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Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

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1 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
©2008 Thomson/South-Western

2 Lesson 2.1 Human Resource Issues
Goals Describe the changing nature of the U.S. population and how this impacts businesses. Explain the issues that businesses face with the U.S. labor force. Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

3 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
HUMAN RESOURCE ISSUES Population Growing population 2010 Census pop clock Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

4 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
HUMAN RESOURCE ISSUES Changing population Baby boom Baby bust Moving population Frost Belt Sun Belt Rust Belt 4 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business 4

5 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
HUMAN RESOURCE ISSUES Frost Belt Colder northern ½ of the country – Alaska, Vermont, New Hampshire Sun Belt Warmer, Southern ½ of the country. - Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama New Mexico Arizona Rust Belt -Northern Central and Northeastern. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Buffalo, NY Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

6 Population of the United States
Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

7 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
HUMAN RESOURCE ISSUES Labor force Labor participation rate % employed or looking for work % women worked outside the home % women worked outside the home Poverty FACT 12-15% of the US lives in poverty Richest 20% earn more BUT lowest 1/5 has remained the same What does that create? Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

8 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
HUMAN RESOURCE ISSUES Labor force Equal employment Glass ceiling — invisible barrier to job advancement Sticky floor syndrome — inability of workers to move up from low-paying, entry-level jobs Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

9 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
HUMAN RESOURCE ISSUES Comparable worth — “equal pay for comparable work” Parade magazine 2009 issue Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

10 Trends in the Labor Force – Labor Participation rate
Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

11 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Salary difference gap Four Key Areas: 1 - Face-time Whether it's beers after a long night in the lab, or hoops on Wednesday night, a lot of decisions get made in those casual settings. Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

12 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Salary difference gap Four Key Areas: 2 - Risk Outsiders tend to feel more visible when they make mistakes, yet scientific creativity depends on risk-taking Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

13 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Salary difference gap Four Key Areas: 3 - Recommendations, The language used in these all-important documents is crucial and often unconsciously biased. A woman might have "assisted" with a project, whereas a man "was instrumental" in carrying it out. Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

14 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Salary difference gap Four Key Areas: 4 - National Visibility - Without experience in their field or careful mentoring, it's hard for a young scientist to know how to plug into national scientific societies, but these organizations can provide a needed measure of external validation and credibility. Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

15 Lesson 2.2 Societal Values
Goals Discuss how the values of Americans have changed. Explain how businesses have adapted to changing values. Describe the dilemma posed by the need for business to grow and the need to protect the natural environment. Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

16 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Societal Values Changing American values Generation X not a lot of workers Net Generation not loyal workers Issues Changing population Unemployment Poverty Unequal employment Unequal pay Societal values. Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

17 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Societal Values Employer responses Redesigning jobs Make jobs less boring Workers make more decisions Rotate Jobs; jobs done in teams Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

18 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Societal Values Employer responses Improve health and safety Incentives for physical fitness Counseling services Safer working conditions Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

19 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Societal Values Employer responses Adapt to family needs Unpaid leave time Flexible schedules Telecommuting Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

20 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Societal Values Natural resource issues MORE PEOPLE Managing the environment MORE STUFF Recycling — reusing products and packaging whenever possible Controlling environmental pollution CERES PRINCIPLE - VOLUNTARY Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

21 Natural Resources Disaster Video
Exxon-Valdez-Oil-Spill BP Oil Spill Clean Up Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

22 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Lesson 2.3 Ethical Issues Goals Describe how ethics relates to business practice. Suggest ways in which business can be socially responsible. Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

23 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Ethics Ethics — standards of moral conduct that individuals and groups set for themselves, defining what behavior they value as right or wrong Business ethics — collection of principles and rules that define right and wrong conduct for an organization Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

24 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Ethics Code of ethics -formal, published collection of values and rules that reflect a firm’s philosophy and goals Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

25 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Ethics Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

26 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Ethical Issues Social responsibility — the duty of a business to contribute to the well-being of society Stakeholders — any individuals or groups affected by a firm’s actions, such as owners, customers, suppliers, employees, creditors, government, and the public Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

27 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Ethical Issues NGO - are watch dogs for the conduct of business. i.e. ACLU, Sierra Club 27 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business 27

28 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Futures Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

29 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Quick Quiz Power point #29 Write 1-13 find the correct definition Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

30 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Review Labor Force 2. Baby Boom 3. Baby Bust High birth Rate period 1945 – 1965 Low birth rate period that followed the boomer period Group that includes most people 16 or over who are available for work, whether employed of unemployed Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

31 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Review 4. Labor Participation Rate Sticky Floor Syndrome Glass Ceiling Comparable worth Percentage of the labor force that is either employed or actively seeking employment Paying workers equally for jobs with similar but not identical job requirements Invisible barrier to job advancement Inability of workers to move up from low-level jobs. Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

32 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Review 2-2 & 2-3 To work from home or one the road, staying in contact with employer electronically Duty of a business to contribute to the well-being of society. Standards of moral conduct that individuals and groups set for themselves, defining what behavior they value as right or wrong 8. Social responsibility 9. Code of ethics 10. Telecommute Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

33 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Review Independent “Watch dog” organizations. Individuals or groups affected by a firms’ actions, such as owners, customers, suppliers, employees, creditors, government, and the public. Collection of principles and rules that define right and wrong conduct for an organization. 11. Stakeholders 12. Business ethics NGO’s Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

34 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Answers to Review Baby Boom Baby Bust Labor Force Labor Participation Rate Comparable worth Glass Ceiling Sticky Floor Syndrome Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

35 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Answers to Review Telecommute Social Responsibility 10. Ethics Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

36 Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business
Answers to Review NGO Stakeholders Business Ethics Chapter 2 Social and Ethical Environment of Business

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