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DCU Student Fees.

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Presentation on theme: "DCU Student Fees."— Presentation transcript:

1 DCU Student Fees

2 Background Young University, Over 12,000 Students, Fee Income €60m,
€35m direct from students Headcount Restriction 15% Budget reduction 6 staff in Fees

3 Student Profile Generation Y Email Facebook Instagram
Mobile Applications


5 Areas to Develop On Line Registration On Line Payment
Electronic Communication Self Service Receipts On Line Account Status Payment Facility

6 Portal page Sign On

7 On Line Registration View

8 On Line Tax Receipts

9 SEPA Overview Single European Payments Area
Single, integrated and standardised payments market making it easier to do business across Europe. There are 32 members within the SEPA zone (27 EU states plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco & Switzerland) February 2014 Deadline Payments and Direct Debits Transition from Sort Code/Bank Account Number BIC (8 Digits) IBAN (18 Digits)

10 Student Portal Bank Details

11 Fees Office Bank View

12 SEPA Implications The national clearing scheme, IRECC (Irish Retail Electronic Payments Clearing Company) will shut-down and no longer accept non-urgent euro electronic payments (i.e. non same-day, euro electronic payments Salaries, Supplier payments and direct debit collections are all processed BIC is made up of ‘International Bank Code’, ‘Country Code’, and ‘Branch Identifier’) Within BIC numbers, all bank branches will have the same ‘Branch Identifier’ BOFI IE 2D IBAN is the unique international bank account number and is made up of ‘ ‘Country Code’, ‘Check Number’, ‘International Bank Code’, ‘NSC’ and ‘Account Number’ IE 64 BOFI

13 Fees Office Bank Details View

14 SEPA Benefits Single bank account – SEPA will enable any electronic payment in any SEPA zone country from an Irish bank account Guaranteed timelines for payments and returns across the SEPA zone Access to more detailed payment information A modern and unifying new file format for payment instructions Standardised payment infrastructures increasing cross border market opportunities

New bank account structure Student portal Input Software Validation for accuracy Different file format for upload Retain payment facility function

16 Refunds File Menu

17 SEPA Process New Account Type Excel Upload Facility
Student inputs bank details on Portal Payment Proposal Report Generate EMTS File for upload to Internet Banking Submit SEPA XML files directly from your accounts application provider to Internet Banking • Remittance

18 Issues SEPA Transition Deadline
Missing Bank details from student record Accurate Bank details input Fees Outstanding Reporting Process Discipline

19 Payment Types Fees Overpayment refunds Access Students
Student Financial Assistance Erasmus Grants Scholarships

20 Current Process 400 Access Student Grants – 3 instalments
300 Financial Assistance Grants 2 instalments Credit card payments refund to card 50 refund payments each week via SEPA file 200 Erasmus Grants via SEPA file

21 Payment Approval List


23 Copy of SEPA file for bank:

24 Questions

25 Reporting Use standard ITS Reports Export to Excel “CSV”
Oracle Discoveror Suite Views an Summaries OBIEE Microsoft Offering

26 Discoveror Student numbers by programmes
Student balances and addresses Output to Excel, Pivot tables, Sub totals

27 OBIEE Student Number and Income by Programme
Transaction Stats. by Type Student Balances 5 year Trends, Graphical View, Drill down

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