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From yesterday Why jets in heavy ion collisions? Jet Tomography!
Jet I: Intro & Motivations Why jets in heavy ion collisions? Jet Tomography! Jet quenching observed at RHIC & LHC via single high-pT hadron and di-hadrons Access kinematics of the binary hard-scattering Characterize the parton energy loss in the hot QCD medium Study medium response to parton energy loss Jet II: Full Jet Reconstruction Jet-finding connects Theory and Experiment Many Jet Finders on the market need to be collinear/infrared safe Choice of R matters Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Today and tomorrow Jet-finding connects Theory and Experiment
Many Jet Finders on the market need to be collinear/infrared safe Choice of R matters Goal: set the Jet Energy Scale Different systematics to take into account (tracking,…) Background fluctuations: the challenge Jet II: Full Jet Reconstruction Jet III: Results Jet IV: The Present: from RHIC to LHC Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jets in Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC and LHC
Central Au+Au √sNN=200 GeV ETjet ~ 21 GeV STAR EMC + tracking data STAR preliminary Central Pb+Pb√sNN=2.76 TeV ALICE tracking data Why measure jets in heavy ion collisions? [inclusive, di-jets, jet-hadron, g-jet,..] Access kinematics of the binary hard-scattering Characterize the parton energy loss in the hot QCD medium modified fragmentation, energy flow within jets, quark vs gluon jet difference flavor and mass dependence Study medium response to parton energy loss – establish properties of the medium Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jets in p+p ATLAS Nov/Dec 2009 √s=2.36 TeV
Tevatron: √s = 1.8 TeV pt per grid cell [GeV] ~ 21 GeV η ϕ p+p JP trigger RHIC √s = 200 GeV STAR Preliminary p+p Jet p+p: the reference measurement need well calibrated probes Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet-finding and systematics..
Hadronic and electron double counting Electrons and hadrons can deposit energy in the EMC and leave tracks in the TPC. Be aware of double counting! Avoid double counting (p+p and A+A): remove EMC towers that match to an electron remove fraction f of tower energy for tower that match to hadrons choice of f to be determined by experiment. f=100%, MIP,… Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet Energy resolution – the Jet Energy Scale
PYTHIA: p+p √s=200 GeV X axis=Pythia jet pT (Particle Level) Y axis=Pythia thru STAR detector simulation (Detector Level) Reconstructed Jet pT on average smaller than the Input (PYTHIA) jet pT The reconstructed jet pT is smeared Need to know (1) and (2) to correct the measured jet pT back to the “true” jet pT Can use PYTHIA to determine the jet energy resolution Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet-finding and systematics..
Tracking efficiency [Remark: PYTHIA is OK for p+p. Data-driven correction scheme preferred for A+A] Charged jet component has to be corrected for the pT dependent tracking efficiency: Simulation: 5.5 TeV in ALICE ε(pT)= tracking efficiency pT,hi= single track transverse momentum N = # of jet constituents Other systematics: tracking performance at high-pT, high-luminosity track distortion, unobserved neutral energy, … [see backup slides] Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jets in A+A Goal Reconstruct the full jet kinematics of hard scattering in unbiased way, even in presence of (underlying) heavy-ion collision. ϕ η pt per grid cell [GeV] STAR preliminary ~ 21 GeV di-jet event Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Background in A+A pT (Jet Measured) ~ pT (Jet) + ρA ± F η ϕ
pt per grid cell [GeV] STAR preliminary ~ 21 GeV di-jet event rA [Gev] Reference multiplicity (~centrality) Au+Au 0-20% Rc=0.4, no pt cut, out-of-cone area STAR Preliminary STAR preliminary Out-of-cone area pT (Jet Measured) ~ pT (Jet) + ρA ± F STAR Preliminary Three main components: Background energy in R=0.4 ~ 45 GeV at RHIC, ~90 GeV at LHC Substantial region-to-region background fluctuations described by F “Fake” jets: random association of uncorrelated soft particles (i.e. not due to hard scattering) Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Background in A+A pT (Jet Measured) ~ pT (Jet) + ρA ± F
Event-wise background estimate: reconstruct event with kT (jets+bkg) all jets in acceptance {pT,i} A = jet area in η-ϕ ρA [Gev] Reference multiplicity (~centrality) Au+Au 0-20% Rc=0.4 STAR preliminary Why the median? The background estimate has to be independent of the ‘true signal jets’. The ‘true jets’ do not pull the median compared to the mean. STAR Preliminary Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Background in A+A pT (Jet Measured) ~ pT (Jet) + ρA ± F
ϕ η pt per grid cell [GeV] STAR preliminary ~ 21 GeV di-jet event In a given Area, the background is subject to fluctuations around the median ρ How to quantify fluctuations and fake jets? STAR Preliminary Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Background in A+A pT (Jet Measured) ~ pT (Jet) + ρA ± F
ϕ η pt per grid cell [GeV] STAR preliminary di-jet event In a given Area, the background is subject to fluctuations around the median ρ How to quantify fluctuations and fake jets? STAR Preliminary Embed a probe particle in the event: pTemb Reconstruct hybrid event with anti-kT Match reconstructed jet with embedded probe in (h,f): pTcluster, Acluster Quantify response via: Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Assessing background fluctuations
f (pT,clus Meas – ρA – pTemb) Example: pT,clus for only background clusters (no true jet) pTemb=0 How to characterize the full shape of the bkg fluctuations? pT,clus Meas – ρA No fluctuations Gaussian fluctuations “Thermal” fluctuations R=0.2 σ=3.5 GeV Akt, R=0.2 Simulation T=290 MeV dN/dη=650 Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Background fluctuations: δpT
Single particle embedding in real Au+Au pT=30 GeV h=-0.2 Gaussian fit to left-hand side (LHS): LHS: good representation RHS: non-Gaussian tail (real jets are there!) centroid non-zero(~ ±1 GeV) contribution to jet energy scale uncertainty Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Background fluctuations: δpT
Simple model: uncorrelated particle emission M(A) = particle multiplicity in area A <pT> = mean pT in a given area A Poisson Gamma M. Tannenbaum Phys. Lett. B498 (2001) 29 Background fluctuation distribution in a given area A in (η,ϕ): No hard scattering No correlations Two parameters Simple uncorrelated-emission model accounts for the bulk of background fluctuations (!) Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Background fluctuations: δpT
Systematics So far, embedded single particles But jet ≠ single particles investigate dependence on fragmentation patterns: PYTHIA, QPYTHIA δpT insensitive to different fragmentation Crucial for quenched jets, whose fragmentation is unknown! arXiv: What do we do once we know the dpT shape? Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Unfolding the underlying event
Jet Energy resolution distorts measured jet cross section Background distorts measured jet cross section Unfolding technique used to extract the ‘true’ jet spectrum jet energy scale unfolding Pythia unfolded smeared Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Given true measure mj (i.e. true jet pT) and response function Rij (inefficiencies, irresolutions, …) the experiment will measure: Ideally (i.e. with infinite statistics) we can determine mj from ni by inverting Rij Don’t have infinite stats. so need to solve for m iteratively. Example of response matrix used for unfolding the underlying event. [dpT=Gaussian, s=6.5 GeV] (m) (n) - RooUnfold: - 5 methods: D. D’Agostini, NIM.A362:487 (2005), … Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet III: Results Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jets in p+p: calibrated probes?
Tevatron: √s = 1.8 TeV √s=2.36 TeV ATLAS Nov/Dec 2009 pt per grid cell [GeV] ~ 21 GeV η ϕ p+p JP trigger RHIC √s = 200 GeV STAR Preliminary p+p Jet p+p: the reference measurement need well calibrated probes Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jets are calibrated probes
Tevatron RHIC Calibrated probes Jet cross section in p+p (STAR), p+p, DIS, well described by pQCD Jets in p+p are a good reference for A+A Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Fragmentation Functions in p+p
Data not corrected to particle level. “PYTHIA” = PYTHIA +GEANT Preliminary Preliminary R=0.4 20 <Jet pTreco< 30 GeV/c 30 <Jet pTreco< 40 GeV/c Preliminary Preliminary Reasonable agreement between data and PYTHIA Jets in p+p are a good reference for A+A Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
The underlying event in p+p
|Δφ| − Angle relative to leading jet “Toward” |Δφ| < 60o “Away” |Δφ| > 120o “Transverse” 60o < |Δφ| < 120o TransMax - Trans. region with highest ΣpT or ΣNtrack TransMin Trans. region with least ΣpT or ΣNtrack Underlying event = what is contained in the Transverse region, i.e. everything BUT the hard scattering Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
The underlying event in p+p
Agreement between PYTHIA and data Underlying event is decoupled from the hard scattering Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
The underlying event in p+p
Agreement between PYTHIA and data Underlying event is decoupled from the hard scattering Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jets in d+Au: why? Control experiment: Measure possible initial state/Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM) effects Probe the “cold medium” via d+Au collisions (compare to p+p) d+Au Jet Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jets in d+Au σkT,raw (p+p) = 2.8 ± 0.1 GeV/c σkT,raw (d+Au) = 3.0 ± 0.1 GeV/c -kt broadening in pp No add broadening in dAu 3Gev=pt sinDeltaPhi (sqrt(20^2 + 3^2)=20.2 1% effect) No strong Cold Nuclear Matter effect on jet kT broadening seen Systematics under investigation Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jets in d+Au No significant deviation from Nbin scaling in d+Au
-kt broadening in pp No add broadening in dAu 3Gev=pt sinDeltaPhi (sqrt(20^2 + 3^2)=20.2 1% effect) No significant deviation from Nbin scaling in d+Au Initial state/Cold nuclear matter effects in the kinematic range as measured in d+Au seem to be small Systematics under investigation Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
✓ ✓ So far, so good p+p: the reference measurement
Jet p+p: the reference measurement calibrated probes ! ✓ d+Au Jet d+Au: the control measurement No strong Cold Nuclear Matter effect ✓ Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jets in Au+Au: what to expect?
- for unbiased jet reconstruction - Jet energy fully recovered even in case of quenching Jet is a hard process, scales as Nbin Inclusive spectra: Di-jet analyses: Ratio of recoil spectra Au+Au/p+p = 1 Modified fragmentation in case of dense medium Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Inclusive measurements
Inclusive Jet spectrum measured in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC Extended the kinematical reach to study jet quenching phenomena to jet energies > 40 GeV Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Inclusive measurements
Inclusive Jet spectrum measured in central Cu+Cu collisions at RHIC Extended the kinematical reach to study jet quenching phenomena to jet energies > 40 GeV Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet RAA Inclusive RAA RAAjet<1 We see a substantial fraction of jets - in contrast to x5 suppression for light hadron RAA (RAAjet > RAA ) kT and Anti-kT known to have different sensitivities to background Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet energy profile: first look
Jet inclusive measurements: 0.2 vs 0.4 R=0.2 R=0.4 Solid lines: Pythia – particle level p+p: jets more collimated with increasing pT PYTHIA (fragmentation + hadronization) describes the data From 0.2 to 0.4 Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet energy profile: first look
Jet inclusive measurements: 0.2 vs 0.4 G. Soyez – priv. comm. 2010 Solid lines: Pythia – particle level From 0.2 to 0.4 NLO ≈ PYTHIA parton level PYTHIA hadron level ≈ HERWIG hadron level Be careful when comparing to theory: Hadronization broadens the jet Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet energy profile: first look
Jet inclusive measurements: 0.2 vs 0.4 R=0.2 R=0.4 p+p: jets more collimated with increasing pT PYTHIA (fragmentation + hadronization) describes the data Au+Au: ratio lower than p+p “Deficit” of jet energy for jets reconstructed with R=0.2 From 0.2 to 0.4 Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet energy profile: first look
Jet inclusive measurements: 0.2 vs 0.4 R=0.2 R=0.4 Red: p+p Blue: Au+Au From 0.2 to 0.4 Ratio of energy within 0.2 relative to energy in 0.4 smaller in AuAu due to broadening Suggests strong broadening of the energy profile Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jets in p+p and Cu+Cu in PHENIX
PHENIX uses a Gaussian filter approach Cone-like, but no fixed angular cut-offs Implements fake jet rejection Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jets in A+A: possible biases
CAVEAT: jet-finder based on unmodified jet-shapes ⇒ veto against modified/quenched jets “Anti-quenching” biases! pT cut to minimize background ⇒ bias towards less-interacting jets Can we exploit the biases? Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Di-jet measurements Trigger jets are biased towards the surface.
EMC trigger Trigger jet Recoil jet Trigger jets are biased towards the surface. Recoil jets are exposed to a maximum path-length in the medium. Large energy loss expected. σ=6.5 GeV/c Anti-kT, R=0.4 Trigger Jet: pT,cut=2 GeV/c, pT(trig)>20 GeV/c Coincidence rate: how often I measure a recoil jet once the trigger jet is found Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
BACKUP Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet Energy resolution with di-jets
Particle-Detector jet Res: pTJet(Part.Lev) – pTJet(Det.Lev) ~10-25 % di-jet Res: pTJet 1– pTJet 2 (PY Det. Lev.) ~ (dijet data) : good! But: (dijet PY Det. Lev.) > (Part-Det) di-jet imbalance includes both energy resolution and kT (initial state) effect! [kT=pTjet sinDfdijet] kT: good agreement between data and simulation Use PYTHIA to determine the jet energy resolution Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet-finding and systematics..
Tracking performance Tracking is limited by misalignment, luminosity, resolution… Rare processes as high-pT jets are likely to come from high luminosity runs Example of high-luminosity distortion? Space-charge effect accumulation of space charge in the TPC that causes an anomalous transport of drifting electrons in the TPC, affecting the tracking performance by shifting the momentum up or down (depending on the charge) Tracking resolution at high-pT is expected to deteriorate need to apply an upper pT cut on tracks PYTHIA simulation: p+p 200 GeV effect of upper pT cut on jet energy scale Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet-finding and systematics..
Unobserved neutral energy Experiments like STAR and ALICE do not detect neutral, long-lived particles (neutrons, K0L) PYTHIA simulation: p+p at 200 GeV mean missed E ~ 9% median missed E <0.3 % 50% of jets loose no energy model dependent Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Fragmentation Functions
large uncertainties due to background (further systematic evaluation needed) STAR preliminary pT Jet(trig)>20 GeV pTcut=2 GeV AuAu (Jet+Bkg) Charged particle FF: R(FF)=0.7 Jet energy determined in R=0.4 AuAu (Bkg) high z low z xrec=ln( pT,Jet rec / pT,hadr) AuAu: FF(Jet)=FF(Jet+Bkg)-FF(bkg) Bkg estimated from charged particle spectra out of jet cones Bkg dominates at low pT Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Fragmentation Functions
“recoil” jet “trigger” jet EMC trigger Smaller energy in the jet cone. We need to better determine the jet energy If ptjet(AuAu)>ptjet(pp) due to bkg fluctu, FF(AuAu) artificially softer before unfolding. After unfolding FF(AuAu) is harder. If the energy is not recovered in R=0.4 E(AuAu) smaller than E(pp). A 20 GeV pp jet is actually a higher energy AuAu jet. The FF is ~ indep of jet energy. Using the “small” energy, FF(Au) should be by construction harder than FF(pp). The fact that it is “unmodified” could mean that actually FF(Au) is modified but due to the choice of the “small” E, the softening does not show up in the ratio. No apparent modification of FF of recoil jets with pTrec>25 GeV would imply non-interacting jets, but: Jet broadeningEnergy shift harder FF Need to better determine the jet energy Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
Jet Yields in ALICE Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
DCal for Di-Jet analysis @ ALICE
Elena Bruna (Yale&INFN Torino)
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