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The Commercial Revolution & The Dutch Golden Age

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1 The Commercial Revolution & The Dutch Golden Age
Mr. Meester AP European History Pages:

2 Causes of the Commercial Revolution
New Trade Routes Spices, Sugar, and Precious Metals brought great wealth The wealth encouraged new investments in a wide array of ventures Population Growth New foods help increase growth (70 million in 1500 to 90 million in 1600) Increasing Prices Inflation and increasing demand from a growing population Nation-centered Economies Began replacing the old guild system Allowed for more innovation

3 Key Features New Entrepreneurs New Industries New Putting-Out System
Commercial activity greatly expanded geographically Merchants & Bankers surpassed the old guild system New Industries Books, shipbuilding, modern weapons New Putting-Out System Entrepreneurs provided raw materials to rural families to avoid the guilds Greatly increased production of goods like cloth Joint-Stock Companies International trade required large amounts of capital Merchants bought stock in companies to maximize profits & limit losses

4 Mercantilism The rulers of the new nation-states adopted a new economic system known as mercantilism Mercantilists wanted strong self-sufficient economies The role of colonies Export raw materials and Import manufactured goods They could only trade with their mother country This would create a favorable trade balance Increased reserves of gold and silver

5 Results of the Commercial Revolution
Decline of early commercial centers As the western states rose the Hanseatic League in the north declined Italy’s monopoly was broken and it declined Rise of capitalism Began with the idea of using capital to produce more capital Influence of the guilds declined Rise of the middle class Commercial capitalism greatly expanded the middle class

6 The Dutch Republic During the 17th and 18th century the Dutch took a different route than the rest of Europe The United Provinces were made up of 7 northern Dutch provinces The Provinces were politically independent The central government was embodied by the States General Holland and the House of Orange dominated the United Provinces Calvinism was the dominate religion The Dutch tended to be much more religiously tolerant than other nations

7 Urban Prosperity The 17th Century is considered the Dutch Golden Age
This was a result of their superior economy Most people lived in the cities Improved agricultural methods Key domestic industries; Fishing, Textiles, Shipbuilding, and Banking They had a tremendous overseas empire East India Trading Company

8 Economic Decline The end of the Golden Age began at the start of the 18th century After the death of William III of Britain they lacked a strong leader Their naval supremacy declined slowly Their technological advantage in shipbuilding disappeared They would continue to dominate the banking industry Amsterdam would continue to be leading economic center in Europe

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