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CEDEFOP Session 4: Spreading the news around the world Data visualisation as a tool for ICEs Production of Skills Supply and Demand Forecasts Alphametrics.

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Presentation on theme: "CEDEFOP Session 4: Spreading the news around the world Data visualisation as a tool for ICEs Production of Skills Supply and Demand Forecasts Alphametrics."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEDEFOP Session 4: Spreading the news around the world Data visualisation as a tool for ICEs Production of Skills Supply and Demand Forecasts Alphametrics Rachel Beaven, Cambridge Econometrics Skillsnet Technical Workshop, November 2016, Thessaloniki

2 Data visualisation as a tool for Individual Country Experts
Existing data outputs Different users have different requirements Potential improvements to data outputs Discussion feedback on existing outputs setting priorities for improvements

3 Existing data outputs: intermediate results
Format Purpose and users Intermediate forecast results – E3ME “Flat” xls files with accompanying Word questionnaire For ICEs to review and comment on E3ME macro forecast Intermediate forecast results – skills Complex xls files (the Country Workbooks) plus Word questionnaire For ICEs to review and comment on skills forecast

4 Existing data outputs: final results
Format Purpose and users Final results - main forecast results presented on Panorama Data checking web tool Checking inputs to and designing how best to show the data on the Panorama Final results Workbooks Several Excel files (same as Intermediate forecast results – skills) Disseminate full set of forecast results (many dimensions) to all interested, include macros Final results – Cedefop website Website presenting various formats Aggregate results for “general” user; Briefing documents: e.g. Country Reports; Skillsnet Forecast users can access the Workbooks Final results – Main and detailed reports Word and similar documents For general users

5 The Workbooks Country Workbooks Other Workbooks Coverage
supply of skills demand for skills imbalances and mismatches Occupational Skills Profiles (OSPs) The user can control (using the Manager sheets) years to display change key assumptions Other Workbooks Aggregate, workbooks covering all countries Cross country comparisons - the Multi-country workbook Comparisons between series of results, including across countries or across scenarios A number of the workbooks have been set up to allow for changing data and assumptions. This is done mainly through the Manager sheets which allow users to alter key assumptions. These facilitate: Choice of years for presentation of the results; Plugging in different data and assumptions, including the main macro scenarios; Alternative assumptions about: Expansion demands by occupation and qualification Replacement needs Qualification attainment and improvement rates In addition to main the individual Country Workbooks a number of other workbooks have been developed to help disseminate and analyse the results. Some of these workbooks cut across country boundaries. They include: Aggregate, workbooks covering all countries, (a set of aggregate estimates formed from summing the individual country results (using benchmark/default assumptions) for the EU28, and the EU28+3); Cross country comparisons (benchmark/default assumptions, combining demand and supply) - the so called Multi-country workbook; Workbooks to make comparisons between series of results, including across countries or across scenarios.

6 Different users have different requirements
Outputs Skillsnet, Individual Country Experts Detailed results for their own country Existing Country Workbooks or their equivalent Cedefop, other EU cross-country analysts Cross-country comparisons Existing Multi-country Workbook; Cedefop and Skills Panorama websites Analysts Access to detailed datasets for customised analysis Data files; Sample program/syntax files

7 Potential improvements to data outputs
User Characteristics Intuitiveness of navigation between indicators Presentation of data in different types of aggregations Ability to transfer outputs to other file types Ability to create graphic outputs of the data Size of files produced and proposed way of further distributions Country Workbooks Individual country experts Multi-country and similar workbooks Individual country experts; Cross-country analysts Front-end visualisation tool Analytical datasets & tools Detailed data analysts

8 Potential improvements to data outputs
Country Workbooks extend to provide more detail, but would become larger simplify, remove user ‘controls’ ‘Front-end’ visualisation tools E3ME front-end: select variables, compare scenarios Excel pivot tables/charts: select variables, compare countries & scenarios Analytical datasets and tools for analysis customised subset of the complete dataset (e.g. Stata, SPSS, or flat-files (CSV) format) template batch/syntax files that provide standard outcomes (e.g. aggregating results as in the Workbooks)

9 Example of E3ME front-end tool

10 Example of Excel interactive pivot chart

11 Setting priorities for improvements
Discussion which of the existing data outputs do you use, and what for? what do you like / dislike about them? which of the potential improvements do you like? what changes would encourage you to better engage with and use the data outputs? Complete and return the Questionnaire

12 Further information Cambridge Econometrics Eva Alexandri, Rachel Beaven, E3ME model

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