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The Counterculture.

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Presentation on theme: "The Counterculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Counterculture

2 Clean Cut Style of 1950s and 1960s

3 Beatniks The Beat Generation of the 1950s

4 Bill and Hillary

5 Some young Americans sought to create their own society
Hippies were members of the counterculture they were mostly white from upper and middle classes They lived a lifestyle that promoted their “Sex, Drugs, AND Rock-n-Roll” values

6 Innocent 1950s Rock-n-Roll

7 Beatles on the “Ed Sullivan Show” in 1964

8 Beatles later in the 1960s form the Sergeant Pepper album

9 Protests against Vietnam War shaped the movement

10 Woodstock

11 Rise of the Counterculture
Woodstock was an expression of counterculture that arose in the 1960s Rebelled against mainstream values in dress, music, and personal behavior Rooted in the Beat Movement, Civil Rights Movement, and Vietnam War protest







18 Timothy Leary encouraged youth to “tune in” “turn on”, and “drop out”
Advocated the use Of hallucinogens Like LSD to expand Your mind. Far-Out man!! That’s Groovy!! Right On!!

19 Counterculture Ends By the end of the 1960s many people disillusioned with excesses of Counterculture. Drug addictions and death from overdoses rose. Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin both died from overdoses in their 20s

20 At a music festival in Altamont, California the “Rolling Stones” hired the Hells Angles motorcycle gang as security, they stabbed a man to death who tried to approach the stage.

21 Charles Manson- Tate – LaBeonica Murders

22 Ugly violence of the late 1960s contradicted the values of “peace and love” that many Hippies embraced. Most Hippies abandoned their social experiments and melted back into the mainstream society

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