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Vincent Van Gogh’s Self Portraits

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2 Vincent Van Gogh’s Self Portraits
Express Yourself!












14 Now you will draw a self portrait following your teacher’s directions.

15 Use the side of a piece of chalk to form an oval in the middle of your paper. Color it in.

16 Use a darker color to add shading in middle of the head where eyes will go and to color the neck.

17 Blend in shading with your finger.

18 Add white chalk across forehead, nose and cheeks to lighten raised areas of face. Blend it in.

19 Add white almond shapes for eyes.

20 With a darker brown outline eyes and add eyelid fold.

21 Draw in your eyebrows with chalk the color of your hair.

22 With dark beige or brown chalk draw a line straight down from the inner edge of each eyebrow for nose.

23 Draw a “c” shape on the left and a backwards “c” on the right, and a curved line to connect both sides of the nose.

24 Draw small rainbow shaped lines to form nostrils on each side of the nose

25 Blend chalk to soften lines.

26 Halfway between the nose and chin draw a straight line for mouth.

27 On top of line draw 2 rainbow shapes for upper lip
On top of line draw 2 rainbow shapes for upper lip. Draw a curved line on the bottom to form lower lip.

28 Draw vertical lines to create lip texture.

29 Create lip color by drawing vertical lines with pink or red chalk.

30 Add a little pink to the cheeks to add color to the face.

31 Draw a small circle in the middle of each eye to create the color of your iris.

32 Blend several colors to create the exact color of your eye.

33 Add eyelashes.

34 Draw ears on each side of the head the same length as from the eyebrows to the lips.

35 Blend in a darker brown for the shadows in the ear.

36 Add hair by drawing with the chalk in the same direction as the hair grows.

37 Blend hair with fingers.

38 Add dark and light lines to detail hair.

39 Add black spots in the middle of each iris for the pupil.

40 Add white reflection spot on top of each iris.

41 Add clothing.

42 Add details to clothing.

43 Place completed portrait in your portfolio.

44 Next art lab we will create a background for your portrait.

45 The End of Lesson 4



48 Lesson 5

49 Vincent Van Gogh’s Pere Tanguy

50 Notice the background in the Portrait of Pere Tanguy
Notice the background in the Portrait of Pere Tanguy. Van Gogh painted his favorite paintings of Japanese prints.


52 You will create a background with 4 separate mini paintings
You will create a background with 4 separate mini paintings. These can be copies of paintings other artists have done or they may be original miniature paintings of your favorite things.

53 Fold paper into 4 sections.

54 Using water soluble oil pastels, create a different painting in each section.

55 Carefully cut out self portrait.

56 Carefully glue self portrait in the center of your background painting of your 4 favorite things.


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