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Developing Grit Gerald Warren – College Counselor KIPP Houston High -2010-Present University of St. Thomas 1996-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Grit Gerald Warren – College Counselor KIPP Houston High -2010-Present University of St. Thomas 1996-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Grit Gerald Warren – College Counselor KIPP Houston High Present University of St. Thomas

2 Definition The power of Passion and Perseverance. Angela Duckworth.
Talent X Effort = Skill Skill X Effort =Achievement Effort is the Key

3 Symptoms of Lack of Grit
Blame Procrastination Complaining Excuses Easily giving up Low Self-esteem Focus on weakness Compares oneself unfavorably to others

4 Symptoms of Lack of Grit
Sees problems as permanent Predicts defeat Assumes the role of victim Always looking for the easy way out (From On Course, by Skip Downing)

5 Possible Causes for lack of grit
Smart Phones Over Parenting Focus on data results rather than skill Internet

6 What causes grit? Hard Work Pain, Suffering, etc. Practice Purpose
Hope Time

7 Practical steps to increase grit
Help students help themselves Stop hand-holding students Encourage taking personal responsibility for actions Teach students the language of responsibility Teach students to be creators vs. victims

8 Victims vs. Creators Victims focus on weakness
Creators focus on how to improve Victims make excuses Creators seek solutions Victims complain Creators turn complaints into requests Victims compare themselves unfavorably to others Creators seek help from those more skilled Victims blame Creators accept responsibility Victims see problems as permanent Creators treat problems as temporary Victims predict defeat and give up Creators think positively and look for a better choice Victims try Creators do

9 Our Commitment Victim vs. Creator

10 Questions?

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