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RCA Medium Term Strategy 2012-2017 and 2018-2023
Chris Daughney New Zealand National RCA Representative RCARO Workshop for New RCA Government Parties Nadi, Fiji 23-25 November 2016
RCA Medium Term Strategy (MTS): Summary
The MTS is a rolling 6-year strategy that guides RCA activities over a period of three programme cycles. The MTS (current) and MTS (next) are very similar in terms of Vision, Mission and Core Values. The MTS includes Radiation Safety and Energy Planning in addition to the thematic areas of Agriculture, Environment, Industry and Human Health from MTS A Working Group has been formed under MTS to give more emphasis to resource mobilisation. A Working Group has been formed under MTS to support Human Resource Development, especially for new RCA GPs, LDCs and SIDS. A Working Group has been formed to coordinate and assist with implementation of the MTS
Contents Comparison of MTS 2012-2017 to MTS 2018-2023 for:
Core Values Vision Mission Strategic Directions Strategic Priorities MTS Working Groups
RCA MTS 2012-2017 and 2018-2023: Core Values
Safe, secure and environmentally aware use nuclear S&T contributing to sustainable development in the region Safety, Security and Sustainability Honesty, Openness and Integrity Collaboration and Responsiveness Competence and Professionalism Striving to improve standards of expertise and delivery to our stakeholders Safety, Security and Sustainability: ensuring safe, secure and environmentally aware utilisation of nuclear science and technology and contributing to sustainable development within the region Honesty, Openness and Integrity: building trust and respect within the Member States and with all other stakeholders through effective communication Collaboration and Responsiveness: understanding stakeholders' needs, fostering cooperation and teamwork, embracing new ideas and recognising new trends Competence and Professionalism: striving to improve standards of expertise and delivery to our stakeholders Understanding stakeholders' needs, fostering cooperation and teamwork, embracing new ideas and recognising new trends Building trust and respect within the GPs and with all other stakeholders through effective communication
The RCA shall be recognized as an effective partner
RCA MTS and : Vision The RCA shall be recognized as an effective partner in providing nuclear technologies that enhance socio-economic wellbeing and contribute to sustainable development in the region. Safety, Security and Sustainability: ensuring safe, secure and environmentally aware utilisation of nuclear science and technology and contributing to sustainable development within the region Honesty, Openness and Integrity: building trust and respect within the Member States and with all other stakeholders through effective communication Collaboration and Responsiveness: understanding stakeholders' needs, fostering cooperation and teamwork, embracing new ideas and recognising new trends Competence and Professionalism: striving to improve standards of expertise and delivery to our stakeholders
RCA MTS : Mission To identify and implement nuclear technologies that address regional needs To encourage sustainability of nuclear technology capacities in RCA Member States and to ensure transfer of those technologies and associated technical know-how to end-users To coordinate cooperative research in applications of nuclear science and technology To promote the benefits of nuclear technologies and identify partners and funding mechanisms To develop regional networks for exchange of technologies, training and equipment.
RCA MTS : Mission To identify and implement nuclear technologies that address regional needs; To encourage sustainability of nuclear technology capacities in RCA Government Parties and to ensure transfer of those technologies and associated technical know-how to end-users; To coordinate cooperative research in applications of nuclear science and technology in support of agreed regional priority needs; To promote the benefits of nuclear technologies to appropriate end-users and decision makers and identify partners and funding mechanisms to support an expanded the RCA programme; To develop regional networks for information and experience sharing, mutual assistance and resource mobilization Mission is basically the same for MTS and MTS However the MTS : Puts more emphasis on ensuring that projects support agreed regional priority needs Emphasises that the purpose of promoting the benefits of NS&T is to gain support from end- users and decision-makers, for the purpose of expanding the RCA programme No longer aims to develop networks for exchange of technologies, training and equipment, but instead aims to develop regional networks for information and experience sharing, mutual assistance and resource mobilization.
MTS 2012-2017 Strategic Directions
Ensuring effective management of the RCA Ensuring that regional priorities guide the ongoing direction of the RCA Achieving greater impact for RCA projects Developing nuclear technology capacities in RCA Member States that are sustainable and address identified socioeconomic needs Enhancing the uptake of nuclear technologies and increasing the visibility of the RCA MTS Strategic Directions Enhance operational management capacity of RCA Enhance contribution of the RCA for meeting regional needs Ensure full integration of the RCA programme into the national development plans of RCA GPs Reinforce a culture of nuclear safety and security Build human capacity, esp. for new RCA GPs, LDCs and SIDS Promote self-reliance and good governance in management Enhance the general awareness about RCA’s regional footprint and underpin resource mobilization MTS Ensuring effective Management of the RCA, e.g. Close liaison between NRs and NPCs, and between NRs and RCA FP Ensuring adequate documentation of projects Achieving greater impact for RCA projects, e.g. Cap at 2-3 projects per sector or 10 to 15 projects overall Develop project-specific criteria at the project design stage to measure impact Developing nuclear technology capacities in RCA Member States that are sustainable and address identified socioeconomic needs, e.g. Identify and transfer nuclear technologies, which are value adding and address ongoing needs Ensure effective regulatory control and safe and secure applications of nuclear technologies in all projects Enhancing the uptake of nuclear technologies and increasing the visibility of the RCA, e.g. Make better use of electronic networking, including investigating the feasibility of e-meetings to increase interaction within projects Integrate RCA websites to increase exchange of information and raise awareness of capabilities Ensuring that regional priorities guide the ongoing direction of the RCA, e.g. Develop a set of regional priorities using a systematic process of collecting and analysing Member States needs Ensure that the regional priorities guide the choice of projects and direction of the RCA over the period of the medium term strategy
MTS 2012-2017 Strategic Directions
Ensuring effective Management of the RCA Ensuring that regional priorities guide the ongoing direction of the RCA Achieving greater impact for RCA projects Developing nuclear technology capacities in RCA Member States that are sustainable and address identified socioeconomic needs Enhancing the uptake of nuclear technologies and increasing the visibility of the RCA MTS Strategic Directions Enhance operational management capacity of the RCA Enhance contribution of the RCA for meeting regional needs Ensure full integration of the RCA programme into the national development plans of RCA GPs Reinforce a culture of nuclear safety and security Build human capacity, esp. for new RCA GPs, LDCs and SIDS Promote self-reliance and good governance in management Enhance the general awareness about RCA’s regional footprint and underpin resource mobilization MTS Ensuring effective Management of the RCA, e.g. Close liaison between NRs and NPCs, and between NRs and RCA FP Ensuring adequate documentation of projects Achieving greater impact for RCA projects, e.g. Cap at 2-3 projects per sector or 10 to 15 projects overall Develop project-specific criteria at the project design stage to measure impact Developing nuclear technology capacities in RCA Member States that are sustainable and address identified socioeconomic needs, e.g. Identify and transfer nuclear technologies, which are value adding and address ongoing needs Ensure effective regulatory control and safe and secure applications of nuclear technologies in all projects Enhancing the uptake of nuclear technologies and increasing the visibility of the RCA, e.g. Make better use of electronic networking, including investigating the feasibility of e-meetings to increase interaction within projects Integrate RCA websites to increase exchange of information and raise awareness of capabilities Ensuring that regional priorities guide the ongoing direction of the RCA, e.g. Develop a set of regional priorities using a systematic process of collecting and analysing Member States needs Ensure that the regional priorities guide the choice of projects and direction of the RCA over the period of the medium term strategy
MTS 2012-2017 Strategic Directions
Ensuring effective Management of the RCA Ensuring that regional priorities guide the ongoing direction of the RCA Achieving greater impact for RCA projects Developing nuclear technology capacities in RCA Member States that are sustainable and address identified socioeconomic needs Enhancing the uptake of nuclear technologies and increasing the visibility of the RCA MTS Strategic Directions Enhance operational management capacity of the RCA Enhance contribution of the RCA for meeting regional needs Ensure full integration of the RCA programme into the national development plans of RCA GPs Reinforce a culture of nuclear safety and security Build human capacity, esp. for new RCA GPs, LDCs and SIDS Promote self-reliance and good governance in management Enhance the general awareness about RCA’s regional footprint and underpin resource mobilization
MTS 2012-2017 Strategic Directions
Ensuring effective Management of the RCA Ensuring that regional priorities guide the ongoing direction of the RCA Achieving greater impact for RCA projects Developing nuclear technology capacities in RCA Member States that are sustainable and address identified socioeconomic needs Enhancing the uptake of nuclear technologies and increasing the visibility of the RCA MTS Strategic Directions Enhance operational management capacity of the RCA Enhance contribution of the RCA for meeting regional needs Ensure full integration of the RCA programme into the national development plans of RCA GPs Reinforce a culture of nuclear safety and security Build human capacity, esp. for new RCA GPs, LDCs and SIDS Promote self-reliance and good governance in management Enhance the general awareness about RCA’s regional footprint and underpin resource mobilization
MTS 2012-2017 Strategic Directions
Ensuring effective Management of the RCA Ensuring that regional priorities guide the ongoing direction of the RCA Achieving greater impact for RCA projects Developing nuclear technology capacities in RCA Member States that are sustainable and address identified socioeconomic needs Enhancing the uptake of nuclear technologies and increasing the visibility of the RCA MTS Strategic Directions Enhance operational management capacity of the RCA Enhance contribution of the RCA for meeting regional needs Ensure full integration of the RCA programme into the national development plans of RCA GPs Reinforce a culture of nuclear safety and security Build human capacity, esp. for new RCA GPs, LDCs and SIDS Promote self-reliance and good governance in management Enhance the general awareness about RCA’s regional footprint and underpin resource mobilization MTS Ensuring effective Management of the RCA, e.g. Close liaison between NRs and NPCs, and between NRs and RCA FP Ensuring adequate documentation of projects Achieving greater impact for RCA projects, e.g. Cap at 2-3 projects per sector or 10 to 15 projects overall Develop project-specific criteria at the project design stage to measure impact Developing nuclear technology capacities in RCA Member States that are sustainable and address identified socioeconomic needs, e.g. Identify and transfer nuclear technologies, which are value adding and address ongoing needs Ensure effective regulatory control and safe and secure applications of nuclear technologies in all projects Enhancing the uptake of nuclear technologies and increasing the visibility of the RCA, e.g. Make better use of electronic networking, including investigating the feasibility of e-meetings to increase interaction within projects Integrate RCA websites to increase exchange of information and raise awareness of capabilities Ensuring that regional priorities guide the ongoing direction of the RCA, e.g. Develop a set of regional priorities using a systematic process of collecting and analysing Member States needs Ensure that the regional priorities guide the choice of projects and direction of the RCA over the period of the medium term strategy
RCA MTS 2012-2017: Strategic Priorities
Agriculture Plant mutation breeding Animal production and health Food irradiation Soils and land-use Insect and pest control Human Health Intensity modulated radiation therapy Hybrid nuclear imaging Image guided brachy-therapy Cancer manage-ment Nuclear medicine Industry Non-destructive testing Radiation processing Radio-tracers Environment Air pollution Coastal and marine resources Water resources Radiation Safety Regulatory mechan-isms Training Energy Planning Energy planning Sustain-able energy
RCA MTS 2018-2023: Strategic Priorities
Food and Agriculture Increased productivity Resilience to natural disasters Facilitate global trade Education extension services Human Health Cancer manage-ment Diagnostic imaging Radio-pharmaceuticals Nuclear medicine Nutritional studies Commun-icable diseases Industry Sustainable resource use Improve safety and efficiency Expand nuclear S&T in emerging industries Environment Air pollution Coastal and marine resources Water resources Radiation Safety Regulatory mechan-isms Training Energy Planning Energy planning Sustain-able energy WHAT’S NEW: Two new thematic areas Several focus areas are defined by target outcomes rather than by techniques used
MTS : Working Groups Working Group on Financial Gap Analysis and Resource Mobilization Membership: AUL (Chair), KAM, CPR, IND, RCARO Analyse the past/current financial situation of the RCA Programme Provide a report on Financial Gap Analysis at 39th NRM (2017) Recommend what steps should be taken to ensure the financial stability of the RCA Programme in the period of Set strategic plans for Resource Mobilization in alignment with the RCA MTS at 46th GCM (2017)
MTS : Working Groups Working Group on Human Resources Development Membership: BGD (Chair), IND, ROK, MAL, MON Analyse the past/current human resources situation of the RCA Programme Provide a report on Gap Analysis of Human Resource Development at 39th NRM (2017) Recommend what steps should be taken to ensure the sustainability of Human Resource capability in the RCA Programme in the period of Set strategic plans for Human Resource Development in alignment with the RCA MTS at 46th GCM (2017)
MTS : Working Groups Working Group on MTS Coordination Membership: INS (Chair), BGD, ROK, JPN, NZE, PHI Provide recommendations for milestones for RCA MTS performance Prepare recommended Annual Work Plans for MTS activities Develop Annual MTS Progress Reports When requested by the NRs, provide additional assistance in other matters with regard to the implementation of RCA MTS As needed, make recommendations on the update of the GOR Coordinate with other RCA- related stakeholders to ensure the effectiveness of the Annual MTS Work Plans Assist the RCA PAC with its function of undertaking the MTS Mid-term Review.
RCA Medium Term Strategy (MTS): Summary
The MTS is a rolling 6-year strategy that guides RCA activities over a period of three programme cycles. The MTS (current) and MTS (next) are very similar in terms of Vision, Mission and Core Values. The MTS includes Radiation Safety and Energy Planning in addition to the thematic areas of Agriculture, Environment, Industry and Human Health from MTS A Working Group has been formed under MTS to give more emphasis to resource mobilisation. A Working Group has been formed under MTS to support Human Resource Development, especially for new RCA GPs, LDCs and SIDS. A Working Group has been formed to coordinate and assist with implementation of the MTS
Working Group on Financial Gap Analysis and Resources Mobilization
GPs Name Position AUSTRALIA (CHAIR) Dr.Steve Mclntosh Senior Manager, Government and International Affairs ANSTO CAMBODIA Dr Chhem Kieth Rethy Executive Director of the Cambodian Development Resource Institute CHINA Dr.Feng Dongxin Director General of Department of International Cooperation CAAS INDIA Dr. Natesan Ramamoorthy Chairman of an Apex Advisory Body of the Indian Nuclear Regulatory Body RCARO Ms.Hyunkyoung JEON Head of Programme Division, RCA Regional Office
Working Group on Human Resource Development
GPs Name Position BANGLADESH (CHAIR) Dr. Syed Mohammod Hossain Director of Human Resources development Bangladesh Atomic Energy Division INDIA Dr. G Ravi Kumar Scientific Officer & Head, SIRD, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre KOREA Young June KIM Manager, Education Cooperation Center, Korea Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation MALAYSIA To be named - MONGOLIA Mr. B. Lkhagvadorj Department of Science and Technology Officer, Ministry of Education, culture, science and sport
Working Group on MTS Coordination
GPs Name Position INDONESIA (CHAIR) Dr.Anhar Riza Antariksawan Deputy chairman for Nuclear Technology Utilization National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia BANGLADESH Dr. A.S.M. Saifullah Chief Scientific Officer Institute of Food and Radiation Biology Atomic Energy Research Establishment Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission KOREA Ms.Mi Kyung Han Deputy Director of Division of Space and Nuclear Cooperation Space and Nuclear Bureau, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning JAPAN To be named - NEW ZEALAND Dr.Christopher Daughney Director, Environment and Materials Division, GNS Science PHILIPPINES Dr. Alumanda M. Dela Rosa High Energy irradiation of E. coli Membrane Vesicles, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
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