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Tools for Strengthening Workforce Engagement and Development

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2 Tools for Strengthening Workforce Engagement and Development
Kim Mannering General Manager Human Resources November 2016

3 Congress… at a glance Vision: Our core business: Locations:
All Central Australian residents enjoy the same level of health Our core business: We are an Aboriginal community controlled organisation that provides comprehensive primary health care. This includes: • Medical care • Social and preventative care programs • Actions on social determinants Locations: 14 locations spread across • Alice Springs (9 locations) • Amoonguna • Ltyentye Apurte • Ntaria • Mutitjulu • Utju year established corporation members Aboriginal board % unique clients per year ,870* episodes of care per year ,082 Largest primary healthcare service in NT outside of government employees Aboriginal workforce % annual budget $46m

4 Congress… at a Glance Vision: Our Core business: Locations:
All Central Australian residents enjoy the same level of health Our Core business: Aboriginal community controlled organisation that provides comprehensive primary health care. This includes: • Medical care • Social and preventative care programs • Actions on social determinants Locations: 10 locations in Alice Springs and 5 nearby communities 1973 Year Congress established X corporation members 100% Aboriginal board X unique clients per year X of episodes of care per year Largest primary healthcare service in NT outside of govt 326 employees 48% Aboriginal Workforce $40 million dollar annual budget

5 performance risk compliance Role of Human Resources
Manage (and support others to manage): performance risk compliance …the same as for many of your roles.

6 Developing Workforce and HR Tools
Act 6. Influence action Plan 1. Identify priorities 2. Develop focus and align your team(s) Do 3. Develop tools 4. Start collecting data, using tools and reporting Study 5. Review results

7 1. Identify priorities Plan 1. Identify priorities
Identify priorities: organization, workforce & HR service provision What does good performance look like? Talk to people Existing commitments (Strategic plan, other plans) Review existing performance data What questions do people want answers to? What is hot and bubbly? Act 5. Influence action Plan 1. Identify Priorities 2. Develop Focus and Align your team Do 3. Develop tools that meet needs Study 4. Start collecting data, using tools and reporting

8 Be curious

9 2. Develop focus and align your team(s)
Plan 2. Develop focus and align your team(s) Develop focus with input from team(s) Meet regularly Keep talking about goals “What’s in it for me” Your teams might include HR team, leadership team, and staff

10 Developing Focus Workforce Engagement and
Development plan started 2015 Reviewed and revised annually Developed focus amongst leadership, managers, HR, broader workforce


12 Aligning the HR team

13 Do 3. Develop tools 3. Develop tools Reporting Tools
Tools to automate or standardise processes Provide staff/managers with training on using the tool Document process in HR manual (for internal HR processes) 3. Develop tools

14 Reporting tools Counting things v comparison v performance
Think about why you are counting things

15 Workforce reporting tools
Not just counting things

16 Workforce Reporting tools
Measure Instead of just counting think about comparing (trend and targets) Staff numbers staff numbers / location / gender / occupation / Aboriginal workforce / salary levels Turnover reason for turnover, good turnover v bad turnover, planned turnover v unplanned turnover, cost of the turnover, industry turnover, targeted turnover Efficiency time to fill from each stage, reasons impacting on time to fill (job declines, timing)

17 HR tools that support workforce initiatives
( completed, P= in progress). HR Handbook (procedures manual) P Risk Assessment Criminal History Recruitment Selection Report Remuneration and Rewards (Salary framework and EVP) Salary Classification Assessment tool Manager/Induction Timetable Position descriptions Recruitment candidate Management System HRIS Career Pathways Map Succession Planning – Risk/Risk Value Matrix HR operational plan and work plans Early intervention checklist Injury Management – RTW plan, fitness for duty assessments Internal Audits – WHS system, grievance, compliance Performance management system refresh Engagement Survey Exit Interview Cost per hire calculator Recruitment Timeframes

18 Do 4. Start collecting data (use tools and reporting)
Keep talking– but not same information to everyone. Share data in a format that speaks to people 4. Start Collecting Data, using tools and reporting

19 Things Congress is now measuring
(or progress towards) Workforce Engagement and Development plan % size of Aboriginal Workforce (Total and mgmt. roles) % of actions relating to performance/development completed on time % number of Management roles held by Aboriginal people % increase in the size of Aboriginal health Practitioner workforce % of Data Collection actions undertaken on time (engagement survey, exit interview, monthly reports) % of cultural awareness actions undertaken on time % increase in the number of job applications from Aboriginal people Biannually (and review focus/measures annually) Human Resources Division Report Number of Staff (Headcount/FTE/Aboriginal/Non-Aboriginal, Team/ Salary level/Management level) Turnover AND tenure by team/location Onboarding effectiveness (number of new starters, % of staff completed inductions, % of managers completed inductions) HR effectiveness (number of exit interviews, policy reviews undertaken, HR spend of total budget) Recruitment efficiency (# of vacancies start and end of month, active recruitment, time to fill, cost per hire, # and % Aboriginal Applicants/# Aboriginal interviewees) # Traineeships/Cadetships/Study Agreements WHS (#incident reports, # inspections # compliance training) Monthly Recruitment status Report How long since Congress knew about vacancy Time elapsed at each stage Progress  Weekly Compliance Qualifications AHRPA Employment Contract compliance Training expiry Monthly – (two months in advance) End of pay report # of new starters/terminations with requirements completed and notifications

20 Study 5. Review results 5. Review results
Review results – what do these mean? Any suprises? How did the report/tool work? Was it easy to use/generate 5. Review results

21 Act 6. Influence Action 6. Influence action
Embed process ownership of the tool/process/issue Present data in a way that speaks to people “What’s in it for me” 6. Influence action

22 The right conditions Clear organisational direction
Existing commitment to CQI from entire organisation Need a champion of your cause in all areas – leadership team, HR team, service delivery teams Skill set/time of your (HR) team – analytical, influencing, communications

23 Useful resources Your HR Leader Your data experts
“Using HR metrics for maximum impact” Your network of experts

24 Thank you.

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