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Multiple choice sample test questions that are NOT connected

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1 Multiple choice sample test questions that are NOT connected
EOC BIOLOGY Multiple choice sample test questions that are NOT connected to a scenario.

2 People sweat to help maintain body temperature.
What type of feedback happens when sweating regulates body temperature? Feedback is a response to an action, positive feedback moves the action in same direction as the original. High body temperature would increase not decrease body temperature. A. Positive feedback, because sweating can increase body temperature Sweating decreases body temperature. Positive feedback, because sweating can decrease body temperature NEGATIVE feedback moves the action in the opposite direction to the original. Negative feedback, because sweating can decrease body temperature 1 C Negative feedback, because sweating can decrease body temperature Determine whether a given system involves positive feedback or negative feedback. SYSA (2) Negative feedback, because sweating can increase body temperature Sweating decreases body temperature.

3 2. Plants use nitrogen to make proteins
2. Plants use nitrogen to make proteins. What is present in the soil that makes nitrogen directly available to plants? Although 78 percent of air is nitrogen, plants are NOT able to use any of it. A. Air. Changes Nitrogen (N2) into fixed nitrogen (NO3). In the ocean, cyanobacteria fixes the nitrogen. Bacteria. Sugars are made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen is NOT included in these compounds. Sugar B Bacteria in legumes fixes nitrogen. Describe the cycle of nitrogen through ecosystems. LS2A (3) Water does NOT fix nitrogen. Water carries material from one place to another without changing its form. Water

4 Both break down carbon-containing compounds.
3. How is cellular respiration by plants similar to the burning of fossil fuels? A. Both absorb light. Burning (fire) releases light energy. Both break down carbon-containing compounds. Cellular respiration uses oxygen to breakdown sugars to produce CO2, water and ATP. Photosynthesis uses CO2, water and light to Produce sugar and O2. Both produce ATP. ATP is NOT produced by burning. ATP is produced in cellular respiration through Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport chain . 3 B Compare cellular respiration to the burning of fossil fuels. LS1B (2) Both release oxygen for organisms that are consumers. Cellular Respiration: C6H12O6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O + ATP Combustion (burning) CxHy + O2 → CO2 + H2O + Energy Burning uses oxygen does NOT release oxygen. Cellular respiration uses oxygen does NOT produce oxygen.

5 4. Which process increases genetic variation among whale offspring?
A. Assembly of lipids. Lipids are fats. NOT genetic material. Mitosis is cell division producing two identical cells. Produces cells for replacement, repair and growth. NO genetic variation. Skin, muscle, fat, etc. Division of cells in mitosis. Fertilization of egg cells Gametes from each parent combine forming a unique combination in the offspring. 4 C Describe that the process of fertilization allows for variation among offspring from a single set of parents. LS1I (5) Synthesis of proteins Proteins make-up muscles, hair, skin: NOT genetic material.

6 Adding habitat requires bringing in seeds and
Adding habitat is a solution to the problem of decreased butterfly population in prairie ecosystems. What could be an unintended consequence of adding habitat for butterflies? Beneficial nutrients could be removed from the ecosystem. Materials new to the ecosystem could be introduced. The air temperature could increase in the ecosystem. Adding habitat requires bringing in seeds and rooted plants, which may be hiding weed seeds or diseased material. The amount of light in the ecosystem could increase 5 B Describe trade‐offs and/or unintended consequences for one or more given solution(s) to a given technological design problem. APPE (1) Although air and light effect habitat they are NOT altered by the habitat. Habitat is the zone in which an organism lives. Must have nutrition, shelter, and way to reproduce.

7 Pay attention to Question statement.
In mammals, the hormone insulin helps decrease the amount of glucose in blood. Which describes a negative feedback system between insulin and glucose? _________________________________________ ______________________________ A. Insulin causes the addition of large amounts of glucose in blood. Feedback is a response to an action, negative feedback moves the action in the opposite direction. Increased insulin lower glucose. _______________________________________ Contradicts the question statement. B. Insulin is constantly released to prevent low glucose levels in the blood. _____________________ _____________________ Contradicts the question statement. High levels of insulin decrease blood glucose levels. 6 C Describe the regulatory inputs and/or outputs of a given negative feedback system. SYSA (4) Small amounts of glucose in blood keeps insulin from working properly.

8 Fire removed competition allowing new species to fill the niches.
7. Months after a forest fire, some nonnative plants began to grow in the area. Why were these plants able to grow? A. The plants were able to mutate to adjust to the new surface materials. Fire removed competition allowing new species to fill the niches. Mutation occur randomly not in response to an event. B. The plants were able to survive without water. All plants require water. The plants were able to thrive in the newly formed niches. 7 C Explain how filling an available niche can allow a species to survive. LS3C (2) The plants were able to use the ash as chemical energy. Ash is a source of chemical energy for all plants NOT just nonnative plants.

9 8. Coyotes eat proteins in food
8. Coyotes eat proteins in food. The proteins break down due to enzymes produced in the stomach of the coyote. The production of these enzymes then cause more enzymes to be released in the stomach. Which process dies this describe? A. Diffusion. Random movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Feedback is a response to an action, positive feedback moves the action in same direction as the original. Enzyme production would cause more enzyme production. Feedback. 8 B Describe feedback as a process in which the output of a given system provides information used to regulate the operation of the system. SYSA (1) LS2A Special cell division into 4 daughter cells, each containing ½ the original chromosomes. Forms sexual reproductive cells (gametes). Meiosis In animals the lung allows the exchange of gases in the body; O2 in CO2 out. In cells it is the chemical breakdown of sugar using O2 to produce CO2, water and energy. Respiration

10 9. What is one purpose of ATP molecules in plant and animal cells?
A. To decrease the rate of chemical reactions Chemical reaction decrease is through inhibitors and increases with enzymes or catalysts. To increase the rate of diffusion across cell membranes Diffusion is random movement of particles based on concentration NOT the type of molecule. Movement is from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. To pass genetic traits to offspring 9 D Describe that chemical energy stored in special molecules is used by cells to drive cell processes. LS1F (5) Cellular Respiration: C6H12O6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O + ATP Genetic traits are passed by DNA. D. To store energy used for cell processes ATP is produced in cellular respiration through Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport chain .

11 Which scientific evidence would show that two
species of birds are closely related? DNA passes from parents to offspring. The closer the relationship the more the DNA is the same. A. The two bird species have similar DNA sequences B. The two bird species eat many of the same insects Any two species having the same source of food are in Competition which can be shown by a bird and a lizard eating insects. Competition is not a sign of relationship. The two bird species are found in the same area Birds can move into new areas. Does not show relationship. The two bird species have similar feather colors A Describe that scientists infer the degree of evolutionary relationship among organisms using physiological traits, genetic information, and/or the ability of two organisms to produce fertile offspring. LS3E (1) Convergent evolution is the independent evolution of similar features to adapt to the habitat in which they live. Convergent evolution creates analogous structures that have similar form or function but were not present in the last common ancestor of those groups. Similarity in color can be the result of mimicry or convergent evolution. Mimicry is a similarity of one species to another that Can act as protection for one or both. This similarity can be in appearance, behavior sound or scent

12 GGC CAT CCG GUA A strand of DNA contains the sequence GGC-CAT.
What is the complementary strand of mRNA for this sequence? Write your answer in the box. There is NO thymine (T) in RNA. CCG GUA 11 CCG GUA Predict the complementary strand of mRNA given the nucleotide sequence in a single strand of DNA. LS1E (6) Curved back letters always pair with curved back letters DNA pairs A-T while RNA pairs A-U

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