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Is een draft, moet aangepast worden aan onze situatie

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1 Is een draft, moet aangepast worden aan onze situatie

2 Box 1 – PROBLEEM Doel: identificeer je klant must-have probleem en breng in kaart hoe ze nu het probleem oplossen, bekijk het puur vanuit het gezichtspunt van je klant, zoveel mogelijk los van je oplossing/concept, beschrijf hoe je nu denkt dat de klant het probleem oplost, de concurrentie/alternatieven bezien vanuit gezichtspunt van de klant. "Customers care about their problems - not your solution." -Dave Mclure "Your competition is not who you think but who your customers think they are." -Ash Maurya Box 2 – KLANT SEGMENTEN Doel: beschrijf an early adopter – geen mainstream customer (one liner), de early adopter ga je benaderen in stap 2 voor de kwalitatieve validatie fase Details The elements of your business model can and will vary greatly by customer segment. It’s important to distinguish between customers and users. Customer is a someone that pays for your product. User is someone that interacts with the product or service of the customer. Early Adopter is a customer that you have defined with specific attributes and will initially target. Een early adopter is bereid al te betalen voor een prototype dat nog niet helemaal uitontwikkeld/robust is, deze early adopter accepteert je verbeterde prototype einde traject en ziet al op basis van je afstudeerwerk de potentie, geeft input voor specificities in de validatie fase 2. Step-by-Step Process: Start by brainstorming the list of possible customers you envision using your product. Distinguish between customers and users. Split broad customer segments into smaller ones as you can’t effectively build, design, and position a product for everyone. While you might be aiming to build a mainstream product, you need to start with a specific customer in mind. Even Facebook started with a specific user in mind - college students. This your early adopter. Sketch a Lean Canvas for each customer segment. I recommend starting with the top 2-3 customer segments you feel you understand the best or find most promising.

Objective: Craft a clear message that states your offer and why you are different. Details The goal of your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) is to turn an unaware visitor into a potential prospect. This is what you use as the headline on your landing page. A good UVP gets inside the head of your customer and describes the value proposition from their world view. The key to unlocking what’s different about your product is deriving your UVP directly from the #1 problem you are solving. Another technique is focusing on the "finished story benefits" customers derive after using your product. Finally, craft a high-concept pitch to help spread your message. Some examples: YouTube - Flickr for Video, Lean Canvas - Startup Blueprint. Be different, but make sure your difference matters The key to unlocking what’s different about your product is deriving your UVP directly from the #1 problem you are solving. If that problem is indeed worth solving, you’re more than halfway there already. Target early adopters Too many marketers try to target the “middle” in the hopes of reaching mainstream customers and in the process water down their message. Your product is not ready for mainstream customers yet. Your sole job should be finding and targeting early adopters which requires bold, clear, and specific messaging. Focus on finished story benefits You’ve probably heard about the importance of highlighting benefits over features. But benefits still require your customers to translate them to their worldview. A good UVP gets inside the head of your customers and focusses on the benefits your customers derive after using your product. So for instance if you are building a résumé-building service: -  a feature might be “professionally designed templates” -  the benefit would be an “eye-catching résumé that stands out” -  but the finished story benefit would be “landing your dream job”. Step-by-Step Process: Derive your UVP directly from the #1 problem you are solving Focus on the finished story benefit of the product instead of the features. Visit the landing pages of brands you admire and deconstruct how and why their UVP works. Create a high-concept pitch

4 Guide: Box 4 - SOLUTION Objective Define the minimum feature set needed to solve your top 1-3 problems. Details For each of the problems outlined earlier, sketch out the top features or capabilities that will address those problems. Don’t get carried away with fully defining a solution just yet. Simply outline a possible solution for each problem. These features will form the basis for your Minimum Viable Product. A Minimum Viable Product is the smallest feature set that lets you start learning about customers. Don't confuse your MVP with a minimal product. Your MVP needs to address your top customer problems and deliver on your Unique Value Proposition. Step-by-Step Process Outline a possible solution for each problem Don't spend too much time fleshing out your solution yet

5 Box 5 - CHANNELS Objective Identificeer mogelijke routes naar de markt, brainstorm over twee routes: zelfs als CEO met een team of in samenwerking met markt partners..? Details Channels are how you reach your customers. The more specific your early adopter definition, the easier it is to formulate specific channels for reaching them. While there are a plethora of channel options available, some channels may be outright inapplicable to your startup, while others may be more viable during later stages of your startup. Generally speaking, start with outbound channels (such as using your 1-degree network for referrals) to find early customers, but start building and testing inbound channels as soon as possible so customers eventually find you. Inbound channels use “pull messaging” to let customers find you organically while outbound channels rely on “push messaging” for reaching customers. Step-by-Step Process Identify how you will find your first 10 customers. What inbound channels can you start building today?

6 Identify how you will make money.
Box 6 - REVENUE STREAMS Objective Identify how you will make money. Details A business model without revenue is not much of a business. Getting paid is one of riskier parts of your model and something that needs to be tackled as early as possible. Even if you choose to not charge your customers out of the gate, you should be able to articulate how you intend to build a business around your product. Picking a price is more art than science. Not only does your pricing model keep you in business, it also signals your branding and positioning which determines your customers. A good starting point is using your customer's existing alternatives as pricing anchors. Step-by-Step Process Brainstorm different revenue models. Examine the pricing of existing alternatives. Pick a starting price to test. HELP - COST STRUCTURE List your fixed costs and variable costs. List the operational costs you will incur while taking your product to market. It’s hard to accurately calculate these too far into the future. So instead, focus on the present. What will it cost you to interview customers? What will it cost you to build and launch your MVP? What will your ongoing burn-rate look like? Use your cost structure and revenue streams to calculate your break even point. List your immediate fixed costs, List your immediate variable costs. Calculate your break-even point

7 HELP - KEY METRICS (NOG AANPASSEN) Objective Identify the key numbers that tell you how your business is doing in real time. Details Key Metrics track what your customers do and are critical in prioritizing what actions you should focus on first. Most businesses can be mapped using Dave McClure's AARRR pirate metrics conversion funnel. The key metrics you focus on vary by the stage of your startup. Before Product/Market Fit, focus on your value metrics - Activation, and Retention. After Product/Market Fit, focus on your growth metrics - Acquisition, and Referral. Step-by-Step Process Identify your top 3-5 key metrics based on the stage of your product Map specific user actions you will use to track these metrics

8 HELP - UNFAIR ADVANTAGE (NOG AANPASSEN, input is de presentative van advocaat Holla)
Objective Identify your barrier to entry against competition Details This is usually the hardest section to fill which is why it's left for last. Most founders list things as competitive advantages that really aren’t such as code, passion, features. "A real unfair advantage is something that cannot be easily copied or bought." -Jason Cohen You may initially have to leave this box blank but it’s here to prompt you to think about how you can make yourself different and make your difference matter. Step-by-Step Process Do you have any existing advantages? What are some advantages you could develop over time

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