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STEM Education Tools Popular Apps.

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1 STEM Education Tools Popular Apps

2 Anatomy 4D Anatomy 4D is an app which makes anatomy much more accessible, since it enables students to discover the human body through realistic 4D experience of the most complex human bodily systems.

3 Robots For Ipads Robots for iPad is the best, most complete guide to the world of robotics. This fun, highly interactive app lets you explore over 150 real-world robots, with hundreds of animations, photos, videos, and articles.

4 Hopscotch This app introduces students to the introductory concepts of coding. Students from grades 4-6 can learn conditionals, sequencing, values, and abstractions through Hopscotch. Then, they can apply those lessons when they create art, games, and animation.

5 Algoodo This program (which is available for Mac, iPad, Windows and Android) integrates the concepts of a sandbox and laboratory, and enables students to discover the principles of magnetism, light, and gravity. The users can draw and interact with physical systems on their tablets and computers. If you're looking for a tool that will give your students a hands-on experience with physics, then you should definitely try Algodoo.

6 Stracth Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations. Snap! is a drag and drop programming environment which is a descendant of Stracht and adds a number of key features like creating custom blocks, recursion, and running in a browser.

7 Motion Analyzer With Motion Analyzer App, teachers and students can perform motion analysis to understand physical concepts of movement as POSITION and SPEED.

8 PhyDios PhyDios is an interactive, immersive way of learning physics. Design, Play, Learn, Share, Challenge, Comment, and do more. Unleash your creativity.  It is a great simulation tool to experience physics –using your own hands. Use simple drawing tools to build 

9 Nova Elements Did you ever wonder why the periodic table is shaped the way it is, what gives each element its own unique set of properties, or even how elements combine to make everyday objects such as a cup of coffee? With “NOVA Elements,” explore all of these.

10 goReact With goREACT, you can become a virtual chemist. Whether you're a novice or expert, the free play and guided modes make it fun and fascinating.

11 123D Design Create amazing 3D printable designs, right on your iPad!  With Autodesk 123D Design you can make your own products, parts, or creations. What you design is up to you.

12 Autodesk Digital STEAM Applied Mechanics
The Applied Mechanics App teaches the principles of applied mechanics by exploring five interrelated topics: Energy & Work, Force, Power, Loading, and Mechanisms. These concepts are essential in the development of innovative products and product systems and learning about how things work. 

13 IDynamic This app aims to help students to understand the concepts of system dynamics and modeling. It implements the animated and iterative simulation of some common dynamical systems that the student can play with.

14 Gas Laws HD Lite Beginning chemistry students can use this app to study the various relationships that exist between pressure, volume, temperature and number of particles of a gas.

15 Circular Motion The Circular Motion App developed by is a virtual science inquiry education module for learners to explore the force and motion concepts in the context of uniform circular motion

16 Suspension Suspension is a physic simulation of particles dispersed in a fluid. It benefits from a simulation engine similar to the one of the "Wind tunnel Pro app", able to render a very realisitic fluid in real time.

17 Simple Machines by Tinybop
Experiment with levers, pulleys, inclined planes, levers, pulleys, inclined planes, wedges, wheel and axles, and screws. Discover how they work and investigate the invisible forces behind them in this sandbox app. Destroy a castle, make music, send satellites into orbit & more! 

18 Tinkercad Tinkercad is a simple, online 3D design and 3D printing app for everyone. Tinkercad is used by designers, hobbyists, teachers, and kids, to make toys, prototypes, home decor, Minecraft models, jewelry – the list is truly endless!

19 Nasa Come explore with NASA and discover the latest images, videos, mission information, news, feature stories, tweets, NASA TV and featured content with the NASA app.

20 BrainPop BrainPop uses the visual medium of movies to keep students engaged in hundreds of topics, including STEM. Aimed at students, the app features a new animated documentary every day, followed by quizzes and games related to the topic that help kids connect the scientific concepts to the real world. 

21 Incredible Numbers Professor Ian Stewart guides students through an amazing variety of mathematical concepts and topics. Included are 23 articles and 71 interactive demonstrations that bring mathematics to life. Students will learn about fascinating topics suchs as breaking codes, the mystery of Pi, and how numbers work in nature.

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