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Energy Efficiency Evaluation Plan Redesign

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1 Energy Efficiency Evaluation Plan Redesign

2 Overview of Project The Energy Efficiency Evaluation Plan redesign project kicked-off in early 2017. We created a task-force to redesign the EE plan to align with the IOU Business Plans sector chapter. This means there will be a re-org of the sector chapter sections (roadmaps) Phase 1 - Reorganize plan structure (sections) Phase 2 - Revise content We have redesigned the chapter template and the chapter sections to align with the business plans

3 Work to Date Stakeholder survey
Mapping of current EM&V plan (v7) to business plan Identified EM&V plan content that is duplicative, can be condensed, or possibly eliminated Begun developing new document style for cleaner look and to improve usability We kicked of our project in February 2017.

4 Step 1: Highlights from Stakeholder Survey
Mission: Enhance format, organization, moderate content revisions Goal: Enhance its readability and usefulness to stakeholders N=356; 13% Response Rate (48 participants) Most Respondents would like to: Use the plan to identify new research areas and gaps Include 2-3 years of results Use an online version with a reduced number of chapters The CPUC has convened an EM&V Redesign Taskforce to make format, layout and moderate content changes to the Energy Division & Program Administrator Energy Efficiency Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Plan - Version 7 (“EM&V plan”). The goal is to enhance its readability and usefulness to stakeholders. In 2018, the Taskforce will make substantial changes to the content of the plan. These changes will be phased given the size of the redesign task and limited bandwidth of the Taskforce. Based upon your valuable and anonymous feedback, the taskforce will incorporate some, but not all, suggestions based on these survey results. The annual final plan will be posted by December 31, 2017. Additional respondent requests: More timely updates Integrate with the PSR Use Unique Study IDs Colored tabs Eliminate redundant information Time PA updates with IOU updates Focus more on new and future study information Reduce the number of tables Include strategic plan information Convert plan to a web-based form

5 Out of Scope Recommendations that were identified in Survey
Clarify and connect various data sources Focus on strategic changes to make EM&V more accurate and cheaper Will be part of Phase 2 List some of the popular recommendations from survey that will be considered for phase 2

6 Step 2: Mapping current EM&V Plan (v7) to Business Plan
Key takeaways:  BPs are sector based; some EM&V roadmaps are sector based, some are not Current EM&V planning is conducted via PCGs, which do not align neatly with BP sectors  Include slide that shows mapping

7 Mapping example Business Plan EM&V Roadmap BP Chapter EMV Chapter # EMV Chapter EMV Chapter subsections NOTES Executive Summary 1 Overview Introduction EM&V Goals, Directives, Planning Principles Portfolio Overview 3 Study type - LT Research Roadmap Impact Analysis Market Studies Need to determine if EMV chapter 3 contains "overview" material, crosscutting studies, methods, etc. 4 Policy Planning LT Research Roadmap Goals & Potential Analysis Policy Studies Strategic Plan Updates & Support Ex Ante Review & DEER The policy planning EMV chapter includes sector specific studies that could be moved into the relevant sector-based chapter. 5 Processes and Procedures Mgmt & ED EM&V Effort Stakeholder Participation Contracting ED-IOU Collaboration EMV chapter 5 includes some "overview" material, some can go in an appendix, etc. Residential 2.1 All 2.10 ZNE/NC Res sector studies and text. 2.13 ME&O Assume ME&O is residential 3.2 Res sector market studies and text. Commercial 2.2 Commercial (s/m, IP) Core Deemed Core Direct Install Third Party Energy Advisor (audits, benchmarking, CEI, etc.) Here is an example of our sector chapter mapping spreadsheet for the Residential and Commercial sectors We have the following columns: Business Plan Chapter EMV Chapter EMV Chapter subsections Notes

8 Step 3: Improved EM&V Plan Style and Usability
Cleaner look Easier navigation (hyperlinks, each sector is stand-alone chapter, color coding chapters, etc.) Graphics Streamlining text (removing duplicative text & condensing where possible)

9 Streamline Update Process
Will use identical word tables Specify what can be pulled directly from PSR and EEStats

10 New Sample Chapter MS Word doc example from Emerging Technologies

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