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“A line is a dot that went for a walk.”

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1 “A line is a dot that went for a walk.”
Paul Klee “A line is a dot that went for a walk.” Red Ballloon 2nd Grade Art Project Northwood Elementary Art Docent Program

2 How this PowerPoint Works
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3 Lesson Overview Grade: 2 Medium: Paper, watercolor, pen Lesson: drawing Time: 60 minutes Volunteers: 1 plus the lead Project Overview/Skills The students will explore the art of Paul Klee called “one line design” and create an abstract work by drawing one continuous line over their paper, then painting the spaces with color. Vocabulary Line, Shape, Balance, Proportion, Dimension Resources/Prints (In Art Docent Closet) Cezanne, Paul Apples and Oranges Cezanne, Paul Flowers and Pears (for light source) Gaugin, Paul Flowers and Fruit (shadows/light source)

4 Materials Needed Materials/Home Preparation White Art Paper
Permanent black pens (sharpies) Watercolor paints and brushes Cups for water

5 Paul Klee Discussion Was born near Bern, Switzerland in 1879
Music was a very important part of his life - Both parents were musicians - He had played violin since age 7 - He later married a piano teacher His grandmother gave him a chalk set when he was 8, and encouraged him to draw Klee chose to become a painter when he was old enough – studied at the Munich Academy of Fine Art Paul Klee was considered on of the original masters of modern art. Rather than paint something real, a modern artist uses imagination to create something new and interesting. Modern Art was a response to an extraordinary invention for that time….the camera! Painters were no longer needed to paint portraits of nobility the way they had and as a result were more free to express themselves in increasingly abstract form.

6 Paul Klee (continued) Klee’s art is playful and “childlike” – he creates animals, people, and other designs using simple lines and shapes. His love of music and color are also very evident in his art. He produced 8,926 works of art in his lifetime! One of his famous quotes is: “A line is a dot that went for a walk.” Show the students Klee’s paintings on the following slides and ask them: What do you see in each of Klee’s pieces and what do you think the pieces are about. Do any of them seem to be drawn from just one line? Klee was deeply interested in the art of children and tried to capture the creativity of kid’s art in his own paintings. Do any of the pieces you have been shown look like art that might have been done by children? Why?

7 Real vs. Abstract Rather than paint something real, a modern artist uses imagination to create something new and interesting.

8 Southern Gardens (1919)

9 Ad Parnassum (1932)

10 Embrace (1939)

11 1914

12 Captive

13 Death and Fire

14 Musician

15 The Mocker Mocked

16 Portrait of an Acrobat

17 Cat and Bird

18 The Angler

19 In the Grass

20 Today’s Activity Today we will be creating an abstract work by drawing one continuous line over the paper and then painting the spaces with color.

21 Step 1 – Prepare your paper
Place your white piece of paper in either horizontal or vertical position. Using your sharpie, place the point of the pen on one corner of your paper.

22 Step 2 – Create an abstract line drawing
Now slowly and carefully, without lifting the pen up, let the pen wander all over the paper. Make long lines, tiny loops, zigzags, and swirls. Leave some part of the paper open and white, without any lines. Make other areas dense with lines. This will be an abstract drawing so you should not be trying to draw a realistic object.

23 Step 2 – Add color! When your drawing is finished, use watercolor paints to color some of the areas in the design. Leave other spaces white.

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