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2 INDEX History Costumes Traditions Recipes Horror Story The origin of Pumpkin Trick or Treat…… Black Cats…………

3 HISTORY Halloween or Hallowe'en, also known as All Hallows' Eve, is a yearly holiday observed around the world on October 31st, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows. Most scholars believe that All Hallows' Eve was originally influenced by western European harvest festivals and festivals of the dead with pagan roots, particularly the Celtic Samhain. Others maintain that it originated independently of Samhain. Typical festive Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films. 3

4 COSTUMES Dressing up in Halloween costumes is a recent tradition that developed in the twentieth century. The first store bought Halloween costumes were not available before the 1930's. The modern Halloween holiday is loosely based on the old Celtic holiday, Samhain, when the veil between the "real" world and the spirit world was considered to be very thin. There is little wonder why Halloween costumes have a creepy and spooky, or even down-right frightening appearance. 4

5 TRADITIONS The traditions and importance of the Halloween celebration vary significantly among countries that observe it. In Scotland and Ireland, traditional Halloween customs include children dressing up in costume going "guising", holding parties, while other practices in Ireland include lighting bonfires, and having firework displays. Mass transatlantic immigration in the 19th century popularized Halloween in North America, and celebration in the United States and Canada has had a significant impact on how the event is observed in other nations. This larger North American influence, particularly in iconic and commercial elements, has extended to places such as South America, Australia, New Zealand, continental Europe, Japan, and other parts of East Asia. 5

6 RECIPES 6 *Gingerbread Jack-O'-Lanterns. *Eye Cupcakes.
*Chocolate Cemetery. *Chocolate Spider Cupcakes. *Great Pumpkin Cake. 6

7 HORROR STORY It was about five o'clock when I heard a faint knock on my door, I got out of bed and went to open, opened and nothing, no one, on entering my room I returned to hear the hits, I opened my mind the back door and there was nobody, just a cold wind that seeped into my house. The next morning I went to my mom and told her what happened, I was surprised when my mom had told me that she had been quite the same, that day I slept at home because I was so afraid. Upon returning to my house and into my room, I found a note saying terrified bloody "Thanks for letting me into your house, now yours for that mistake, I'm inside you ...", suddenly heard footsteps climbing restless my ladder, desperately locked myself in the bathroom, suddenly the phone rang, I did not leave to answer it, then steps and the phone stopped ringing strike it off, he was there, now my soul, take my body to the hell and my soul is yours, two days after a friend of mine came into my room, I heard the message and read: "I'm your mom Daughter ... (sobbing) do not leave me alone, now comes for me, do not leave me alone ... " 7

8 THE ORIGIN OF PUMPKIN Jack was a drinker and one day wanted to take him to hell satan but Jack will race you to the top of a tree, when the demon started up Jack made ​​a cross in the tree so he could not lose, and proposed a deal . When Jack died he was not allowed to enter heaven and not for their sins in hell for what he did to the devil, so I Was doomed to wander between two worlds with a light to illuminate the path to doomsday. 8

9 TRICK OR TREAT Tradition demands that the tenant of the house succumb to this terrible blackmail, giving the children all kinds of candy and Halloween treats, making thus treatment them. Failure to act in this manner, the delinquent neighbor exposed to the frightening pranks of the children dressed as skeletons, zombies, vampires, mummies or witches. 9

10 BLACK CATS Often used as symbols of bad luck, black cats grace many Halloween decorations. The black cat's bad reputation dates back to the Dark Ages, when witch hunts were commonplace. Elderly, solitary women were often accused of witchcraft, and their pet cats were said to be their "familiars," or demonic animals that had been given to them by the devil. Another medieval myth told that Satan turned himself into a cat when socializing with witches. But nowadays, black cats aren't synonymous with bad luck and mischief everywhere — in Ireland, Scotland and England, it's considered good luck for a black cat to cross your path. 10


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