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Fall Improvement Team, Veterans Health Unit
Beth Harris, RNMN
Who We Are Name of Organization: Veterans Health Unit
Location of Facility: Fredericton, NB Number of Residents: 47
AIM The AIM of the Falls Improvement Team:
To engage fall prevention/injury reduction improvement team members in the National Falls Facilitated Learning Series (FFLS) to learn strategies and plan for sustained improvement in reducing falls and injury from falls.
Team Members Andrea Stierle-MacNeill, Administrative Director - Executive Sponsor Beth Harris, CNS Geriatrics – Team Lead Colleen McNaughton, Nurse Manager Kelli Macaulay, PT Mary Ellen Huntley, OT Janet Crealock, CTRS
Review Falls Change Ideas tested to date in your organization
Changes Implemented within Organization Working/Not Working Facilitators/Barriers identified Added Patient Safety Check on Kardex care plan Working Staff Compliance Defined change of status for MFS (using SPICES tool) Track % of residents with completed falls risk assessment upon admission, post fall and change of status Weekly Audit Change Sheet Fall Cross
Measures We have been collecting data since September for this initiative. From the time period September - December we are showing improvements in the following areas: the percentage of residents with a completed falls risk assessment following a fall or change in medical status. the percentage of at risk residents with a documented falls prevention/injury reduction plan. (0% to 100%) This measurement has shown a steady increase in completion rate and now we have achieved our goal of 100%. This was achieved in part with a Horizon wide implementation of a standardized fall risk assessment tool – the Morse Fall Scale (MFS). As a result of several PDSA cycles of change we have targeted brief education sessions supported with posters and MOX messages to remind and reinforce to staff the message to complete the MFS on any significant change in medical status. Using the NICHE SPICES tool as a way to define a change in medical status was another PDSA change cycle that further reinforced the message. This measurement has also shown a steady increase in completion rate since September and now we have achieved our goal of 100%. This was achieved as a result of several PDSA cycles of change that targeted our MediTech nursing care plan, adding a Patient Safety documented intervention option to the care plan, and educating nursing and PT and OT how to add a fall prevention or injury reduction intervention to this section of the kardex.
Measures To sustain the gains and improvement in the above measures we have embarked on another PDSA change cycle which consists of developing a data collection form to track these gains on a weekly basis. The percentage of residents with a completed falls risk assessment on admission has remained at 100% since starting the initiative in September. The Falls Improvement Team will discuss the results at weekly Falls Rounds so interventions and corrective action can be timely and appropriate.
Measures We have not seen improvements as yet in the following measures and are continuing to work to goal: 1. fall rate According to Safer Healthcare Now the benchmark in LTC is a fall rate of 5.5. We have been consistently over this number since the initiative has begun.
Measures the percentage of falls causing injury
According to Safer Healthcare Now the benchmark in LTC is We have been consistently over this number since the initiative has begun. These will be our areas of focus in the project over the next few months as we work to meet our goal of a 40% reduction in these measures over the next year.
Lessons Learned on Sustaining Falls Improvement Work during Action Period
Simplify process re. tracking falls and documentation so it can happen in a timely way using a PDSA change cycle to define steps Decreasing number of times and places falls were documented by staff members New use of Kardex as a tool to update a falls care plan for individual residents
Challenges to Sustaining Falls Improvement
Facilitator – an effective process was already in place to review falls – we had an established interdisciplinary team that met weekly to discuss resident falls Barrier – Morse Fall Scale is not sensitive enough to distinguish the very high risk residents from those who are at high risk in general. We created a new subcategory to help define who we will identify with visual cues for staff. How do you propose to move forward?
6 Month Post FFLS Sustainability Plans for Falls Improvement Work
Goal Description (What is AIM) Action (What STEPS are to be taken to achieve) Timeframe (When to be done by) Person Responsible Metrics: What is to be monitored to identify achievement To continue to track core measures using audit sheet and stats from risk management Fill out form regularly and submit statistics Ongoing Resource nurse or nurse manager Track core measures To monitor effectiveness of weekly audit Tool to be completed daily and submitted weekly. Information to be reviewed monthly Daily, weekly, and monthly as described Resource nurse or nurse manager to complete form and submit. Clinical Nurse Specialist to review. Completion and ease of use of tool
6 Month Post FFLS Sustainability Plan (continued)
Goal Description (What is AIM) Action (What STEPS are to be taken to achieve) Timeframe (When to be done by) Person Responsible Metrics: What is to be monitored to identify achievement To use visual cues to define our highest risk residents and to use bracelets for hospital admissions, procedures, or tests Assessment done by PT to define which residents are at very high risk. Proposal by CNS forwarded to the Regional Steering Committee for endorsement Committee meets March 14 Clinical Nurse Specialist If endorsed, it will be implemented To keep staff informed of falls stats Information session for all staff; individual feedback for staff from resource nurse Implement a monthly Fall Cross to provide feed back loop to staff 7 March 2012 1 March 2012 Falls team to present session. Resource nurse to provide feedback Nurse Manager and Resource Nurse QI tools visible; information session held completed Fall cross on each unit
Contact Information Name: Beth Harris, CNS Phone Number:
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