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GOES-R Direct Readout Implications Richard G

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1 GOES-R Direct Readout Implications Richard G
GOES-R Direct Readout Implications Richard G. Reynolds GOES-R Ground Segment Project 6th GOES User Conference “Session 5: GOES-R User Readiness” 8:30-10:15 am / Wednesday November 4 An update of the presentation to the Direct Readout Users Conference By Wilfred E. Mazur Jr. - December 11, 2008

2 Topics Multi-Use Data Link (MDL) Direct Readout Services
GOES-R Program Status New Instruments for GOES-R GOES-R Frequency Plan Implications to Communications Services GRB and Dual Polarization GRB Receive Systems EMWIN & LRIT Become HRIT/EMWIN Emulated GVAR (eGVAR) DCS SARSAT Multi-Use Data Link (MDL)

3 Direct Readout Services Overview
GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) Emulated GOES Variable (eGVAR) High Rate Information Transmission / Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (HRIT/EMWIN) Data Collection System (DCS) Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking (SARSAT)

4 GOES-R Program Status Instrument Contracts – ABI / SUVI / EXIS / SEISS / GLM All Under Contract Spacecraft Contract July – Lockheed-Martin Denver, Colorado NNG J, NNG R / Ground Segment Contract May 27, 2009 – Harris Corporation Melbourne, Florida DG133E-08-RP-0068 Antenna System Acquisition October 22, 2009 – Proposals Received and Undergoing Evaluation GOES-R Access Subsystem (GAS) / Ancillary Data Relay System (ADRS) / HRIT/EMWIN “Domain-5” Upgrade / Data Collection System IF Compatibility RFP to be Released Soon GOES-R Launch Readiness Date GOES-S Launch Readiness Date September February 2017

5 GOES-R System Configuration
GOES-West 137° West GOES-East 75° West Data Command & control, data Direct Readout Users Data Remote Backup (RBU) Facility Fairmont, WV Command & control, data NOAA Satellite Operations Facility (NSOF) Suitland, MD Wallops Command and Data Acquisition Station (WCDAS) Wallops, VA GOES-R System Configuration 06/19/2008 v2 5 5

6 Instrument Performance

7 Instrument Data Delivery

8 Instrument Raw Data Rate Comparison

(RAW DATA DOWNLINK AT 8220 MHz NOT SHOWN) HRIT/EMWIN BPSK MHz DCPC CDMA MHz MHz DCPR FDM MHz MHz CDA Telemetry BPSK MHz DSN Telem & Rng BPSK/PM MHz SAR FDM MHz GRB (dual pol) MHz Radiosondes 1675 to 1683 MHz 470 1545 1670 1675 1680 1685 1690 1695 1700 2210 DCPC CDMA MHz MHz UPLINKS Command BPSK MHz EMWIN-LRIT BPSK MHz GRB (dual pol) MHz DCPR FDM/8PSK 401.9 MHz 402.2 MHz SAR FDM/Bi-Φ MHz Command and Ranging BPSK MHz 400 405 2025 2030 2035 7210 7215 7220 7225

10 GOES[-R] Rebroadcast (GRB)
Provides full resolution products from all instruments All data will be calibrated and navigated (“Level 1b”) Except … GLM will be higher level products (“Level 2+”) “Events,” “Groups,” and “Flashes” Replaces current GVAR service 31 Mbps vs. 2.1 Mbps 15.5 Mbps/polarizationplus coding overhead NRZ-M and Randomized Direct Readout (DRO) receive systems specified for same size antennas (G/T of 15.2 dB/K), however with significant changes: New center frequency MHz vs MHz High-level modulation (e.g. QPSK, OQPSK or 8-PSK, TBD) vs. BPSK Dual polarization – requiring feed changes and dual receiver chains CCSDS packet formatting

11 GOES[-R] Rebroadcast (GRB) (Continued)
Forward error detection coding (Rate 3/5 BCH/LDPC) to reduce required C/No. DVB-S2 link characteristics and compatibility under consideration System specified for 2.5 dB margin Left-Hand Circular Polarization (LHCP) to provide ABI … 0.64, 3.9, , 7.34, 11.2, 12.3, 13.3 micron channels Right-Hand Circular Polarization (RHCP) to provide Remaining nine ABI channels, plus all other instruments

12 GRB 99.99% Availability Coverage
0.01% Exceedence of 22 dB interference level based on “Initial Bound Equation” determined by the conducted measurements and the ITU-R 0.01% rain rate for given areas in the GOES antenna footprint. Interference Level Interference level could be exceeded in the DARK BLUE area GOES West GOES East Some locations near the equator may experience a reduced, but positive, margin under expected worst case conditions

13 One Concept for a GRB Small User Receive System
Antenna & Feed Downconverter Data & Demodulator Aggregator Filter LNA 90 deg Hybrid RHCP Demodulator Data Handling Filter LNA LHCP Demodulator Storage DVB-S2* PCI Card Receiver ~$750/polarization $~300 for a PCI-Card $450 for an equivalent new PC from Dell Data Aggregator

14 Emulated GVAR (eGVAR) As a contingency capability, and to give users additional time to transition from GVAR to GRB, eGVAR will provide GOES-R Imagery to Users capable of receiving today’s GVAR data stream Will be broadcast through a GOES I/P Series Satellite The signal will have the GVAR characteristics: Same transmit frequency ( MHz) and power levels Same GVAR data rate (2.11 Mbps) and format Five Similar Imager channel wavelengths (Based on ABI channels 0.64, 4.9, 6.19, 11.2, µm) Imagery will be mapped to GOES NOP temporal and spatial resolution No Sounder data One full-earth disk every 30-minutes No Mesoscale data – No “Rapid Scan;” No “Super Rapid Scan”

15 Emulated GVAR (eGVAR) (Continued)
Not an option for long-term use Will only be operational based on assessments of end user readiness near the time for GOES-R operations: Presumes a spare satellite is available Users must not be lax in preparing for actual GOES-R (i.e., GRB) readiness

16 GOES-I/P Series Satellite
GRB & eGVAR Flows GOES-R Satellite GOES-I/P Series Satellite GOES-N/O/P RF GOES-N/O/P SSGS Product Generation GRB Product Gen eGVAR & GRB Legend Instrument Raw Data downlink GRB relay uplink eGVAR relay uplink GRB RF Broadcast eGVAR RF Broadcast Terrestrial/Network Comm eGVAR User GRB User

17 HRIT/EMWIN Successor to individual Low Rate Image Transmission broadcast (LRIT) and the Emergency Managers Weather Information Network broadcast (EMWIN) combined onto one carrier. Frequency change from MHz/ MHz to MHz Higher data rate … 921 Kbps Provides growth path for both Services to a combined 400 Kbps LRIT currently 128 Kbps EMWIN currently: 9.6 Kbps (GOES 11&12), 19.2 Kbps for GOES Will utilize BPSK modulation w/ convolutional and Reed-Solomon coding Same as LRIT, but higher data rate Allows maximum EIRP from satellite due to Power Spectral Density restrictions EMWIN Users modulation type changes from uncoded FSK (GOES I-M) and from coded OQPSK (GOES-NOP) to coded BPSK at much higher data rate.

18 HRIT/EMWIN (Continued)
Name change to High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT) required by CGMS categorization of services Virtual Channel Data Units used to separate HRIT and EMWIN data CCSCS Virtual channels as used in LRIT today Prototype “Software Defined Radio” developed and demonstrated: One hardware/software configuration can receive all current and future EMWIN, LRIT and HIRT/EMWIN signals with NO hardware changes or upgrades (GOES I-S compatible). No user transition necessary. Technology demonstration to proves low cost, PC-based terminals are possible for all data rates and modulation types Performance data, Hardware design and software design is available on .GOV Development performed for GOES-R Program by Aerospace Corp. Presentation and Demonstrations provided last night

19 HRIT/EMWIN Ground Data Flow (Per satellite)
Comm Processor (Domain 4) HRIT/EMWIN CCSDS TCP/IP Ant./RF NSOF WCDAS RF Up/Down RBU Uplink Processor (Domain 5) IF Modulation IF Switch TCP/IP (B/U) GOES-R GS HRIT/EMWIN Uplink & Signal Monitoring EMWIN From NWS HRIT ESPC

20 GOES Data Collection System

21 GOES Data Collection System
GOES-DCS consists of two communication Services: Data Collection Platform Receive (DCPR) Data Collection Command (DCPC) … Previously “Interrogate” (DCPI) GOES-R will support the ongoing evolution toward greater channel efficiency and system capacity Narrower DCPR channel assignments allowing both East and West satellites to each support 200 simultaneous platform signals, with a total system capacity of about 72,000 platforms A new DCPC service, based on CDMA techniques, currently in prototype development. This user-funded development concept will allow one command channel on each GOES NOP Series satellite and two channels on each GOES-R Series satellite Direct Broadcast of DCPR to User systems having 15.0 G/T will continue to be supported, but ….

22 GOES Data Collection System (Continued)
Summary of Changes to GOES-DCS for GOES-R Series: DCP uplink transmit power reduced, in accordance with latest DCP Certification Specifications DCPR uplink frequencies will be unchanged DCPR Downlink frequencies will be shifted from MHz to MHz Will require change in channel demodulator frequency DCPI becomes DCPC: Will be compatible with on-going User-funded developments compatible with current satellites Able to support a second DCPC channel


24 SARSAT Signal characteristics of the SARSAT service will be slightly modified for GOES-R: Up and down-link center frequencies remain the same GOES-R will transpond, rather than re-modulate, the up-link band Will require configuration changes to the LUT receiver To account for degraded Beacons, GOES-R will operate with 32 dBm uplink power (versus 36 dBm for GOES-NOP) Provides improved capability to support beacons with weak signals Transponder will also operate with a minimum of 10 uplink beacons simultaneously Conforms to COSPAS/SARSAT Specification T001, Issue 3 Revision 8 dated Nov 2007

25 Other Changes of Potential Interest
All raw instrument data will be transmitted to the ground in X-Band vs. today’s S-Band X-band provides ‘spot beam’ geographical coverage vs. hemispheric Processed to Level 1B and re-broadcast to users via the GRB link Diagnostic telemetry will be available via a new higher data rate telemetry link (32 Kbps) “CDA” telemetry downlink changes from MHz to MHz The Multi-use Data Link (MDL) is eliminated for GOES-R Series

26 Summary System requirements, communications requirements, and the Ground Segment architecture have been defined for the entire system, including Direct Readout Services Detailed definition of communication link characteristics have not yet been fully finalized and will be refined through the Spacecraft and Ground Segment contract design processes … However the GOES-R baseline is: GRB will replace all current forms of instrument data broadcast: Full resolution Geo-located Calibrated In essentially real-time EMWIN and LRIT will be combined and enhanced to a higher data rate on a new downlink frequency – HRIT/EMWIN DCS will remain largely the same, however DCPR downlink in L-Band will have a frequency shift SARSAT will be essentially unchanged

27 Summary (Continued) Documentation for the Direct Readout User community will be produced by the GOES-R Ground System contractor as CDRLs. Of particular note, the GS Contractor (Harris Corporation) will be developing a Product User's Guide (PUG) that will include a section on building a GRB receive system

28 10/14/2017 Back-up

29 GOES N/O/P Frequency Plan
DOWNLINKS EMWIN QPSK MHz Radiosondes use 1675 to 1683 MHz LRIT BPSK MHz CDA Telem Bi-Φ MHz DCPI BPSK MHz and ± 12.5 kHz DSN Telem BPSK/PM MHz SAR FDM MHz SD UQPSK MHz MDL QPSK MHz PDR BPSK MHz DCPR FDM/8PSK MHz MHz 470 1545 1670 1675 1680 1685 1690 1695 1700 2210 EMWIN QPSK MHz UPLINKS Command BPSK MHz PDR 2.11 Mbps MHz DCPI BPSK MHz MHz MHz DCPR FDM/8PSK 401.9 MHz 402.2 MHz LRIT BPSK MHz SAR FDM/Bi-Φ MHz MHz 400 405 2025 2030 2035

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