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Struggles for Democracy, 1945–Present

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1 Struggles for Democracy, 1945–Present
China and governments in Latin America, Africa, and the former Soviet bloc respond to calls for democracy. NEXT

2 Struggles for Democracy, 1945–Present
SECTION 1 Democracy SECTION 2 The Challenge of Democracy in Africa SECTION 3 The Collapse of the Soviet Union SECTION 4 Changes in Central and Eastern Europe These are my notes for slide 2 SECTION 5 China: Reform and Reaction NEXT

3 Section 1 Democracy In Latin America, economic problems and authoritarian rule delay democracy. NEXT

4 Democracy Democracy As a Goal Difficulties in Establishing Democracy
SECTION 1 Democracy Democracy As a Goal Difficulties in Establishing Democracy • Common practices include free elections and citizen participation • Also: majority rule, minority rights, constitutional government • Difficult to establish democracy—even in U.S., took many years • These practices need conditions in country to support them • Education and a stable economy help • So do individual rights, rule by law, sense of national identity NEXT

5 Dictators and Democracy
SECTION 1 Dictators and Democracy Brazil’s Early History • Brazil: monarchy in 1822, republic controlled by wealthy in 1889 • In 1930s, dictator suppresses opposition but builds economy Kubitschek’s Ambitious Program • Juscelino Kubitschek builds economy, new capital city—Brasília • His followers back reforms, but conservatives object to land reform • Land reform—breaking up huge estates into holdings for peasants • Wealthy Brazilians support takeover by military in 1964 Continued . . . NEXT

6 The 2002 Presidential Election
SECTION 1 continued Dictators and Democracy Military Dictators • Military rules for two decades, building economy but cutting wages • Standard of living—level of material comfort— declines The Road to Democracy • In 1980s, Brazil has recession—economic slowdown • Civilian leaders elected but cannot fix economy The 2002 Presidential Election • New election in 2002 includes rivals with different economic views • Luis Inácio Lula da Silva wins election; hopes to reclaim economy NEXT

7 One-Party Rule Beginnings of One-Party Domination
SECTION 1 One-Party Rule Beginnings of One-Party Domination • In 1920s and 1930s, leaders build a party that dominates Mexico • Lázaro Cárdenas rules 1934–1940, next presidents abandon his reforms The Party Becomes the PRI • In 1946, main party becomes PRI—Institutional Revolutionary Party • Party controls government; fraud, corruption mar elections • In 1968, students and workers protest, soldiers fire on crowd • Mexico depends on oil and gas income, suffers when prices fall Continued . . . NEXT

8 Economic and Political Crises
SECTION 1 continued One-Party Rule Economic and Political Crises • Opposition parties gain support, force reforms in 1988 • In 1994, rebels in southern Mexico state of Chiapas stage uprising  The PRI Loses Control • Other parties gain many seats in Congress • Center-right candidate Vicente Fox wins presidency in 2000 New Policies and Programs • As new president, Fox has many ambitious goals NEXT

9 Political and Economic Disorder
SECTION 1 Political and Economic Disorder Perón Rules Argentina • In 1946, Juan Perón becomes dictator in Argentina; ousted in 1955 Repression in Argentina • Military rules into 1970s, but country develops many problems • Government moves harshly against opposition, killing many people Democracy and the Economy • Government disgraced after losing Falklands war in 1982 • Civilians elected to lead, but cannot solve economic problems Continued . . . NEXT

10 A Growing Crisis • Economic problems continue with high debt,
SECTION 1 continued Political and Economic Disorder A Growing Crisis • Economic problems continue with high debt, unemployment NEXT

11 The Challenge of Democracy in Africa
Section 2 The Challenge of Democracy in Africa As the recent histories of Nigeria and South Africa show, ethnic and racial conflicts can hinder democracy. NEXT

12 The Challenge of Democracy in Africa
SECTION 2 The Challenge of Democracy in Africa Colonial Rule Limits Democracy European Policies Cause Problems • Borders of colonies in Africa ignore ethnic, cultural divisions • As a result, national identity is slow to develop in Africa • Colonial rule produces economic problems • Colonial rule also disrupts family, community life Short-Lived Democracies • Post-independence governments fragile, vulnerable to military coups NEXT

13 Civil War in Nigeria A Land of Many Peoples War with Biafra
SECTION 2 Civil War in Nigeria A Land of Many Peoples • Nigeria has people from three ethnic groups, each with own state • Country adopts federal system—state, central governments share power War with Biafra • In 1960s, country torn by ethnic fighting • Military imposes martial law—temporary military rule—in 1966 • In 1967, eastern region leaves Nigeria, forms new country of Biafra • War ends in 1970 with Biafra defeated, Nigeria reunited NEXT

14 Nigeria’s Nation-Building
SECTION 2 Nigeria’s Nation-Building Federal Government Restored • In 1970s and 1980s military tries to create stable federal system A Return to Civilian Rule • General Sani Abacha overturns election results of 1993, takes power • He punishes dissidents—government opponents • In 1999, civilian government finally gains power President Obasanjo • Obasanjo tries to build strong, unified Nigeria by ending corruption • Promotes idea of forgiveness of Nigeria’s debt to rebuild country NEXT

15 South Africa Under Apartheid
SECTION 2 South Africa Under Apartheid Minority Rule • South Africa gains independence in 1931; white minority rules Apartheid Segregates Society • In 1948, National Party enacts apartheid— separation of races • Government sets up reserves, called homelands, for blacks in 1959 Blacks Protest • In 1912, blacks form African National Congress (ANC) to protest • Nelson Mandela—ANC leader imprisoned for 27 years • Protests rise in 1970s and 1980s, sometimes resulting in violence NEXT

16 Struggle for Democracy
SECTION 2 Struggle for Democracy Pressure for Change • Religious leader Desmond Tutu urges economic pressure on government • He asks other countries not to trade with South Africa The First Steps • In 1990, F. W. de Klerk legalizes ANC, frees Mandela from prison • Parliament repeals apartheid laws, grants rights to blacks • De Klerk agrees to elections open to all races to be held in 1994 Continued . . . NEXT

17 Majority Rule A New Constitution South Africa Today
SECTION 2 continued Struggle for Democracy Majority Rule • In 1994, ANC wins majority of Parliament; Mandela elected president A New Constitution • In 1996, new constitution adopted giving equal rights to all South Africa Today • In 1999, Thabo Mbeki elected president • He faces challenges: high crime, unemployment, rampant poverty • He hopes to increase trade with other countries • Major problem facing South Africa is high number of people with AIDS NEXT

18 The Collapse of the Soviet Union
Section 3 The Collapse of the Soviet Union Democratic reforms bring important changes to the Soviet Union. NEXT

19 The Collapse of the Soviet Union
SECTION 3 The Collapse of the Soviet Union Gorbachev Moves Toward Democracy Problems Develop • Politburo—ruling committee of Communist Party; rules USSR harshly • Leonid Brezhnev dies in 1982; two successors rule briefly A Younger Leader • Mikhail Gorbachev—becomes Soviet leader in 1984 • Young, energetic, skilled, wants to pursue new policies Glasnost Promotes Openness • To achieve economic reforms, he needs open dialogue in society • Promotes new policy of glasnost—openness; dissent allowed NEXT

20 Reforming the Economy and Politics
SECTION 3 Reforming the Economy and Politics Economic Restructuring • People complain about lack of goods; Gorbachev blames old system • In 1985, he introduces perestroika—policy of economic restructuring • Hopes to make economy more efficient, productive Democratization Opens the Political System • In 1987, he unveils plans to have more democracy • Voters, given a choice, elect many reformers to new legislature Foreign Policy • Gorbachev signs arms control agreements with U.S. NEXT

21 The Soviet Union Faces Turmoil
SECTION 3 The Soviet Union Faces Turmoil Ethnic Revolts • Gorbachev wants to reform Soviet Union, but reforms lead to collapse • Non-Russian ethnic groups rebel in different republics Lithuania Defies Gorbachev • In 1990, Lithuania declares independence • Gorbachev, fearing similar actions in other republics, sends troops Yeltsin Denounces Gorbachev • Reformer Boris Yeltsin rallies people against Communist old guard • Old-time Communists oppose both Gorbachev and Yeltsin Continued . . . NEXT

22 The August Coup End of the Soviet Union
SECTION 3 continued The Soviet Union Faces Turmoil The August Coup • In August 1991, hardliners try to seize control of government again • Thousands of protesters and Yeltsin rally against this move • Army refuses to attack protesters and coup collapses End of the Soviet Union • Government takes actions to punish Communist Party for the coup • Many republics declare independence; Gorbachev cannot stop them • Republics form a federation, CIS—Commonwealth of Independent States NEXT

23 Russia Under Boris Yeltsin
SECTION 3 Russia Under Boris Yeltsin Yeltsin Faces Problems • Yeltsin aims to reform the Russian economy • Tries “shock therapy”—quick transition to free market system • New policies bring economic chaos and hardship, political troubles Chechnya Rebels • In 1991, Chechnya declares independence from Russia • Yeltsin attempts to crush rebellion, causing unrest at home • As conflict continues in 1999, he resigns in favor of Vladimir Putin NEXT

24 Russia Under Vladimir Putin
SECTION 3 Russia Under Vladimir Putin Troubles Continue in Chechnya • Fighting drags on in Chechnya • In 2002, Chechen rebels seize theater in Moscow, many die Economic, Political, and Social Problems • Economic problems continue, leading to unstable politics • Social problems include homelessness, unemployment • Declines in population, standard of living, average life expectancy NEXT

25 Changes in Central and Eastern Europe
Section 4 Changes in Central and Eastern Europe Changes in the Soviet Union lead to changes throughout Central and Eastern Europe. NEXT

26 Changes in Central and Eastern Europe
SECTION 4 Changes in Central and Eastern Europe Poland and Hungary Reform The Rise of Solidarity • Workers strike to win recognition of Solidarity— Polish labor union • Lech Walesa—leader of union—becomes national hero Solidarity Defeats Communists • Communist government bans Solidarity but cannot solve economic woes • In 1988, workers rebel to force recognition of Solidarity • Elections in 1989 and 1990 make Walesa president of Poland Continued . . . NEXT

27 Poland Votes Out Walesa
SECTION 4 continued Poland and Hungary Reform Poland Votes Out Walesa • Walesa tries to build free market economy quickly • Though some progress made, many Poles unhappy; Walesa voted out Poland Under Kwasniewski • Alexander Kwasniewski elected president in 1995 • Brings Poland into NATO, tries to build strong market economy Hungarian Communists Disband • In 1990, voters elect non-Communist government in Hungary • Democracy thrives; Hungary joins NATO in 1999 NEXT

28 Germany Reunifies Resistance to Change Fall of the Berlin Wall
SECTION 4 Germany Reunifies Resistance to Change • East Germany’s leader resists reforms as in Poland, Hungary • Thousands of East Germans escape through Hungary to Austria Fall of the Berlin Wall • East Germany closes its borders, sparking massive protests • In late 1989, new East German leader opens Berlin Wall • By end of year, Communist government there has collapsed Continued . . . NEXT

29 Reunification Germany’s Challenges A New Chancellor
SECTION 4 continued Germany Reunifies Reunification • Reunification—merging of the two Germanys— achieved in 1990 Germany’s Challenges • East Germany in poor shape, needs rebuilding • This costly effort forces German leader Helmut Kohl to raise taxes A New Chancellor • In 1998, Kohl voted out of office • New leader—Gerhard Schroeder—has difficulty reviving economy • Germany becomes more active in world affairs after reunifying NEXT

30 Democracy Spreads in Czechoslovakia
SECTION 4 Democracy Spreads in Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Reforms • In 1989, large crowd in Prague protests, demands democracy • Tough government crackdown sparks more protests • By late 1989, Communists are gone; Václav Havel elected president Czechoslovakia Breaks Up • Economic reforms hurt people in Slovakia, eastern part of country • In 1993, Czechoslovakia splits into two separate countries • Both economies grow—slow in Czech Republic; faster in Slovakia NEXT

31 Overthrow in Romania A Popular Uprising The Romanian Economy
SECTION 4 Overthrow in Romania A Popular Uprising • In late 1989, Romania’s leader has army shoot protestors • This action prompts major revolt and collapse of Communist rule • Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and wife executed Christmas Day, 1989 The Romanian Economy • Corruption and crime prevalent through 1990s; economy lags • Much of economy still owned by government, not in private hands • But Government begins moving toward market economy NEXT

32 The Breakup of Yugoslavia
SECTION 4 The Breakup of Yugoslavia Ethnic Problems • Yugoslavia has 8 ethnic groups in a federation of 6 republics A Bloody Breakup • Milosevic, Serbian leader, tries to impose control on whole country • Slovenia and Croatia fight off Serbian army, win independence • In 1992, Bosnia-Herzegovina declares independence; war breaks out • Serb forces practice ethnic cleansing—getting rid of Bosnian Muslims • In 1995, U.S., UN establish peace setting up multiethnic government Continued . . . NEXT

33 The Region Faces Its Problems
SECTION 4 continued The Breakup of Yugoslavia Rebellion in Kosovo • In 1998, fighting starts in Kosovo, Serb province of ethnic Albanians • Serbian army invades to put down Albanian rebels with harsh force • In 1999, NATO bombs Serbia, forces Serbs to withdraw The Region Faces Its Problems • Serbia has new leader; Milosevic faces war crimes trials • Montenegro and Serbia form loose union, may separate in future NEXT

34 China: Reform and Reaction
Section 5 China: Reform and Reaction In response to contact with the West, China’s government has experimented with capitalism but has rejected calls for democracy. NEXT

35 China: Reform and Reaction
SECTION 5 China: Reform and Reaction The Legacy of Mao Problems of Mao’s Rule • Mao Zedong wants to improve China’s economy, but cannot • Mao’s policies, a lack of modern technology prevent economic growth • He launches Cultural Revolution in 1960s to revive Communist spirit • Its excesses turn many people against communism • Zhou Enlai—leader in early 1970s—pursues moderate policies NEXT

36 China and the West China Opened Its Doors Economic Reform
SECTION 5 China and the West China Opened Its Doors • Zhou worries that China is too isolated from rest of world • In 1971, U.S. and China begin closer relations Economic Reform • In 1976, Mao and Zhou die; moderates take control of Communist Party • Deng Xiaoping—becomes leader of China by 1980 • Four Modernizations—Deng’s plan for economic progress • This policy reverses strict Communist policies long backed by Mao NEXT

37 Massacre in Tiananmen Square
SECTION 5 Massacre in Tiananmen Square Unforeseen Problems • Reforms lead to some unrest over privileges of Communist leaders • Western political ideas enter China, encouraging democracy Students Demand Democracy • In 1989, students protest in Tiananmen Square— public area in Beijing Deng Orders a Crackdown • Deng orders army to surround square, attack protesters • Attack leaves hundreds dead, thousands wounded • Government begins large-scale campaign to end dissent NEXT

38 China Enters the New Millennium
SECTION 5 China Enters the New Millennium China Under Jiang • In 1997, Deng dies; Jiang Zemin takes power • Hardliners want Jiang to move away from Deng’s reforms • In 2002, Jiang steps down in favor of Zhu Rongji • Both Jiang and Zhu favor continued reforms Transfer of Hong Kong • Hong Kong—former British colony, city in China, major economic power • In 1997, Britain hands Hong Kong back to China NEXT

39 China Beyond 2000 Economics and Politics
SECTION 5 China Beyond 2000 Economics and Politics • Economic reforms reduce poverty in China • Though many countries have economic problems, China’s economy grows • Many in China want political reforms • China is becoming more involved with other countries NEXT

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