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HARPO at the NewSUBARU photon beam

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2 HARPO at the NewSUBARU photon beam
Event Reconstruction Simulation Angular Resolution Polarimetry Conclusions and Perspectives

3 Polarised photon beam 1.74 – 74.3MeV NewSUBARU, Japan

4 Measurement in polarised photon beam
Demonstrator built and tested in polarised photon beam in NewSUBARU, Japan 13 Energy points, 1.6 to 74MeV, ~60Mevents Laser gamma beam electron beam

5 TPC: photon conversion
The incoming photon interacts with the gas and decays into an electron-positron pair γ 𝑍 + → 𝑒 + 𝑒 − 𝑍 +

6 TPC: Gas ionisation Ar++e-
The electron and positron travel through the gas (mostly Argon) and ionises it, freeing many electrons and positive ions This takes a few nanoseconds

7 TPC: Drift and Readout The electrons drift along the electric field in a few microseconds. The are amplified and read out on the readout plane

8 Pair Event Reconstruction

9 Reconstruction 3.0 No tracking: local vertices Find ROI
φ>π φ<π No tracking: local vertices Find ROI Find peaks in polar distribution around point match 2D vertices to get 3D picture

10 Vertex Reconstruction
Simple and Robust: ignores obvious scattering and background potential for small opening angle resistant to electronics saturation No event categorisation many fakes (including track ends) space cut in beam configuration Can be improved with tracking (from vertex seeds) better event selection better resolution (?) momentum from multiple scattering (?)

11 Simulation

12 Detector simulation Electron and positron 4-vectors from generator
Track propagation and gas ionisation with Geant4 Custom simulation of TPC drift, diffusion, electron capture, gain fluctuations, electronics response output same format as HARPO data, identical analysis

13 Validation/Calibration with cosmic rays
average gain, electron capture gain fluctuations longitudinal diffusion transverse diffusion time response space response

14 Angular Resolution

15 Vertex Selection Space cut on beam inside gas volume Opening angle
reject single tracks (especially Compton)

16 Angular Resolution 68% containment 3 main effects nucleus recoil
unknown momentum detector/reconstruction resolution

17 Angular Resolution E<10MeV recoil E>10MeV momentum & detector

18 Polarimetry

19 Azimuthal angle Azimuthal angle Ω definitions recoil angle φr
pair plane angle ω pair bisector ϕ=(ϕ++ϕ-)/2 Angle ω used in previous publications underestimates A at low energy ϕ appears in Bethe-Heitler formula, agrees with asymptotic values ω ϕ+ ϕ- φr pr 𝑑Γ 𝑑Ω ∝1+𝐴𝑃cos 2 Ω− Ω 0

20 Azimuthal angle Cubic geometry Fixed photon direction
Large systematic bias Same bias on polarised and unpolarised Cancel by ratio

21 Azimuthal angle DATA/DATA

22 Azimuthal angle Sim/Sim

23 Azimuthal angle DATA/Sim

24 Polarimetry Measured up to 20MeV Consistent with expectation
QED limit + angular resolution Precise beam polarisation to be confirmed apparently <100%

25 Azimuthal angle Isotropic photons
Full simulation as in previous results Isotropic photons polarised or unpolarised uniform vertex distribution in as volume selection using MC position Resolution/Asymmetry depends on fiducial cuts

26 Conclusion/Perspective

27 Conclusions The HARPO demonstrator operated successfully in a gamma-ray beam Good resolution with simple reconstruction reconstruction can be improved strong effect of unknown momentum Beam polarisation measurement up to 20MeV Excellent agreement with simulation Reliable Simulation for future developments

28 Backup

29 Vertex Finder φ>π φ<π

30 Vertex Fitting Polar charge distribution around vertex delta electron

31 Vertex Fitting Clean up: keep only straight lines

32 Vertex Matching Assign signal to tracks

33 Vertex Matching Compare profiles: X(1,2) ↔ Y(1,2) “same”

34 Vertex Matching Compare profiles: X(1,2) ↔ Y(2,1) “switch”

35 Azimuthal angle Azimuthal angle Ω definitions recoil angle φr
pair plane angle ω pair bisector ϕ=(ϕ++ϕ-)/2 Angle ω used in previous publications underestimates A at low energy ϕ appears in Bethe-Heitler formula, agrees with asymptotic values ω ϕ+ ϕ- φr pr 𝑑Γ 𝑑Ω ∝1+𝐴𝑃cos 2 Ω− Ω 0

36 Azimuthal angle Azimuthal angle Ω definitions recoil angle φr
pair plane angle ω pair bisector ϕ=(ϕ++ϕ-)/2 Angle ω used in previous publications underestimates A at low energy ϕ appears in Bethe-Heitler formula, agrees with asymptotic values π/4 1/7 D.Bernard and PG arXiv: [astro-ph.IM] submitted to astroparticle physics

37 Gas stability Recovery of full performance after 6 month sealed
pressure temperature gain attenuation drift velocity Recovery of full performance after 6 month sealed START PURIFICATION Frotin et al., MPGD2015, EPJ Web of Conferences, arXiv:

38 The MeV Gap Sensitivity gap no Compton above ~100keV
no Pairs below ~100MeV Polarimetry cut no polarimetry above 1MeV no pola polarimetry Spectra from blazars

39 Polarimetry: example Separating models
Leptonic synchrotron self Compton (SSC) Hadronic proton synchrotron Polarisation can give the answer no difference in X visible in gamma 1MeV 1GeV H. Zhang and M. Böttcher, A.P. J. 774, 18 (2013)

40 HARPO Demonstrator scintillators micromegas +GEM readout strips
field cage

41 Expected performance D. Bernard, NIM A 701 (2013) 225

42 Detector monitoring using cosmic rays Gas stability

43 Diagnostics: Q vs Tdrift
electron capture Tmax = LTPC/Vdrift gain The charge is normalised with regard to the track angle The profile is obtained from a Landau fit (of slices) (mean value affected by threshold/saturation effects) Vdrift is also easily extracted from this plot

44 Cosmic runs LLR Relative measurements
First run as reference (“clean gas”) Weekly data taking of ~1.5h, for 6 months Clear degradation of gain and e- capture

45 Gas stability Very encouraging results
excellent performance after 6 month sealed detector not optimised for outgassing Test done without HV monitoring necessary: risk of damage on µM => HV turned on only for data taking ~1h/day New test ongoing HV on all the time, data taking at regular interval µM HV control using

46 Examples of events 13 Energy points, 1.74 to 74 MeV
Experimental setup presented at TeVPA 2015 in Kashiwa

47 Examples of events 13 Energy points, 1.74 to 74 MeV
Experimental setup presented at TeVPA 2015 in Kashiwa

48 Examples of events 13 Energy points, 1.74 to 74 MeV
Experimental setup presented at TeVPA 2015 in Kashiwa

49 Examples of events 13 Energy points, 1.74 to 74 MeV
Experimental setup presented at TeVPA 2015 in Kashiwa

50 Polarisation Modulation of the azimuthal angle ω
𝑑Γ 𝑑ω ∝1+𝐴cos 2 ω− ω 0

51 Angular resolution VERY PRELIMINARY

52 Angular resolution Agreement with theoretical prediction
relatively small contribution of tracking Excellent agreement with simulation effect of saturation dominates at high energy Potential for improvement estimation of track momentum even 100% resolution should significantly improve

53 Gas Flow

54 Triplet event

55 Efficiency

56 Polarisation asymmetry

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