different directions. The normal vector of the object surface at each pixel can be found by the reflected intensity. Based on the normal vectors, find the 3D model of the whole object Hassner Basri - Example Based 3D Reconstruction from Single 2D Images.pdf 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

21 2D-to-3D reconstruction
Two-image 2D-to-3D reconstruction 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

22 Two-image 2D-to-3D reconstruction method: stereo vision
Objectives: Basic idea of stereo vision Stereo reconstruction by epipolar geometry Stereo camera pair calibration (find Fundamental matrix F) Construct the 3D (graphic) model from 2 images Inside a computer Graphic model 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

23 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Two-view stereo vision method with parallel cameras: If camera motion is pure translation: Triangular calculation X’l X’r Focal Length f Object Px(x,y,z) z Left camera center (reference point) Horizontal Disparity=xL-xR b (Baseline) Left Camera Principle axis Right Image plane By similar triangle, w.r.t left camera lens center By similar triangle, w.r.t right camera lens center 3D computer vision techniques v.6f One major problem is to locate x’l and x’r The correspondence problem

24 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
If camera motion is NOT pure translation (with some rotation) : Use Epipolar Geometry X Right_image_pointT*E*left_image_point=0 Left side is the reference Plane-3 3 Perpendicular to TX2 or TX1 (x2,y2) Right epipolar line Left epipolar line (x1,y1) left Frame Plane-1 1 right Frame Plane-2 2 O2 O1 e1 e2 R,T Focal length=f1 Base line=||T|| Focal length=f2 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

25 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Method: 8-point algorithm Ref: Find 8 point corresponded ( Map 8 Right_image_points to left_image_point Solve the epeiolar formula Right_image_pointT*E*left_image_point=0 Find E. From E we can find camera R (rotation) ,T (translation) From R,T we can find model (3D positions of the left feature points (using left as reference) Details see 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

26 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
The 8-point algorithm idea Output of demo_stereo5i_for_ex4.m, from Cam1 (reference) Epipolar lines and epipole at cam2 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

27 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Example stereo images with epipolar lines The epipolar lines of each image will join at the epipole e (it may be outside the image frame) Real image example Left Right RANSAC idea: Random select 8 point pairs (corresponding point pairs) find their Fundamental matrix (Rotation (R) and translation (T) between cameras) , Use voting to find final results to reduce noise. Then use R,T to reconstruct the 3D positions of these feature points 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

28 An example of stereo reconstruction
Short-Baseline Stereo Systems for Mobile Devices 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

29 Stereo-based Free-space Estimation
Another example 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

30 Stereo hardware approach
Qualcomm Research Stereo camera pair 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

31 2D-to-3D reconstruction
Three-image 2D-to-3D reconstruction 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

32 Three-image 2D-to-3D reconstruction method
More robust using 3 views It contains 3 epipolar relations Stereo1: view1,2 , Stereo2: view2,3, Stereo3 :view 3,1. Combine 3 epipolar geometry information together. Similar to the algorithm in stereo / epipolar geometry method but (apply 3 times, each for a stereo pair) M=3-D model point M, m’, m” are image points C,C’,C” are camera centers 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

33 Example of 3-image reconstruction
LIBVISO: Feature Matching for Visual Odometry 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

34 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
N-image 2D-to-3D reconstruction (i) Batch method: slow (ii) sequential method : fast Real-time algorithms/Kalman filter 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

35 Batched method: order of images can be random
Use all images collected for reconstruction Order of images is not important From measurement [u,v]I find X X v1 [u,v]1 v2 v3 [u,v]2 vm O1 Image t=1 [u,v]3 R1,T1 [u,v]m Image t=2 Image t=3 Image t=m Om O2 Rm,Tm R2,T2 O3 3D computer vision techniques v.6f R3,T3 Camera motion

36 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
(i) Batch method: N-image 2D-to-3D Use all images collected for reconstruction Procedure Feature extraction, Run bundle adjustment Result in 3D Details in 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

37 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
N-image ii) sequential method : fast Real-time algorithms/Kalman filter 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

38 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Sequential method: order of images is used, it cannot be random. E.g. use a video as the input Each time only consider one new input image So it is faster and can run in real time X v1 [u,v]1 v2 v3 [u,v]2 vm O1 Image t=1 [u,v]3 R1,T1 [u,v]m Image t=2 Image t=3 Image t=m Om O2 Rm,Tm R2,T2 O3 3D computer vision techniques v.6f R3,T3 Camera motion

39 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Kalman Filter Prediction Correction The Kalman filter has two stages: Prediction stage and correction stage. I will use an example to demonstrate how Kalman filter work. pictures by Ko Hoi Fung 3D computer vision techniques v.6f 39 39

40 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Kalman filter example t’ = 1: Position = x1’ Velocity = v1’ x1’ = v0 * t + x0 Prediction t = 0: Position = x0 Velocity = v0 t = 1: Position = x1 Let position and velocity be the state. Usually, not all the states can be measured or observed. Assume the car is moving in 1D and its acceleration is constant. Also, we can only measure the position of the car. Also assume the initial state is x0 and v0. Then Kalman filter will make a prediction of the state at next time frame according to the current state Since the car has a constant acceleration, we can find a linear relation between the position and the velocity. We measure the position the car at the next time frame. This measurement will be used to update the Kalman filter so that the prediction will get better in the next frame if the filter converge. States: Position Velocity Measurements: Update 3D computer vision techniques v.6f 40 40

41 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Example Hernan Badino and Takeo Kanade: "A Head-Wearable Short-Baseline Stereo System for the Simultaneous Estimation of Structure and Motion". IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), Nara, Japan, June 2011 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

42 Novel sensors : Camera array/ Multiple camera systems
Camera array/ multiple camera: High Performance Imaging - Using Large Camera Array 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

43 The Self-Reconfigurable Camera Array
Each camera Demo movie MOV 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

44 Direct 3D approach using 3D scanners: the Microsoft Kinect or Polhemus
Polhemus 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

45 Projector-camera systems
Application of computer vision 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

46 A Projector-Camera system
3D computer vision techniques v.6f

47 Projector-Camera calibration
3D computer vision techniques v.6f

48 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Our setup 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

49 Calibration procedure
3D computer vision techniques v.6f

50 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Quadrangle tracking 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

51 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Experiments 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

52 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Projection result 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

53 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Results 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

54 Hand held direct manipulation 3D Display
3D computer vision techniques v.6f

55 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Keystone correction Configuration 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

56 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Aim of this work Desired Results Keystoned projection Corrected projection 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

57 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Overview Three major modules Projector-camera pair calibration Projection region detection and tracking Automatic keystone correction Flow chart 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

58 Pre-warp projection image
Pre-warped projection image Display result 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

59 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Keystone correction Some real correction results 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

60 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Application examples and demos 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

61 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Photo tourism Youtube 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

62 3D computer vision Applications
3D models from images Game development Robot navigation 3G Mobile phone applications, Location systems User input 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

63 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Demo A1: 3D reconstruction (see also (Click picture to see movie) Grand Canyon Demo Flask Robot 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

64 Demo A2: augmented reality (Click picture to see movie)
Augmented reality demo 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

65 Demo A3 Projector camera system (PROCAM) Click pictures to see movies
CVPR 09 A Projector-based Movable Hand-held Display System VRCAI09:A Hand-held 3D Display System that facilities direct manipulation of 3D virtual objects 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

66 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Demo A4 Flexible projected surface 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

67 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Demo A5 3-D display without the use of spectacles. 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

68 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Demo A6 Spherical projected surface for 3D viewing without spectacles. 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

69 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Demo A7 A KEYSTONE-FREE HAND-HELD MOBILE PROJECTION 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

70 Recent computer vision projects
Wearable glasses Calibration of Multiple Kinect Depth Sensors for Full Surface Model Reconstruction Robot Avatar: a virtual tourism robot for people with disabilities An efficient 3-D environment scanning method 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

71 1)Project 1: Wearable glasses
Can see through the display Overlay text/images with the surroundings 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

72 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Project 2: Calibration of Multiple Kinect Depth Sensors for Full Surface Model Reconstruction 2016 the first International Workshop on Pattern Recognition (IWPR 2016) Tokyo, Japan during May 11-13, Kwan Pang Tsuia, Kin Hong Wongb*, Changling Wanga, Ho Chuen Kamb, Hing Tuen Yaub, and Ying Kin Yu aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong bDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

73 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Overview Objectives Theory Implementation Results Conclusion 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

74 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Objectives Investigate different methods to calibrate a 3-D scanning system consisting of multiple Kinect sensors Reconstruct the full surface model of an object 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

75 3D Scanning Sensor Types
Laser Very Accurate Expensive ( up to US$50,000) Bulky LED Accurate Mid-range price ( > US$ 2000) Infra-red Microsoft Kinect, Structure Sensor Cheap ( US$100~200) Less accurate 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

76 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Motivations 3-D scanning is important in many scientific and industrial applications 3-D scanners are consumer grade products which are available at low cost Previous work: Single Kinect to move around the object to obtain result -- Relatively difficult to be handled and carried out perfectly Iterative Closest Point (ICP) Kinect Fusion Target surface too smooth Identifiable features too little 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

77 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Theory for method 1 Calibrate the pose between Kinect J and K first. Then K and L etc. Kinect L Kinect M Move the sphere and take samples Kinect J Kinect K 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

78 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Theory for method 1 Overview of the system Method 1 : Using Sphere as a calibration object (Staranowicz et. al. paper) 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

79 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Theory for method 2 Calibrate the pose between Kinect J and K first. Then K and L etc. Kinect M Kinect L Move the checker board and take samples Kinect J Kinect K 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

80 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Result Models obtained by multiple Kinects are combined to become a full 360 degrees Omni model Video 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

81 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Project 3: Robot Avatar: a virtual tourism robot for people with disabilities Chong Wing Cheung, Tai Ip Tsang, Kin Hong Wong* The 2nd International Conference on Virtual Reality ICVR16, May 20-22, 2016, Chengdu, China. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong *corresponding author Download link 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

82 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Introduction To create a robot agent aimed to help the disabled person experiencing the physical environment Generic Robot that used in Virtual Tourism or Bomb detonation, etc. Using Cutting Edge Virtual Reality (VR) Technology Chose Oculus Rift owing to the features, cost and programmability Story-telling +1 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

83 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
System overview Story-telling +1 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

84 The robot with a stereo camera pair
Head Mount Device HMD Hand gesture recognition Robot avatar 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

85 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Demos Utube : icvr16_avatar_video.MP4 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

86 Project 4: An efficient 3-D environment scanning method
24th International Conference in Central Europe on  Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2016 (WSCG 2016) Venue : May 30 - June 3, Kin Hong Wonga, Ho Chuen Kamaa, Ying Kin Yua, Sheung Lai Loa, Kwan Pang Tsuib, and Hing Tuen Yaua aDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

87 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Introduction Develop a complete system for building the 3D map of a large area e.g. a shopping mall or a museum 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

88 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Motivations Huge demand on the 3-D digitization of larger environment for virtual reality or 3-D navigation applications 3-D scanners are now available at low cost (e.g Kinect ) 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

89 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
The idea Kinect sensor placed at different positions at different times to cover a large target area One master camera determines the kinect pose Pose estimation achieved by placing a dual-face checkerboard on the top of the Kinect Using mirror to tackle Kinect calibration issue Data fusion: LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) Back-to-back Kinects 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

90 Our approach: Data fusion
LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) Sparse 16 or 32 lin3s of accuracy range measurements. Kinects: Dense, but scanning range is small (70 degrees) Solution LIDAR + 2 back-to-back Kinects 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

91 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
The idea 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

92 The scanning head and scanning robot
The scanning robot The scanning head has a LIDAR and 2 back-to-back Kinects Back-to-back Kinects LIDAR 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

93 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Calibration using a mirror to calibrate the two Kinects without a shared view To find relative position (pose) between the two Kinects Use a mirror at front and then back position, so the two Kinects can see the same dual-face (front back pattern are same) checker board The checker board becomes the calibrated object , so the problem is solved back Kinect front Kinect The calibration task: to find relative position (pose) translation and rotation between the two Kinects . 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

94 Rotating head with back-to-back Kinect
Each Kinect can only scan 70 degrees Need to combine multiple models to become a full 360 degrees model Solution: Rotates 45 degrees each step Capture 3D models (front, back) at each step Combine results at the end 70 degrees scanning range back Kinect front Kinect 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

95 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
Combined results using a rotating head with back-to-back Kinect cameras 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

96 3D computer vision techniques v.6f
END 3D computer vision techniques v.6f

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