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Instructional Materials Secondary Ordering Workshop FY18

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1 Instructional Materials Secondary Ordering Workshop FY18
MARCH 15, 2017

2 FY17 New Adoptions 6-8 Social Studies Courses
Middle School McGRAW HILL materials will include: Print Student Edition Print Teacher Edition Print Consumable Student Work Text (for 5 years of the adoption) Online/digital student text and teacher edition along with program platform with additional digital resources 6th Grade World History Discovering Our Past: A History of the World, Early Ages Fl. Ed., 2018 7th Grade Civics & Career Planning Civics, Economics, and Geography, 2018 (Note: will be keeping current print textbooks; online platform and consumable student text new) 8th Grade US History Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States, Early Years Fl. Ed., 2018

3 9-12 High School Social Studies
These High School McGRAW HILL materials will include: Print Student Edition Print Teacher Edition Print Consumable Student Work Text (for 5 years of the adoption) Online/digital student text and teacher edition along with program platform with additional digital resources High School World History World History and Geography, Fl. Ed., 2018 High School US History United States History and Geography, Modern Times, Fl. Ed.,2018

4 Additional High School Social Studies
The following High School McGRAW HILL materials will include: Print Student Edition Print Teacher Edition Online/digital student text and teacher edition along with program platform with additional digital resources High School Economics with Financial Literacy Understanding Economics, 2018 High School US Government United States Government, 2018 High School World Cultural Geography Geography – The Human and the Physical World, 2015 Psychology 1 & 2 Understanding Psychology, 2014 Sociology Sociology & You, 2014

5 McGraw Hill Online Component Training
6 Professional Development opportunities are available: July 19th PEW Center, Palm Beach Gardens July 26th Ibis Building, West Palm Beach August 2nd West Area Admin. Building, Belle Glade Both AM and PM sessions available 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm Sign up on eLM

6 Additional Training Opportunities
June 3rd- Train the Trainer Program Ibis Center, 9am-12pm August 9th- DIL Online Component Training Park Vista High School, 12pm-3pm Intermediate Training- February 2018

7 Additional High School Social Studies
Print Student Edition Print Teacher Edition (if available) Online/digital resources (if available) Latino Studies African Studies African/American Studies Gender Studies Holocaust Studies The Holocaust by Bullets The Holocaust – Roots, History and Aftermath by David Crowe

8 Math Nation Workbooks Algebra 1, Algebra 2 and Geometry
Math Nation Workbooks Planned for August Instructional Materials Contact will need to place all Math Nation workbook orders in DESTINY. (Note: Mathematics DIL will NOT be placing orders via Diana Snider this year!) These do not have to be barcoded, they will be handled like other consumable textbooks. Supplies will be delivered based on school needs and orders. Once our stock is gone, students and parents can print the workbook or sections needed. Students, Teachers and Parents always have access to the workbook via the Math Nation website or smartphone app. The Math Nation workbook is NOT a textbook. This workbook is a guided note- taking tool. Resources for scaffolding, differentiation, practice and assessment are available on BLENDER.

9 Spring Ordering Procedures
Book codes, course codes, and ISBN#s Available once information is updated Order all maintenance material for FY18 in Destiny Links for ordering Middle/High Social Studies will arrive via 1. Class Set? wbk per student Book per student? Restricted Materials – Bill

10 Consumable Protocol Your peers need your help!
Consumables need to be sent to new school as a student transfers to a school within the District. It has been District practice to send the consumables with the cum folder.

11 Maintenance Orders Deliveries will begin in May
Please be sure summer staff know the storage location for deliveries. REPORT DISCREPANCIES! 60-day deadline for summer day deadline beginning August 1

12 Science Direct Funding
If funds are available…. Secondary schools only Science lab supplies - High = $225/per science teacher - Middle = $150/per science teacher - Alternative = $150/per site Based on # of Science Teachers Will be allocated after 11th day count in August.

13 Band, Chorus, & Orchestra Direct Funding
Courses Funded /40/50 M/J Keyboard Middle Schools M/J Guitar 1 /10/20/30 M/J Band 1-4 /50/60/70 M/J Orchestra 1-4 /10/20/30 M/J Chorus 1-4 /30 Guitar 1 & 2 /70/80/90 Keyboard 1-4 /10/20/30/40/50 Band High Schools /70/80/90 Orchestra 1-4 /10 Orchestra 5-6 /10/20/30/40/50 Chorus 1-6 This direct funding allocation comes from state categorical funds for instructional materials and must be used to purchase content or sheet music that support your Music courses and builds teacher music resource libraries. Please note these funds may not be used to purchase Marching Band competition sheet music or used for items such as office supplies, computer hardware, head phones or other equipment. 1-50 students $300.00 51-100 $600.00 $900.00 $ 200+ $ 1-25 students $300.00 26-50 $600.00 51-75 $900.00 76-100 $ $ 126+ $

14 Destiny Textbook Manager
All orders, with the exception of new Social Studies, are to be placed thru Destiny ONLY. These steps must be taken to help with accurate ordering. Circulate consumable materials to students Circulate all textbooks to students and/or teacher Transfer consumables to other sites if student transfers to another school within district Check back into school site if student leaves district Receive orders in Destiny ONLY. Please do not ADD additional copies, as this will inflate your school inventory! NEVER transfer on-adoption materials to Charter or Private Schools

15 End of Year Inventory in Destiny
Must complete Destiny inventory by June 2, 2017 Inventory is already in progress under Back Office tab Account for all barcoded, non-barcoded, and excess consumables Items currently checked out to teachers and/or students with FY17 due date is considered accounted Anything not accounted will automatically be marked as ‘lost’ All reported losses will delete permanently at the end of October.

16 Off Adoption Materials
Off-adoption pick-ups begin in October (Please try to coordinate with Media Specialist) Box up off-adoption materials and label with off-adoption stickers or fax (4-5130) form PBSD 1134 to Vicki Contact the IM Department if you have materials needing to be disposed of Do not throw them away!

17 Important Information
Textbook Collection Referral (PBSD 2020) Website Information: - Adoptions (available online & on Edline), Procedures, Barcode and Scanner Information, Course Codes/ISBN#s - Presentations tab Special Needs Order Form

18 Important Information continued…
100% collection for lost materials for the life of the adoption Cashless payments can be accepted for textbook lost/damaged charges End-of-Year Close Out Procedures: Bulletin to be issued in late April Rebinding -vs- Defective materials On Adoption returns

19 Dual Enrollment Thank you for all the hard work you do to ensure our dual enrollment students are receiving AND returning their books on time! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions! PX45127

20 K-12 Science Adoption Reviews THIS summer!
New Science Materials will be reviewed and purchased for the following courses: Science Grade K - 5 M/J COMPSCI1 ACC HON M/J COMPSCI2 ACC ADV /50 M/J Comprehensive Science 1 Reg. & Adv. /80 M/J Comprehensive Science 2 Reg. & Adv. /10 M/J Comprehensive Science 3 Reg. & Adv. /20 Biology 1 Reg. & Honors /60 Anatomy and Physiology Reg. & Honors /20 Earth/Space Science Reg. & Honors /41 Environmental Science Reg. & Honors /10 Marine Science 1 Reg. & Honors /20 Physical Science Reg. & Honors /50 Chemistry Reg. & Honors 200380/90 Physics 1 Reg. & Honors

21 Key Dates May 12: End-of-year Inventories available Online
May 26: Books for rebinding due to Instructional Materials Department June 9: End-of-year Order and Losses due via Destiny by 4:30 p.m June 16: Check for Lost/Damaged Account (6-5200) due to Accounting Services

22 Final Points Transferring of materials High schools to Middle schools Read Bulletins Know your School Board Policies Review The Instructional Materials Website As the Destiny system use increased, the collection for lost books has increased significantly, from 60% in 2007, to 95% in 2010 – 2016.

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