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Parents Guide to Understanding SEND Provision at Holy Cross

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1 Parents Guide to Understanding SEND Provision at Holy Cross

2 Aims of this afternoon:
To ensure that parents are aware the New Code of Practice and what this means for their child To ensure that parents with children that have SEND needs understand the provision available at Holy Cross

3 New Code of Practice For SEND
For the first time SEND covers children and young people from 0 to 25 New duty to co-operate with LA to best meet the need of our SEND children. LA have published the ‘Local Offer’ This sets out in one place the provision that is available for children in the area who have SEND. This information needs to be accessible to parents. From this online directory POD there is a link to each school and their SEN information Report

4 Involving parents Parental involvement and engagement needs to be a priority for schools. Parents should be informed of progress of SEND at least 3 times a year and this should be in face to face meetings. This is usually discussing their IEP’s and getting them to contribute to it Schools should engage with parents when drawing up policies and procedures.

5 New SEND categories: Communication and Interaction
Cognition and Learning Social, Mental and Emotional Health NOTE – No behaviour Sensory and / or physical

6 SEND Stages: Children needing intervention outside of the daily differentiated curriculum are now called ‘SEN Support’ . New EHC – Education and Health Care Plans replaces the old statements. Any child on a statement will have it converted by the LA, supported by the school, by 2017.

7 The Graduated Approach:
High Quality Teaching for all children Highly differentiated Providing toolkits for children to learn Engaging environment- prompts around the room Target setting with the child Clear learning intention and outcomes Children who we place on Monitoring at Holy Cross do not require an IEP it is just focusing us in as they may not be making progress academically or may be unhappy. These will be discussed at Pupil Progress Meetings and with the SENCo as to if this needs to go further

8 SEND Support This is when additional support has been sought from external agencies (EP, Speech and Language, GP CIT referral, MAST, CAMHS) When they are receiving additional to and different from High Quality Teaching. Depending on the individual child, it can require an IEP If more than one agency are involved and it is decided that a more structured approach is needed- This is called a Team Around Me meeting

9 SENCo and Teacher working together
‘Increased responsibility on all teachers’ SEND children can not be separated off to have their individual needs met it needs to be embedded into daily practice with ‘adaptation and enhancements clearly evident’ at classroom level. SENCO to meet with teachers to discuss provision and decide as a team next steps .

10 Identifying need and gathering evidence:
Referral made to LA for assessment for EHC plan. If child continues to make less than expected progress, move to SEN Support. Increased, targeted interventions with support from outside agencies, if appropriate. CT notices that children are falling behind. CT and SENDco agree on short- term, needs specific intervention. Assess , Plan, Do, Review. Core Group – Needs met by differentiation Monitoring Group SEND EHC

11 Interventions available at Holy Cross
This is a sample of some of the interventions that are available in addition to the differentiated curriculum Cognition and Learning Precision teaching this is 1:1 daily First Number a maths intervention Maths and literacy support groups Reading 1:1 and in small groups Social, Emotional and Mental Health Learning Mentor ,once a week Thrive, once a week Drama therapy once or twice a week Therapeutic play therapy once a week

12 Interventions available at Holy Cross
Communication and interaction Speech therapy Social skills groups Sensory and physical Motor skills group focusing on gross and fine motor skills Handwriting programmes During 6 weekly pupil progress meetings it will discussed with the Head of Learning, Class Teacher and SENCO which if any of these interventions would be appropriate for your child

13 IEP Provision

14 IEP targets and review

15 Smart Targets

16 Any Questions? Please feel free to ask anything over tea and cake
Requests for our next meeting would be really appreciated Thank you for coming it is lovely to see you all

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