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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO 9th GRADE SCHEDULING!"— Presentation transcript:



3 Senior High Counselors
Mrs. Erica Frontino (A-I) x6922

4 Senior High Counselors
Mr. David Lindenmuth (J-Q and Vo-Tech) x6923

5 Senior High Counselors
Mrs. Michele Dubbs (R - Z) x6924

6 9th Grade Principal Mr. Greg Miller

7 Timeline Grade 8 Scheduling Meetings–February 13
Online entry available until 2/21 March / April – “Creation of Master Schedule” July – Scheduling Manipulation from Keystones & PSSA Scores Schedules available – August 7th (Connect Ed Call Made) No schedule changes after August 10th

8 9th Grade Survival Tips Use Agenda Book Home Access Center
Report Cards (every 9 weeks, online retrieval) Mid-term reports at halfway point (online retrieval) Tutoring during flex Homework Helps NCAA, never too early to start thinking about playing college sports and grades!

9 Graduation Requirements
English – 4 cr. Social Studies – 4 cr. Math – 4 cr. Science – 4 cr. Well/Fit – 2 cr. Art – ½ cr. Technology Education – ½ cr. (Can include Comp I) Family Consumer Science – ½ cr. Electives – 8 ½ cr. *Pass: Algebra I, Biology and Literature Keystone Exam Grand Total = 28

10 9th Grade Core Courses Mastering Literature I – 1 cr.
Math – 1 or 2 cr. Science - 1 cr. United States History – 1 cr. Wellness/Fitness – ½ cr. Family Consumer Science – ½ cr. Art and Tech Ed. Highly recommended

11 9th Grade English Mastering Literature Academic Mastering Literature
Honors Mastering Literature

12 9th Grade English Mastering Literature Academic Mastering Literature
Honors Mastering Literature (Teacher Recommendation and 95% or better in MP1 & MP2 8th Grade)

13 Social Studies U.S. History Academic U.S. History Honors U.S. History
Matches English recommendation due to the reading level of the course material.

14 PSSA / Keystone Incentive
Reading PSSA scores will be considered for English placement. Algebra I Keystone Scores will be used for Math placement PVAAS Science predictors will be used for Honors Biology placement

15 Math Sequence Algebra I - Linear Equations
Algebra I – Quadratic Equations Algebra II (Honors) Geometry (Honors) Algebra III / Trig (Honors) Pre-Calculus (Honors) AP Calculus

16 9th Grade Science Honors Biology – 1 cr.
Honors Earth & Environmental – ½ cr. each Earth and Environmental Science – ½ cr. each

17 9th Grade Honors Biology
Previous state test exams predict a 70% or better on Keystone Biology Exam. OR - Keystone Biology predictor between 40% and 70% and student currently has a 95% average so far this year in 8th grade science and has been recommended for either English or Math honors courses.

18 9th Grade Honors Earth or Environmental
Student was recommended for Honors Math or English, but did not qualify for Honors Biology.

19 10th Grade Science Honors Environmental Science ½ cr.
Chemistry or Honors Earth Science Biology Honors Biology

20 Grade 9 Electives Foreign Languages (Spanish & French) Art English
Music Agriculture Business Technology Education Social Studies

21 Typical Grade 9 Schedule
Required Mastering Literature I Math (poss. 2 cr.) US History Science W/F FCS 5/6 credits required 8 credits total needed Electives Agriculture Art Business English Foreign Language Music Social Studies Technology Education

22 A Typical Block Schedule Fall Spring
Marching Band Concert Band Spanish I Honors Algebra II Flex Period Mastering Composition I U.S. History Earth / Environmental Sci. Production Technology FCS

23 A Typical Block Schedule Fall Spring
U.S. History Engineering & Design Algebra I - Quad Algebra II Flex Period Mastering Composition I Spanish I Honors Biology Media Arts FCS

24 A Typical Block Schedule Fall Spring
Algebra I – Linear Equations Engineering & Design Spanish I Algebra I – Quadratic Equations Flex Period Mastering Composition I U.S. History Earth / Environmental Sci. FCS Media Arts

25 FCCTC Question ??? You must pass all of your 9th grade courses in order to attend the FCCTC (Vo-Tech) Grades Attendance Discipline Does Your Shop = Your Career Goal?

26 Weighted Grades Level I Level II AP English 12 AP English 11
AP US History AP Calculus AB & BC AP Government AP Psychology AP Studio Art AP Chemistry AP Biology AP Physics AP World History Level II Honors Mastering Literature 9 Honors Mastering Literature 10 Honors Spanish II, III & IV Honors French III & IV Honors Algebra II Honors Geometry Honors Alg III / Trig Honors Pre Calculus

27 Added Values Level I Classes are weighted by a factor of 1.15 A = 4.6
Level II Classes are weighted by a factor of 1.10 A = 4.4

28 Home Access Center ount/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2fHomeAccess3.1 %3fSiteCode%3dshplive&SiteCode=shplive All Course Selections must be completed under Requests on the student’s Home Access Center. If a course is listed on the schedule and you would like to change this course, please see Guidance.

29 Click on Course Request
You will be selecting your courses by department Click on the ADD/Edit Course Selections to add courses to your schedule

30 Teacher recommended courses will already be loaded.
Check the box beside the course that you would like to take, under the Request Column. Click Save Once you have scheduled 8 credits, you are now ready to select your alternate courses.

31 Selecting Alternate Courses
The next step allows you to pick the preference of courses, should you not be able to schedule the original 8 credits that you picked in the last step. Right now your screen should have 8 credits in the Credits column and 0 in the alternative column.

32 Alternate Course Selection cont.
You will need to select at least 3 credits of alternative classes for you electives. i.e. “If I don’t get this class, then I want this one….” Click on the Add/Edit Courses button for the department that you are going to add the alternative to.

33 Choosing Alternates Check the box beside the course that you are choosing as your 2nd choice Then choose the course that will stand as an alternate In this example, I am requesting Media Arts as an alternate to Design Click Save, when you are finished

34 On-line Scheduling in School
You are able to complete your on-line scheduling both at home and at school. All Schedules must be complete by 12:00 midnight, Sunday, Feb 19th on the home access center.

35 http://www.shipk12 .org/guidance/
Guidance Web Page .org/guidance/


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