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Liquid Controller Client: Professor Ian Bird, Ph.D

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Presentation on theme: "Liquid Controller Client: Professor Ian Bird, Ph.D"— Presentation transcript:

1 Liquid Controller Client: Professor Ian Bird, Ph.D
Advisor: Professor Paul Thompson, Ph.D Team Members: Joe Decker – Communicator Justin Gearing – BSAC Dan Miller – BWIG Steve Welch - Leader

2 Outline Background Problem Statement Current Design PDS Summary
Design Components Design Alternatives Design Matrix Future Work Questions

3 Background Microscopy experiments Cells tested on a microscope tray
Experiments test prevalence of calcium in the cell

4 Current Design Reagents added by hand Time kept manually
Reagents switched manually

5 Problem Statement Current setup is: Design new, automated system
Time Consuming Labor Intensive Error Prone Design new, automated system

6 Summary of PDS Design must be: Biologically friendly Automated
Easy to use Reliable Transportable

7 Overall Design Electrically operated valves Controlled by program
Power supply and wires stored in case Valves Case

8 Design: LabVIEW Program on/off times for each valve
Saving formats allow quick plug-and-go Prints report of times, amounts of solution Interface (image): low voltage output, to be stored in case

9 Design: Power Relay Boosts low-voltage output from LabVIEW interface to 12vdc needed for valves Requires wall outlet for 12 v source Also stored in case

10 Design: Valves and Panel
Two-way normally closed isolation valves Teflon coating 12 VDC, 1.15 W Array of 8 to be mounted on panel

11 Inseparable Valve Panel
Mounted directly to box Reconnect tubes to valves Pros: No chance for lost components Cons: Difficult to remount valves Opportunity for valves to break valves To Power Source To USB

12 Semi-Separable Valve Panel
Panel can be disassembled from stand Attached to box for transport Pros: Cost Efficient User Friendly Components easily replaced Cons: Loose wires Panel Disconnect Power Box

13 Fully Separable Valve Panel
Two separate structures Pros: Less chance of damage from transportation Cons: More expensive More parts to replace Wires must be reattached when transporting

14 Design Matrix Design User-Friendly (30) Cost (10) Total 30 20 10 15 85
Durability (30) Replaceable (15) Convenience (15) Cost (10) Total Inseparable 30 20 10 15 85 Semi-Separable 25 95 Fully Separable 5

15 Projected Budget $480.00: valves $40.00: Power Relay Board
$130.00: LabVIEW interface $100.00: miscellaneous building supplies Total: $750.00

16 Future Work Finish programming Order parts Construction Testing

17 References

18 Questions?

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