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Hitler and the Nazi Party begin their dictatorship.

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1 Hitler and the Nazi Party begin their dictatorship.
1933 Hitler and the Nazi Party begin their dictatorship. But the severe economic crisis still needs solving. Persecution first becomes government policy in Germany. Nazis start with a ‘one-day’ national boycott of Jewish shops – this does not harm the economy but sends a clear message.

2 Hitler and the Nazi Party are more secure in their dictatorship
1935 Hitler and the Nazi Party are more secure in their dictatorship The economic crisis has eased. Persecution can be stepped up for the first time. Jews are excluded from public places. They are forbidden to use parks, swimming baths, restaurants and public buildings.

3 1935 Radical Nazis call for more extreme measures to be taken against German Jews and Hitler enthusiastically responds. Persecution is stepped up as German Jews are now excluded from the German Reich (State). The Nuremburg Laws take away their citizenship rights and forbid them from marrying ‘Germans’.

4 Hitler and the Nazi Party are strong.
1936 Hitler and the Nazi Party are strong. The Nuremburg Laws to exclude Jews from the German Reich allow more laws to be passed prohibiting Jews from being free inside Germany. Petty laws to further exclude and separate Jews from ‘German’ life are passed. This includes separate benches for Jewish people.

5 Hitler and the Nazi Party are strong.
1938 Hitler and the Nazi Party are strong. They are not afraid of world opinion and have an aggressive foreign policy. Hitler and the Nazis want to conquer land to the East of Germany. The Nazis organise attacks on Jewish people and property. Kristallnacht (9-10th Nov) is violent with 300 German Jews being killed.

6 Hitler and the Nazi Party are strong.
1938 Hitler and the Nazi Party are strong. Few inside Germany or outside are able to stop the persecution now. The Nazis continue to attack Jews by all legal means available. Jewish doctors are forbidden from practicing, Jewish students are excluded from schools. All Jewish businesses are forced to close.

7 Hitler and the Nazi Party are strong.
1938 Hitler and the Nazi Party are strong. Few inside Germany or outside are able to stop the persecution now. War is on the horizon The Nazis make German Jews clearly identifiable by stamping all their passports with a ‘J’ and forcing the names ‘Sarah’ or ‘Israel’ on them. Hitler threatens the Jews with destruction if war breaks out.

8 Exclusion Laws Separation Isolation Loss of individuality Hitler Identification War Outsiders Nazi beliefs and Ideas Economic issues Scapegoat Emigration / Escape Violence State Persecution Propaganda

9 Exclusion Laws Separation Isolation Loss of individuality Hitler Identification War Outsiders Nazi beliefs and Ideas Economic issues Scapegoat Emigration / Escape Violence State Persecution Propaganda

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