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Leading Excellence in Learning

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1 Leading Excellence in Learning
Presentation by Professor Jane Harrington Deputy Vice Chancellor and Provost 21/06/16

2 Learning 2020 – Aspirations, Objectives and Programmes Defined
Inspiring, well- connected and passionate Colleagues Innovative learning strategies & environments Relevant, authentic and engaging assessment strategies Learning communities engendering a sense of identity Experiencing practice-based learning within and out of the university A leading-edge research-informed and scholarly focus within all Programmes Student Journey Directorate NSS(SES) Taskforce Learning Infrastructure Programmes 2020 Learning Infrastructure Learning Infrastructure Practice Oriented and Professional Accreditation Learning Environment 2020 Feedback and Assessment 2020 Research Describing the visual (the picture) Learning 2020 houses a vision (core aims) as outlined in the outer circle, which also illustrates that we will be working within an agreed Learning Infrastructure. Teaching is the foundation to enable successful Programmes – with a teaching excellence focus which will be defined through professional standards, and tested via the NSS taskforce review of programmes in September. Programmes 2020 describes the outcome i.e. having the right programmes, correct infrastructure, through solid horizon planning. Teaching flavours will be supported through the outcomes from Practice Orientated & Professional Accreditation, Feedback & Assessment, and Research Programmes are enabled through the appropriate Learning Environments – both Digital and Physical. Projects and Learning Infrastructure Everything is focussed on Outstanding Learning. Our starting point is Teaching 2020 which is where we will define excellence through teaching professional expectations(standards) and also define how we will get there, through staff support and development and the sharing of best practices. Practice Oriented Professional Accreditation will provide the flavour of our courses, supported by Learning Environment which provides both Digital and Physical Learning resources. Feedback and Assessment is defined through a number of steps, starting with defining the feedback and assessment requirement. We will be able to review how we are providing assessment on each programme currently and any steps to enable consistency in this area. A key component to our success will be the training of mentoring of staff in this area, which has been lacking to date. Teaching 2020 Learning Infrastructure Learning Infrastructure Research with impact Partnerships & Collaboration Learning Infrastructure

3 Teaching Excellence Teaching Expectations Aspirational Teaching
Reward and Recognition Professional Qualifications: Single framework NSS Task Force QMEF – move to risk based model: Programme Review Monitoring and Evaluation TEF Ready

4 development of attributes
Working collaboratively to achieve collective goals and share success: recruitment transition retention satisfaction success development of attributes successful futures Academic Services Library Services Future Students RBI Student Services PS Supporting the delivery of strategy 2020

5 Recruit Retain Attain Reputation SJD
Working with faculty and other colleagues, we will develop and enhance… Recruit Retain Attain Applicant information Enquiry management The provision & use of data to maximise market opportunities Our ability to build communities pre-arrival Academic skills support to applicants Expertise and support in curriculum design Leverage world class research to profile and promote UWE How we support transition to HE Our disability provision in light of sector changes & a desire to build self-agency and resilience Library resources, continuing migration from print - digital Connections between CETTS, AS and others The experience for customers using the open door ethos (exploring synergies; improving quality & response times; adopting best practice; offering a flexible & nuanced service; providing bespoke tailored support to needs of prog/campus) Build connections with faculties and services to better support CPD A Hub and Spoke model for academic skills to include PAL Graduate attributes Our expertise in support of curriculum design and review Build business engagement and student opportunity through UEZ Our ability to profile students using data analytics to identify those ‘at risk’ and provide tailored support Opportunities for travel abroad Proportionate regulatory and quality frameworks SJD delivering strategy 2020

6 Lessons Learnt from NSS
Collegiality and Teamwork “The fine arts programme team highlighted the personalized relationship between students and staff. This relationship was established before students arrive, with photos and communications in the first few weeks then sent back to their school or college so that the students’ old school team can see how they are developing and adapting to university life. The students and staff know each other well and have co-ownership of their programme. Students are able to sign up for extra tutorials with any tutor to aide with their work and draw from expertise”

7 Lessons Learnt from NSS
Practice Orientated Programmes “The information Technology Management for Business established relationship with the Tech Partnership, a large network of IT businesses and employers has resulted in the programme being developed by industry for the industry. This is reflected in 95.5% graduates being employed or in further study after graduating. The Tech Partnership also provided a number of initiatives for students such as industry webinars, national competitions and events, as well as a number of placements and access to multi-national companies ”

8 Lessons Learnt from NSS
Student Feedback and Experience “Following on form less favourable NSS student satisfaction in previous years, the Psychology programme team created a student engagement action plan to address student concerns as well as highlight to students where their expectations had been exceeded. The focus on student engagement has resulted in a staff-student working group to provide a student sounding board to any module and programme changes. Through this working group, students are able to contribute to the design of assignment briefs and provide early feedback on proposed changes, true partnership working. Students are explicitly told when their assessment feedback has been returned early as well as receiving extra tutorials and support, which creates the feeling of going the extra mile amongst students ”

9 Lessons Learnt from NSS
Student comments on feedback and experience “The legal pro bono available at UWE is impressive. There is something for everyone and the work carried out within the pro bono has really helped me enhance my overall academic performance” “(Primary Education ITE) Staff are excellent. Communications and dialogue is 2nd to none. There is a fantastic community vibe about our course. It is a pleasure to go to university”.

10 Practical Tips: 46 Programmes
Learning and Teaching Parity of module guides across the programme, showing a clear sequence of learning A series of guest lectures and employer led sessions within the programme Assessment and Feedback Signposting to the Academic Support Centre and Library Study Skills through assessment feedback Students shown benchmark examples of work across each classification Students provided with instant feedback on some presentation elements Students given guidance on how to improve marks for future assignments

11 Practical Tips: 46 Programmes
Academic Support Relationship with students built before they arrive by involving building a relationship with teachers and foundation tutors as well as including students in announcements about programme events using UCAS information Visible programme teams with open doors for providing students with support Academic Personal Tutor session built into an assessment element at level1 Library Resources Library staff are included as part of the team Bookable spaces for students to be able to self study Clear communication with students when spaces have been refurbished and investments made

12 Practical Tips: 46 Programmes
Organisation and Management Building of a strong cohort identity through field trips and organised activities Students on placement are invited to help at open days, maintaining a relationship with the programme team as well as acting as a positive ambassador for the course. Programme leaders having quick and easy access to AHoD and HoD to discuss departmental related issues Students being actively encouraged to provide ongoing feedback on their student experience resulting from early resolution of problems and creating a partnership ethos. Personal Development Academic and Professional skills are embedded in the course Academic Societies and co-curricula activities enable relationship building

13 Leading Excellence in Learning
Presentation by Professor Jane Harrington Deputy Vice Chancellor and Provost 21/06/16

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