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Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research

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1 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
JPI Urban Europe Transition Towards Sustainable & Liveable Urban Futures Marcus van Leeuwen Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Add your own name and date

2 Cities & Urban Areas in Europe
Climate change mitigation Resilience 75% of European population lives in cities 80% GDP is produced in cities 80% of CO2 emission are generated in cities Unemployment and social segregation Austerity & economic growth Hubs for migration & innovation Biggest cities have younger population Migration & social dynamics Governance and societal engagement Half of the cities are between 50 000 and 100 000 inhabitants Dense city network and unique urban heritage

3 Joining Efforts in Europe
EIP Smart Cities & Communities EU urban agenda H2020 Cohesion & Structural Funds JPI Urban Europe – realising a new paradigm in urban R&I Enhancing cities’ capacities for transition Tackling the complexity of urban development and sustainability Teaming up with cities and urban stakeholders Raising the impact and supporting the exploitation of technological and social innovation National RDI programmes Cities Local initiatives Research organisations Industry & SMEs

4 20 JPI Urban Europe Goal Strengthen research and innovation in the
field of urban development 20 European countries participating and contributing Core members Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom Observers & occasional co-funders of joint calls Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey

5 JPI Urban Europe´s SRIA


7 Action Lines for the SRIA Implementation Plan
JPI UE is a mission oriented programme its not only about joint calls – a portfolio of instruments is developed and implemented according to the principle of variable geometry the countries decide on if and how to join particular activities

8 Instruments Joint Calls Alignment of research organisations UERA
research infrastructure Alignment of national programs Program management Strategic dialogue & international outreach JPI UE is a mission oriented programme: its not only about joint calls – a portfolio of instruments is developed and implemented according to the principle of variable geometry the countries decide on if and how to join particular activities several activities are based on in-kind Living labs, urban observatories & databases Cooperation with H2020, JPIs and other networks Platform for valorisation & dissemination

9 the SRIA Call Agenda based on the SRIA roadmaps
connecting the thematic priorities guideline for developing annual calls with interested funding agencies call agenda currently revisited

10 Project clusters

11 Key issues for work plan 2017-20
Widening participation to ensure the various regional and national priorities and requirements are met Implementing the call agenda and testing new instruments and alignment actions innovation actions utilisation of structural funds sharing of research infrastructure Setting up a stakeholder platform to mobilise and involve urban actors Enhancing programme management to connect science and policy and strengthen exploitation and impact of urban research International relationships and outreach

12 Meet and join JPI Urban Europe
Funding Agencies Working Group a panel of funding agencies implementing joint calls, exchanging on urban RDI programmes and improving conditions for transnational cooperation Urban Europe Research Alliance an alliance of research performing organisations dedicated to urban sustainability and urban transition Stakeholder Platform launched Oct in Brussels to start strategic dialogues Joint Calls for research and innovation projects Bottom-up alignment actions Mobility as a Service Pre-commercial public procurement photo: the JPI UE the projects meeting

13 Upcoming Events SEiSMiC Closing Conference and Launch of the JPI UE Stakeholder Platform Smart City EXPO Workshop on Tapping the potential of Smart City pilot projects JPI Urban Europe Conference Oct 2016, Brussels 16. Nov 2016, Barcelona April 2017

14 JPI Urban Europe Marcus van Leeuwen
Member of the JPI Urban Europe Governing Board For more information: Margit Noll Chair of the JPI Urban Europe Management Board

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