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Wireless and Mobile Computing

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1 Wireless and Mobile Computing
Teknik Informatika-S1

2 REFERENSI MAIN BOOK Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, 2/e, Addison-Wesley, 2003. Kurose and Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Addison-Wesley. Dharma Prakash Agrawal-Qing-An Zeng, Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems Third Edition, Cengage Learning, 2011 Pei Zheng and Lionel Ni. (2006). Smart Phone and Next Generation Mobile Computing. Elsevier. ISBN 13: , ISBN 10: OTHERS REFERENSI Frank Adelstein, Sandeep K. S. Gupta, Golden G. Richard III, and Loren Schwiebert. (2005). Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing. McGraw-Hill. ISBN Adem Karahoca. (2012). Advances and Applications in Mobile Computing. InTech. ISBN Nuraksa Makodian dan Lingga Wardhana. (2010). Teknologi Wireless Communication dan Wireless Broadband. Penerbit ANDI. ISBN:

3 ASSESMENTS Assignment: 40% Mid Test: 30% Final Exam: 30%

4 Any Questions?

5 MOBILE COMPUTING Mobile computing can be defined as a computing environment over physical mobility. The user of a mobile computing environment will be able to access data, information or other logical objects from any device in any network while on the move. Mobile computing system allows a user to perform a task from anywhere using a computing device in the public (the Web), corporate (business information) and personal information spaces (medical record, address book)

6 MOBILE COMPUTING Cont. Mobile computing is used in different contexts with different names. The most common names are: Mobile Computing: The computing environment is mobile and moves along with the user. This is similar to the telephone number of a GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) phone, which moves with the phone. The offline (local) and real-time (remote) computing environment will move with the user. In real-time mode user will be able to use all his remote data and services online.

7 MOBILE COMPUTING Cont. Anywhere, Anytime Information: This is the generic definition of ubiquity, where the information is available anywhere, all the time. Virtual Home Environment: (VHE) is defined as an environment in a foreign network such that the mobile users can experience the same computing experience as they have in their home or corporate computing environment. For example, one would like to put ones room heater on when one is about 15 minutes away from home.

8 MOBILE COMPUTING Cont. Nomadic Computing: The computing environment is nomadic and moves along with the mobile user. This is true for both local and remote services. Pervasive Computing: A computing environment, which is pervasive in nature and can be made available in any environment. Ubiquitous Computing: A disappearing (nobody will notice its presence) everyplace computing environment. User will be able to use both local and remote services.

9 MOBILE COMPUTING Cont. Global Service Portability: Making a service portable and available in every environment. Any service of any environment will be available globally. Wearable Computers: Wearable computers are those computers that may be adorned by humans like a hat, shoe or clothes (these are wearable accessories).

10 Mobility (Anywhere and Anytime)
Characteristics of Mobile Computing i Mobility (Anywhere and Anytime) Large Coverage

1800’s: Electricity 1900’s: First Computers : Networking : Satellite : Cellular Technology


13 Wireless Communications
PARADIGMA COMPUTING Pervasive Computing Mobile Computing Nomadic Computing Wireless Communications

14 Rentang Devices & Koneksi

15 Teknologi Mobile


17 Research Issues in Mobile Computing
Wireless Communications Quality of connectivity Bandwidth limitations Mobility Location transparency Location dependency Portability Power limitations Display, processing, storage limitations

Insufficient Bandwidth Security Standards Power consumption Transmission interferences Potential health hazards (Potensi bahaya kesehatan-sering adanya kecelakaan)

Disconnection Low Bandwidth High bandwidth variability Heterogeneous network Security risks

20 WEARABLE COMPUTER Suatu computer yang “ditanamkan / embedded” di dalam sebuah peralatan yang dapat digunakan oleh manusia



23 Siapa yang membutuhkan komputasi bergerak?
1. Kendaraan

24 Siapa yang membutuhkan komputasi bergerak?
1. Kendaraan

25 Siapa yang membutuhkan komputasi bergerak?
2. Intelligent office and house

26 Siapa yang membutuhkan komputasi bergerak?
3. Polisi

27 Siapa yang membutuhkan komputasi bergerak?
3. Penanganan Bencana

28 Any Question?

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