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Opening Up Overview over ‘12-’13 9:00 Preview ‘13-’14 10:00.

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2 Opening Up Overview over ‘12-’13 9:00 Preview ‘13-’14 10:00

3 Involved so far name topic WP Landman, E.C.M. Project management KCO
Moltmaker, W. Financial management Heslinga, M.E. Project management admin Liefers, J. Project management, Summer Academy, INNNL WP 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 Eskes,C Project Communication WP 2 Sennekool, J.; Westerkamp, C.J.; Hoving, R. Open data WP 3 Graaf, F. J. de Business development (until ) WP 5 Roo, J. Social Media PhD (5 weeks) Zuidam, R. van Hanze 2.0 Manickam, A.; Berkel, K.van Cluster development (project management until sept ‘12) Kate, B.A. ten INNNL Willems, F. Social Media Lab WP 6 Beer, E.P.W. de; Kox, C Huttenga, N. Summer Academy, Oostindier, W. Facebook in education Damhof, L. Social Media (MIC) Zijden, H. van der; Eggink, J.; Smit, I.; Nederhand, R.;

4 new on the block Professor (lector): Karel Jan Alsem (Nl.)
Specialties: Strategic marketing and branding. New research lecturers: Mariusz Soltanifar (Pl.) Specialties: Marketing, economic development,.. Diederich Bakker (D.) Specialties: Integrated Marketing Communications, Brand Management To supervise students who write their thesis Loes Damhof (Nl.) Specialties: English; personal development Pieter Hogendoorn (Nl.) Specialties: labour marketing, regional economy

5 WP 1 , 2 Steering Committee 4 (Karlstad) Periodic Report and Claim 3 Presentation at KCO new year conference Erasmus non teaching staff presentation Presented OU

6 WP 3 Opening Up on Open Data Josef Sennekool

7 WP 5 Opening Up to business

8 WP5 – Business deliverables
Number Activity Status Planning 5.1 Developing regional government/business networks using social media. Combining existing social media tools with exhaustive government databases of businesses in a region, thereby allowing every business to establish social networks with partner/client/competitor businesses in a region so businesses can exchange information, news, opportunities etc. Combining existing social media tools within specific clusters of businesses (energy, ICT, water engineering, food etc.), allowing the enterprises that form part of that cluster to improve co-operation and valorize better opportunities.    Dec ’12  5.2 Analyzing how social media affect how services use different delivery channels in government-to-business and business-to-business co-operation, so that organizations will understand how social media change existing channel strategies and how to adapt to this.  July ’14  5.3 Reshaping service delivery and organizational processes to integrate social media channels in government-to-business co-operation. Performing co-design with governments and businesses. July’14 

9 Summer Academy > Master class Papers:
WP5 – Business Summer Academy > Master class (Adaptive strategy for changing economic and social landscapes) Papers: Toolkit Clusters Using social media to support cluster development Network governance for dealing with IT-enabled Interorganizational cooperation

10 WP5 – Business / conclusions
Hard to get partners involved in cluster based thinking (only Leiedal and Hoje Taastrup) Papers not very practical to be used for dissemination More focus on thesis research within 5.2 Open to new ideas

11 WP5 – Business INN.NL Launch in dec. ’12
Communicated to internal and partner stakeholders Presented at various international and internal occasions KCO New Year Conference Erasmus non teaching staff gathering Investigate Baltic sea connection to INNNL or Eubizz (connect to Hanze parliament, Rostock flyer eubizz

12 WP5 – Business: service delivery
Hanze 2.0: participation in development and user testing of new Hanze website, design and execution of pilot. Personalized site No difference between internal and external content 2 ways search: Users that know and those who don’t User can profile their expertise Created with user in co-creation lab sessions

13 (A world of simplicity: Hanze 2.0)

14 Opening Up the Information Society
WP 6 Opening Up the Information Society Research - Training – Education

15 WP6 – WP deliverables May ’13 July ’12 July ’13 July ’12 Sept. ’14 6.1
Number Activity Status Planning 6.1 Preparation of an accredited training program: Preparation of the training program: desktop research and surveys with government, entrepreneurs and citizens regarding social media needs. Preparation of the training by the research partners in close co-operation with national agencies. Joint training program using principle of ‘training the trainers’. Regional training: organizing several workshops and trainings for different audiences in each of the participating regions. Performing ex ante surveys before and after each training. Analysis of the surveys and ‘user stories (before and after)’. Advanced seminar for the trainers including hands-on trainings for experts. Preparation of training material (on- and offline), aimed at self-directed training and material for seminars. Start of procedure to get the training program accredited. May ’13 6.2 Research: Identifying the skills and knowledge needed to work with social media, and the skills and knowledge already present within the different user groups (citizens, businesses and government). July ’12 6.3 Research: Identifying the challenges and opportunities created by the emergence of social media. Preparation of a realistic and evidence-based image based on surveys and desktop research.  July ’13 6.4 Preparation of a Social Media Readiness Indicator. Extension of the jointly developed Smart Cities e-Government Readiness Index (tested with all partners) with a Social Media chapter. (Are governments willing and able to deal with open services and growing interaction through social media with citizens and business, and if so, how do they do that?) July ’12  6.5 Policy recommendation for using social media in a government-citizen context, government-business context and intra-government context in the NSR (EU) region.  Sept. ’14

16 WP6 – Research & Training
Summer Academy (train the trainer) SMLab Facebook in education ONLINE EDUCA 2012 Conference (28-30 November). Subject: Social Media - A 9 Months Teaching & Learning Experience Research (PhD ) Thesis proposals (a.o.: Hani Jomaa, IBS student; Tetiana Smeeding (IDM student)

17 Summer Academy for Social Media Trainers in
Local & Regional governments and businesses Groningen, May 2013

18 Staff Thomas Moore: Marijke Lemal Eric Goubin Hanze University: Nancy Huttenga Jan Liefers

19 The plan / planning

20 Roadmap

21 Teachers Davied van Berlo Frank Willems Sjef Kerkhofs Otto Thors
Gerrie Smits Erik Drenth Rennie Hooi Corné Kox Marieke Hellevoort Jenny Brodén Renske Stumpel Marijke Lemal

22 Overview Summer Academy

23 Further development of Social Media Lab:
WP 6 SMlab Further development of Social Media Lab: Drawing up action plan Social Media Lab (SML) Preparation Social Media Analysis for Project X Haren Contribution to KCO New Year Conference Preparation graduation project Tetiana Smeeding Creative session “How to find students for the SML” Students (from Facility Management) start to work in SMLab from May 2013

24 Facebook in education Why? All students are 24/7 online and already use FB How? The Books and the class work (smart board); Study at home; Blackboard = organize the studying; Facebook = incentives to learn; Twitter; Hootsuite

25 Facebook in education

26 Plans for WP 3 Open data: Bobcatsss conference

27 Plans for WP 5 Business: Cluster Master course (?) Hanze 2.0 pilot No Translation book ? (Northern Europe Role model) Visit to Google by ICM students Thesis Cognitive forecasting

28 Plans for WP 6 Research and training: focus on dissemination Conference KCO Conference Presentation Facebook Istanbul Social Media readiness monitor IMM Thesis's by IBS, ICM, IMM and students on social media

29 Questions and Remarks ?? !!

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