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Presentation on theme: "THE BLACK SEA JOINT OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME"— Presentation transcript:

Common borders. Common solutions.

2 Title of the joint Action and acronym: Regional Business Incubators’ Network “Black Sea BI-Net”

3 Total duration of the joint Action: 24 months
Estimated ENPI+IPA total eligible cost of the joint Action: ,21 Euro Estimated IPA total eligible cost of the joint Action: ,08 Euro

4 Overall objective: To accelerate the development of a productive and competitive economy and improve cooperation in the Black Sea region.

5 Specific objectives: (1) To increase the institutional capacity of the business support organizations, public authorities and business incubators in development and promotion of specific policies related to business incubation as a tool to support and strengthen start-up and innovative SMEs (2) boost the level of cross-country cooperation between business incubators, business support organizations, public authorities and incubated SMEs to improve the economic competitiveness of the Black Sea region

6 Target groups: Business support organizations (BSO), public authorities (central and local), business incubators (BI), incubated SMEs and potential residents of the BI, SMEs oriented towards external markets

7 The Black Sea JOP covers three priorities and a technical assistance component. Each of the three priorities is further broken down in a number of Measures, as presented in the following table: Priority 1: Supporting cross border partnerships for economic and social development based on common resources Measure 1.1:Strengthening accessibility and connectivity for new intra- regional information, communication, transport and trade links Measure 1.2: Creation of tourism networks in order to promote joint tourism development initiatives and traditional products Measure 1.3: Creation of administrative capacity for the design and implementation of local development policies

8 Priority 2: Sharing resources and competencies for environmental protection and conservation
Measure 2.1: Strengthening the joint knowledge and information base needed to address common challenges in the environmental protection of river and maritime systems Measure 2.2: Promoting research, innovation and awareness in the field of conservation and environmental protection for protected natural areas Measure 2.3: Promotion of cooperation initiatives aimed at innovation in technologies and management of solid waste and wastewater management systems Priority 3: Supporting cultural and educational networks for the establishment of a common cultural environment in the Basin Measure 3.1: Promoting cultural networking and educational exchange in the Black Sea Basin communities.

9 Applicant: Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises Sector Development (ODIMM), Republic of Moldova, Chisinau

10 The Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises Sector Development (shortly known as ODIMM) was created in order to sustain and improve the development of the SME sector in the Republic of Moldova and to meet the Governmental priorities. ODIMM is a non-profit non-commercial organization, with the status of public institution, governed by public law, created by Government Decision nr.538 dated on 17 May 2007, working in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and other central and local public administrations, business associations, business support providers and SMEs. ODIMM vision: Republic of Moldova should be a favorable place to start and grow a business. ODIMM mission: To boost national economy competitiveness by supporting the SME sector development in the country. ODIMM strategic goal: To promote SME efficient and effective development, thus assuring sustainable economic growth in the country.

11 ODIMM current activities:
Offering credit guarantees to small enterprises through the Credit Guarantee Fund; Implementing the National Program on Attraction of Remittances in Economy “PARE 1+1”; Implementing “National Program for Youth Economic Empowerment”  (PNAET); Implementing “Efficient Business Management”, national training program; Implementing the EU Project “Lead your way to the business”. Creating and developing Business Incubators in Moldova; Implementing EEN in Moldova.

12 Partners: OKA- Turkey, ERFC- Greece, ACT EDJ- Romania, SMEDNC- Armenia, RFSE- Ukraine

13 ERFC took the form of a Civil Society, Non Government Organization, Not for Profit,  aiming at EU Integration. It was founded on and its headquarters are situated in Aegion, Prefecture of Achaia, Region of Western Greece while legally established chapters are already operational  in Corfu & Alexandroupolis .  Its strategy is to act as an active neutral coordination body that can facilitate the creation of local, regional, national and international platforms where public organizations, business communities academic organizations and civil society can cooperate strategically in an effort to stimulate regional and national growth participating actively in bottom up European Integration.

14 The ASSOCIATION (ACT EDJ) is a non-governmental entity, founded in April 2009, by public institutions, from Romania: Galati County Council, Braila County Council and Tulcea County Council, from Ukraine: Odessa Regional Council, Odessa Regional State Administration and Reni District Council and from Republic of Moldova: Cahul District Council and Cantemir District Council The GOAL OF THE Association is to assist the sustainable development of the administrative-territorial units that constitute the Association, through the enlargement of the cooperation between members and the development of the profitable relations in all areas of common interest.

15 “Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development National Center of Armenia” Fund (SME DNC of Armenia) was established by the Government of Armenia in SME Development National Center is authorized to provide state support to small and medium entrepreneurship (SME) sector development in the Armenia serving as a link between SMEs and state authorities. The SME DNC of Armenia is an efficient and geographically far-reaching SME agency, which offers effective SME support technical and financial toolkits. SME Support Programs includes: Information and Consulting Support; Training Support; Start up Business Support; Financial Support (provision of loan guarantees); Local Economic Development Activities; Building of Industrial Systems; Business Internationalization etc.

16 State organization Regional Fund for the Support of the Entrepreneurship of Zaporizhia Region was created on May 20th, 1999 according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine "About State Support of Small Business» № 456/98 of The Fund started working in January The State organization Regional Fund for the Support of the Entrepreneurship of Zaporizhia Region is a tool and a main organizer of public policy in the development and financial support for small and medium businesses as a promising sector in Zaporozhye region. In the field of consulting the Fund provides free advice on financial help and developing business plans, and provides free consulting and seminars.

17 Estimated results 1 Regional BI Network created (Black Sea BI-Net) and is fully operational having at least 20 members accepted according to the developed membership criteria Administrative capacities of the 96 business incubators (BI's) executives and BSO's to run and manage the institution improved during 4 capacity building activities (3 days/each activity) organized in Turkey, Moldova, Greece and Romania. Best practices and experiences in BI management and SMEs promotion shared and absorbed during 4 of cross-country events (study visits) organized in Turkey, Moldova, Greece and Romania (countries with BI's) with participation of 96 representatives (business support organizations, public authorities and business incubators' managers) from each country.

18 150 SMEs executives - residents of the business incubators - improved their skills and know-how in the field of exporting to the other Black Sea countries during capacity building activities / trainings organizes in 6 countries. 150 SMEs were consulted on internationalization matters and received support in finding an international partner through an on-line match-making engine and during the BI and SMEs International Forum and business networking event (with 1000 participants).

19 Main activities: Project management and coordination 2 kick-off and 2 final conferences in Turkey and in Moldova, 1 BI-Net launching event in Romania, web-page, brochures, CD’s and leaflets Establishing and operating the national focal points for the Black Sea BI-Net

20 Creating a joint framework for the network and developing criteria for the membership
Developing the guidelines on how to create and operate a Business Incubator network and local action plans on BI-Net development Organizing workshops and seminars on topics relevant to business incubator staff and management The methodology and the trainings will be developed with the help of external experts and the project partners. Training courses will aim to help participant understand the BI’s process, gain needed management skills, financial skills and networking abilities, etc. In total, 4 courses will be organized (In Moldova, Turkey, Greece, Romania) the duration of 3 days/each.

21 Seminars for executives from incubated SMEs and potential tenants
Supporting incubated SMEs to internationalize:needs assessment of the incubated SMEs in the field of internationalization, 6 tailor-made seminars for the SMEs executives, B2B match-making and consultancy



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