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Development of genomic selection in dairy cattle in two

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1 Development of genomic selection in dairy cattle in two
emerging countries: South Africa and India Vincent Ducrocq Lidia Chavinskaïa INRA, Jouy-en-Josas Marimuthu Swaminathan Ashok Pande BAIF, Pune Michiel van Niekerk Frikkie Neser UFS, Bloemfontein

2 Context in developed countries, a complete change of breeding programs: progeny test Genomic selection large impact on international semen market For importing countries, potentially, many more young bulls to select from import of male or female embryos or semen more adapted to local conditions alternative: start local breeding program at lower costs

3 Two situations for emerging countries
Case 1: The country has its own genetic evaluation and is already an Interbull member Before: use MACE EBV on local scale for import or for local selection Now: select foreign young bulls or semen on GEBV on local scale using GMACE results … or get access to bull genotypes, create a reference population, implement a genomic evaluation then select local / foreign bulls or semen based on GEBV on local scale or … rely on foreign young bulls or semen based on GEBV in the exporting country without clear possibility to compare among them

4 Two situations for emerging countries
Case 2: all the others Before: ideally, use MACE results on a country scale as close as possible to the local one ... In practice: use MACE results on the exporting country scale or national EBV of the exporting country Now : select foreign young bulls /semen based on GEBV of the exporting countries without clear possibility to compare among them But it could be : create a reference population, implement a genomic evaluation, get access to genotypes of candidates, select on GEBV on local scale

5 Ideally: choose the best for the farmer
..choosing a bull evaluated in these environments … … is like choosing a car tested under these conditions For this local farmer … INFORMATION FOREIGN LOCAL INFO

6 Selecting bulls evaluated on a foreign scale is
at best : sub-optimal possibly : very bad ! (on the long run, even for the exporting country)

7 The INRA GENOSOUTH project
Provide technical support to 2 emerging countries: South Africa and India Development of appropriate tools for local genetic improvement of dairy cattle Focus on genomic selection How does INRA contribute? Sharing of competences (capacity building, methods) Sharing of data (reference population) Sharing of experience (organization, strategy, data collection, breeding programs)

8 Two very contrasted situations Performance recording
National genetic evaluation Interbull member Genomic South Africa Yes No India Some Main partners South Africa: UFS (Bloemfontein) India: BAIF (Pune, Maharashtra)

9 South African project Part of a broad national initiative (Dairy Genomic Program) Universities of Pretoria and The Free State, S.A. Studbook, ARC, breed associations and a breeding company (Taurus-Evolution) Preliminary work showing a large (within country) GxE interaction between Pasture and Total Mixed ration feeding systems PhD of Michiel van Niekerk Holstein breed Implement a random regression test day model including the feeding system GxE interaction Implement a Single Step Genomic evaluation incorporating information from the Eurogenomics reference population

10 Indian project Partner: BAIF
Manages a huge semen station near Pune (Maharastra) with bulls of « exotic breeds» (Holstein and Jersey) crossbreds (bos taurus x bos indicus – mainly Gir and Sahiwal + various bos indicus draft breeds various buffalo breeds aim of the collaboration: contribute to the development of a sustainable (genetically and economically) selection programme (with genetic evaluation and/or using genomic information) WITHOUT massive infrastructure investment (e.g., without expensive performance recording despite the tiny herd sizes)

11 Indian project Main priority: Performance recording
Large data collection (on production, fertility,..) in different Indian states using smartphones with financial support from ICAR (Indian Council of Agricutural Research) and above all, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) support objectives : measure G x E and optimal crossbreeding level evaluate the potential for using sexed semen in Indian conditions

12 Indian project Genomic components (among others)
genotype all current BAIF bulls First, with 50K Illumina chip  not adapted to crossbreds and bos indicus Indian breeds (see last year’s presentation in Belfast) Create a proper ~50k+ chip for crossbreds and bos indicus (based on a choice of SNP from the HD cattle chip) evaluate BAIF Holstein bulls on the French scale  clear detection of several sub-populations with very different charateristics establish a reference population of crossbreds females (and also possibly purebred Gir and/or Sahiwal Bos Indicus females)

13 Conclusion: some first impressions
A lot of enthusiasm everywhere: the widening gap between countries with / without genomic selection technology has generated a lot of frustration. Suggestions on « where/how to start » are always well received ! Fundamental step (the most difficult and time consuming one) : to convince main players that they cannot succeed if they are divided collective actions are more efficient and far less costly joining reference populations is always a win-win operation Huge need of capacity building, in genomics but not only! How can Interbull help?

14 Thank you !

15 Interests for the French sector
Research AI industry Access to new data Genotype x interaction Better model for genetic evaluations More appropriate rankings (considering production systems) New traits (heat, parasitism resistance, crossbreeding) Development of new profiles of bulls for export More appropriate offer Increased visibility Attract foreign students and researchers Publications, congresses: GS methodology, various data structures Better promotion of French genetics (e.g., French Young Bulls directly published on the foreign scale) Make the link between France and the importing country stronger More business (genotyping, extended projects…)

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