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How DAU Can Help You Succeed
Learn. Perform. Succeed. March 2016 Revision How DAU Can Help You Succeed
Overview What the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) can do for you What the College of Contract Management (CCM) can do for you Important academic policies
DAU Was Established by Congress
to Support the Defense Acquisition Workforce 10 USC Ch Sec “The Secretary of Defense … shall establish and maintain a defense acquisition university structure to provide for the professional educational development and training of the acquisition workforce.” Key points: DAU was mandated by Congressional legislation that was signed into law in 1990 as a key organization to help professionalize the Defense Acquisition workforce. Our original emphasis was on certification training—and this is still our most significant product. In the 21st Century, however, in addition to training courses delivered only in the classroom, DAU has online courses, continuous learning modules, and knowledge sharing assets. Together these learning assets create a “global learning environment” that is available anytime, anywhere to the workforce. DAU Mission: Provide a global learning environment to develop qualified acquisition, requirements and contingency professionals who deliver and sustain effective and affordable warfighting capabilities.
DAU is Where its Customers are
Region Location C/NE Fort Belvoir, VA Mid-Atlantic California, MD Midwest Kettering, OH South Huntsville, AL West San Diego, CA DAU made a conscious decision in 2001 to locate its faculty and staff at regional campuses aligned with major concentrations of the Defense Acquisition Workforce population. These regional campuses allow us to offer courses “locally”—saving travel dollars and cutting down on time away from home for the workforce. In addition, because our faculty are located close to major acquisition organizations, they can do more than teach. They can go to the acquisition organizations and provide Mission Assistance (tailored training, information about major changes to acquisition policy, and consulting support) to help these organizations address program, business or technical issues and achieve better acquisition outcomes. By helping acquisition organizations, our faculty also maintain currency on current acquisition practices thus making them more relevant in the classroom. DAU is part of the acquisition community, not just a place to take classes.
Acquisition Learning Model
Gain fundamental acquisition knowledge and skills Find acquisition resources to help you on the job Receive assistance tailored to your organization’s specific needs DAU is with you throughout your career.
Second consecutive year
2015 North American Corporate University of the Year The Corporate University Best-in-Class (CUBICtm) Awards were established to honor, recognize and promote learning organizations and corporate universities that set standards of excellence. 2015 Finalists: Defense Acquisition University (DAU) (Winner) EY University, Ernst & Young PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Prudential Spectrum Health System MetLife T-Mobile IBM Ricoh Americas Second consecutive year
Accreditation of DAU Learning Assets
Council on Occupational Education* Six Year Reaffirmation of Accreditation, Three Commendations College Credit Recommendations for Training Courses American Council on Education International Association for Continuing Education & Training** Continuing Education Units Awarded for Training Courses *DAU is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education. **DAU has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET)
Online Tools to Enhance Job Performance
Defense Acquisition Portal A one-stop source for acquisition information and tools Ask A Professor Got an acquisition question? Go to the experts! PM Toolkit All the information a program manager could ever ask for in one convenient location Service Acquisition Mall All the tools and templates one needs to create performance-based service acquisition requirements Acquisition Community Connection Where the DoD and AT&L workforce meets to share knowledge DAU Media Video clips from senior leaders on acquisition topics Knowledge Sharing DAU's three primary components of knowledge sharing are the Defense Acquisition Portal (DAP), the Acquisition Community Connection (ACC), and the DAU Knowledge Repository (Acker Library). The DAP provides access to online, searchable acquisition regulations and policy documents; an Ask A Professor feature, the Defense Acquisition Guidebook, and the Integrated Framework Chart. The ACC is the online location where the defense acquisition community meets to obtain information by acquisition interest area and share knowledge through participation in communities of practice. The DAU on Knowledge Repository (Acker Library) provides online access to collections of periodicals, reports and books related to acquisition. Acker Library and Knowledge Repository Better Buying Power Defense Acquisition Guidebook The acquisition policy and discretionary best practice guide
DAU’s iCatalog Use the DAU iCatalog to find the most current listing of available DAU/CCM courses and the Certification & Core Plus Development Guides Accessible via the DAU home page at or directly at The DAU iCatalog is published each fiscal year and provides a complete listing of all DAU courses and other products, as well as information about the University and procedures required to enroll in DAU courses. Limited quantities of the paper catalog are available each year, but the DAU iCatalog is continuously updated and is always easy to reach online.
Workflow Learning Assets (WLAs)
Learning at the point of need (on demand) Informal training Job Aids and Performance Support Tools such as: Checklist Video Animation Demonstration DAP ACC AAP ACQuipedia Should Cost CCM works with DCMA to determine what needs to be developed into a WLA.
Meet Continuous Learning Requirements
One of the key DAU transformation initiatives was to provide learning assets to the Defense Acquisition Workforce 24/7 to help them do them perform their jobs more effectively The DAU Continuous Learning Center offers online, self-paced Continuous Learning Modules (CLM)—more than 200 in total. These short modules (2-4 hours on average) can be searched to find knowledge needed to address a workplace need. Our workforce members can formally enroll in the module, complete all of the material, and upon successfully completed the assessment at the end of the module earn continuous learning points (CLP), which will help them meet their requirement to earn a total of 80 continuous learning points every two years to maintain their DAWIA certification. In addition to CLMs, the DAU continuous learning webpage provides workforce members access to information on numerous ways to earn CLPs.
Defense Acquisition Research Journal
Stay Current on Acquisition Policy and Research DAU periodicals recognize students as subject matter experts, showcasing their original content to high-level policymakers. Defense AT&L An award-winning bi-monthly publication featuring articles focused on real people and events that reflect experiences and observations for the Defense Acquisition Workforce Defense Acquisition Research Journal This peer-reviewed scholarly journal captures acquisition research, lessons learned/best practices, tutorials, expert opinion for the Acquisition community
Earn College Credit for Your DAU Courses
DAU partners with more than 100 colleges & universities to obtain credit for DAU courses toward degrees and certificates. “Excel-erate” Your Master’s Degree… Through this program, partner universities are offering the Defense Acquisition Workforce credit toward masters degrees for DAWIA Level II and III certification. Get College Credit Here DAU has more than 100 strategic partnerships with universities, other governmental agencies, professional associations, and defense industry companies. Of primary interest to our students are our partnerships with universities and colleges. The purpose of these partnerships is to obtain credit for DAU courses towards the degrees and certificates offered by these educational institutions. By obtaining graduate or undergraduate credit for DAU courses, workforce members can earn their degrees more quickly and at lower cost, thereby meeting their DAWIA certification education requirements or enhancing their qualifications for promotion. In addition, some universities also offer DoD students discounted course costs because of these strategic partnerships. Impact: Saves time, tuition assistance dollars and out of pocket expenses.
Professional Development Opportunities
The DAU Alumni Association provides a means for continuing professional growth within the defense acquisition community and helps workforce members meet their continuous learning requirements. The Association hosts the annual Acquisition Community Symposium and a number of Hot Topic Forums. Government employees attending DAU are eligible for a three-year free membership in the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA).
Access DAU resources on your mobile devices
Stay Connected With DAU Access DAU resources on your mobile devices DAU Mobile recognizes when is being accessed from a mobile device and provides a more focused and user-friendly menu to easily connect users to the most essential features of the DAU webpages. The same information provided throughout is always at our customers’ fingertips. In the future, DAU Mobile will be adding features to mirror our webpage, such as a rotating ticker with the latest news and a GPS-based map feature that will be able to navigate students with step-by-step directions to their classrooms. Students and customers who also connect with us through social networks can receive up-to-the-minute news on course offerings, Hot Topic Forums, symposiums, inclement weather updates and other related defense acquisition updates.
Connect with DAU’s Learning Assets at
DAU Training & CL Courses Mission Assistance Better Buying Power Defense Acquisition Portal Acquisition Community Connection DAU Knowledge Repository This is a summary chart that provides links to DAU’s major learning assets .
The CCM course you are about to take was designed in this manner.
Cornerstone Principles of the DCMA/DAU CCM MOA CCM is to focus on DCMA-defined training priorities DCMA is responsible for defining the learning objectives and content of all CCM training assets DAU is responsible for the sound design and delivery of each asset Lt Gen Wendy Masiello (DCMA Director) and Mr. James Woolsey (DAU President) re-affirming CCM MOA on August 15, 2014 The CCM course you are about to take was designed in this manner.
25 additional courses currently in development
College of Contract Management (CCM) Courses 24 courses fielded: To date, over 8,700 students have graduated. AO CMA211 (4 days) Gov't Flight Representative (GFR) CMA221 (4 days) Gov't Ground & Ground Gov't Flight Rep (GGR) CMA130 (3 hrs) Fundamentals of Aviation Safety Officer (ASO) Responsibilities CLX110 (4 hrs) Fundamentals of GFR and GGR AQ CMC100 (13 hrs) Fundamentals of Contract Administration E&A CMM100 (10 days) Surveillance Implications of Manufacturing & Subcontractor Mgt CMM210 (5 days) Production, Planning and Control CMS230 (5 days) Software Acquisition Mgt (SAM) Policy & Procedures CMS260 (5 days) Software Acquisition Mgt (SAM) Policy Implementation CME201 (6 hrs) Engineering Surveillance PM&I CMI100 (10 hrs) DCMA Integrated Program Reporting Basics QA CMQ101 (10 days) Government Contract QA Fundamentals CMQ231 (5 days) Data Collection & Analysis Application CMQ242 (4 days) Measuring Techniques CMQ260 (3 days) Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) CMQ100 (4 hrs) Quality Assurance Basics CMQ131 (7 hrs) Data Collection & Analysis CMQ142 (6 hrs) Basic Measuring CMQ200 (11 hrs) Statistical Sampling CMQ210 (14 hrs) Calibration Systems CMQ220 (8 hrs) Root Cause Analysis (RCA) CMQ230 (11 hrs) Quality Control Graphics & Charting CMQ232 (8 hrs) Creation & Evaluation of QC Graphics in Statistical Process Control (SPC) CLX160 (4 hrs) Introduction to Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) R = Resident (classroom) DL = Distance Learning CLM = Continuous Learning Module 25 additional courses currently in development As of April 2016
American Council on Education (ACE) College Credit *
Nine CCM courses have received ACE credits to date: CMQ 131 and CMQ 231 (3 semester hrs in quality assurance and quality control when both are completed) CMQ 142 and CMQ 242 (1 semester hr in measuring techniques when both are completed) CMQ 200, CMQ 210, CMQ 220 (3 semester hrs in quality mgt or analytical methods when all 3 are completed) CMQ 230, CMQ 232 (3 semester hrs in quality mgt, applied statistics, or statistical process control when both are completed) Four CCM courses will be submitted for ACE review in 2016 CCM 100 and CMM 210 CMS 230 and CMS 260 You can get the latest information on which DAU courses have ACE credits at the ACE website:
DCMA’s Vision for CCM Support to the Agency
Not just “courses” Goal: Arrays of Workflow Learning Assets (WLAs) Complementing training provided in CCM courses On-line, on-demand, concise, topic-focused Typically a “5 to 9-minute video” or a Job Support Tool As we go through the course I will highlight course-related WLAs available to you on the job And, updated content of this course is always available to you at As we go through the course, or after graduation, if you have suggestions for WLA topics or tools that would help you on the job, let me know!
Student Academic Policies and Information
Students should visit the Student Policies and Information page at for information on: Student Standards of Conduct Violations of the Standards of Conduct Course Enrollment, Extensions, and Walk-ins Disenrollment, Dropping a Course, and Wait Lists Course Prerequisite/Pre-course Work Requirements Student Travel Student Assessment and Evaluation Student Attrition Codes Accommodating Students with Disabilities Transferring Students Between Career Fields (Programs) and from Other Institutions Test Reset Policy and Procedures Student Transcripts, Records Retention, and Disclosure of Student Academic Records (Privacy) Student Complaint/Grievance Procedures DAU encourages students who have a concern or issue with the learning environment to discuss it with their instructor. This chart is an excellent listing of all the resources available to the student on Students who feel the issue is not resolved satisfactorily may go to the department chair/site manager or Regional Associate Dean for Academics.
Non-Attribution You may say that you heard it in the course, but do not directly attribute any comment to a specific individual! Reference: DAU Policy Memorandum, Non-attribution Policy, dated February 7, 2014 Excerpted from DAU Policies and Procedures Manual: “10.2 ACADEMIC FREEDOM AND NON-ATTRIBUTION POLICY 1. DAU supports a policy of academic freedom with the privilege of discretionary debate on any subject related to our curricula within the University environment. In order to ensure this academic freedom DAU maintains a non-attribution policy. The objective is to enable students, instructors and guest speakers to express their views freely and without possible attribution or embarrassment. In keeping with this policy specific statements or remarks shall not be attributed to specific speakers (by name or other identifying comments) unless specifically allowed by the speaker. 2. Guest speakers, faculty, and students are encouraged to state their opinions, support of, or criticism of any objective, policy, strategy, or tactic in the pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and improvement of the acquisition, technology, and logistics professions. While the content of discussion is governed by the academic freedom policy it is required that a professional and respectful manner be exhibited at all times and although policy issues may be debated, individuals must exercise judgment and self-control to avoid acrimonious discussion, to include that which could reasonably be construed to be of a derogatory nature toward personalities in the chain of command. 3. Videotapes of DAU presentations will be used only for instructional purposes unless specific written permission for other use is obtained from speaker(s) or participants.”
…helps you support our warfighters.
Training you get from DAU… DAU training is important because it: helps Defense Acquisition Workforce members achieve DAWIA certification more importantly, DAU training helps workforce members do their acquisition jobs more effectively so they can provide the best products and services cost-effectively and on-time to our ultimate customer: the Warfighter. …helps you support our warfighters.
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