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Presentation on theme: "THE LABOUR MARKET FOR THE YOUNG PEOPLE"— Presentation transcript:

Ovidiu Nimigean, Giulia Bate, Anca Brîndușe, NTUC Cartel-Alfa

2 Our topics are: The current situation on the labour market
Presentation of a few relevant figures The role of the social partners Actions to be taken for the increase of occupancy on the labour market What can we do next?

3 Current situation: The financial crisis and the weak come-back of the economies has led to: …loss of millions jobs …austerity became the new governmental model …the major impact was reflected on the young people

4 How many young people are able to find a job?
According to the ILO report: World employment and social outlook, Youth 2016

5 A few relevant figures Youth unemployment 2015

6 A few relevant figures How many "NEETS"?

7 A few relevant figures When young people do find a job (source ILO)

8 Major challenges: NTUC Cartel-Alfa Limited public policies for increasing the labour market occupancy among young people and major difficulties in their implementations in the EU programs (ex. Guarantee for the young) Difficult economic conditions that are leading to a reduced financing of the projects that deal with the creation and occupancy of the new jobs. Difficulties in adapting the school curriculum to the dynamic of the current market labour. Investments in education! The lack of a strategy for a long term labour market occupancy but also a strategy for making the Romanian job market more appealing for the young.

9 The role of the social partners
NTUC Cartel-Alfa To improve the school - work environment transition via internships and trainings To promote an efficient social dialogue at all levels in order to improve the work conditions To reduce the precarious work conditions: part-time norm, bad payment conditions, work limitation through agencies To promote the programs for continuous professional development, vocational education, professional reintegration To promote the creation of development systems based on specific local abilities.

10 The role of the social partners
NTUC Cartel-Alfa To promote the problems that are faced by the young people and to find solutions at a national and European level (ex. ETUC, NTUC Cartel-Alfa). To propose concrete reforms: Youth Forum, YC Romania, etc. To monitor, survey and analyze the implementation of the specific programs To support the existing programs: Erasmus, Erasmus+, Guarantee for the young, Structural Funds. To encourage the increase of communication between the organizations that are oriented towards the young people in Europe.

11 Actions to be taken in order to increase and maintain the level of occupancy
NTUC Cartel-Alfa Youth Guarantee All the young people up to 25 to find a decent job or to continue the studies, internships or professional development programs in maximum 4 months after graduating or after loosing a job. Training of the entrepreneurhip spirit Specific public policies in order to develop the entrepreneurship spirit among young people. Accessible financing and governmental programs which will encourage the innovation. Education Education should be connected to the labour market, to increase the quality of the educational offer, especially for the first and second level, to decrease the school dropout and to increase the number of people age who have a high qualification, up to more than 40% (EU2020 strategy)

12 Actions to be taken in order to increase and maintain the level of occupancy
NTUC Cartel-Alfa Continuous professional development Continuous professional development and the vocational education can be the key elements in finding a high quality job and also to increase the inclusion on the labour market. Professional trainings Trainings/ Internships are vital in order to reduce the transition from a job without experience to another one which requires experience. Social Security Social dialogue must be promoted as an instrument for an increased social protection for the young, improvement of the work conditions and continuous professional development in order to fight with the precarious conditions.

13 Key elements for increasing the occupancy
NTUC Cartel-Alfa Only the economic growth will support the creation of new jobs. Austerity needs to be stopped and replaced with public policies that are encouraging the productive investments and the creation of new high quality jobs. Easing the access to education and improving its quality Professional reintegration continuous development of the skills and abilities necessary for a smooth inclusion on the labor market. The increase of the entrepreneurhip role and of the SMES (Small and medium-sized enterprises) with the help of the public policies which have to be coherent. Easing the access to financing and the creation of development clusters.

14 What can we do next? NTUC Cartel-Alfa
A better absorption of the EU funds for programs created for the benefits of the young people. To improve the public policies in order to encourage the level of occupancy by the young, fiscal aid for professional development, etc. To map the regional specific abilities and to create development areas around these abilities. To strengthen the social dialogue and the communication between youth organizations, in order to have a better coordination and implementation of the specific actions taken for the youth, on a local and national level. Exchange of good practices between the main actors.

15 Thank you/ Dziękuję/Mulțumesc


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