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Pile-up vertex finding in heavy ion collisions

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1 Pile-up vertex finding in heavy ion collisions
Marco van Leeuwen, LBNL

2 Some numbers TPC drift time ~40 ms
Time between events without pile-up: 80 ms Interaction rate with single pile-up 12.5 kHz Rate at Run 4 Au+Au: 3-10 kHz Rate at Run 5 Cu+Cu: 8-25 kHz Expected rate Au+Au RHIC II: ~ 60 kHz

3 Pile-up vertex finding
Incidence of tracks on beam axis (z-coord) Display (not the same event) Duncan Prindle Step 1: identify vertex candidates Resolution few cm # candidates: 1 triggered interaction + 2x pile-up

4 Vertex selection parameters
Number of BEMC hits Mean-dip Tracks crossing central membrane Red lines: parametrised ‘expected’ trends Step II: assign weights (rank) based on several properties

5 Results Confusion/inefficiency reduced to a few per cent in Cu+Cu
Before Efficiencies After Anthony Timmins Confusion/inefficiency reduced to a few per cent in Cu+Cu

6 Future expectations Method tested to 20-30 kHz rates (Cu+Cu)
Anthony Timmins Method tested to kHz rates (Cu+Cu) Will likely work up to expected RHIC II Au+Au rates, 60 kHz Lighter II could be problematic (but see p+p experience) Caveat: track density for 60 kHz larger than 25kHz Cu+Cu However, pile-up events are minbias, so not too worried

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