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Training at the Faculty of Public Health
of the University of Debrecen, Hungary Orsolya Varga, Róza Ádány Podgorica, February 16th 2017
University of Debrecen
Founded in 1912 Faculty of Medicine (involving Department of Hygiene) started in 1921 Faculty of Public Health started to operate in 2005
Students over 34 000 Faculties 14 Doctorial schools 24
(among them on health sciences which belongs to the Faculty of Public Health)
Hungarian Government: need to reform health services in the country
“Health Services and Management Project” with World Bank loan 1996: to establish School of Public Health develop various forms of postgraduate training for professionals in public health and related fields improve research capacities provide expert advice SPH developed a wide-spectrum post-graduate program The highest level European expectations, both in content and in structure
Achievements associated with the World Bank’s programme EXCELLENT INFRASTRUCTURE
LIBRARY More than 4,000 books public health, health promotion, environmental health, health management, health care policy, epidemiology, social medicine, biostatistics COMPUTER FACILITIES same level with those at the West European schools all of the international public health databases are accessible access to national databases
Research facilities Environmental health Genetic epidemiology Genetic progression of malignant diseases Social Science and Medical and Health Science Centre of the Uniiversity of Debrecen
Faculty of Public Health: 1 December, 2005
Unification: School of Public Health Department of Preventive Medicine Department of Family Medicine Department of Behavioral Sciences Only PH Faculty in Hungary: full spectrum of higher education in public health bachelor, master, doctorial training The first faculty of Public Health in Hungary was established by the decision of the Hungarian Government on 1st of December in 2005, by the unification of the School of Public Health, the Department of Preventive Medicine, the Department of Family Medicine and the Department of Behavioural Sciences of the University of Debrecen. The faculty is the first and only institute in the country offering the full spectrum of higher education.
Education at the Faculty of Public Health
Undergraduate training BSc in Public Health BSc in Physiotherapy Graduate training MSc in Public Health MSc in Health Psychology MSc in Complex Rehabilitation MSc in Health Policy Planning and Financing MSc in Health Management
The Hungarian model for traning structure
PhD training in Health Sciences/Public Health specialist in health promotion public health officer (generalist) specialist in environmental health specialization 60 credits epidemiologist 90 credits MSc in Public Health The Hungarian model for training structure in public health clearly represents the three cycle system. If someone has the BSc in Public Health degree 30 kredits are accepted and she or he do not have to accomplish the basic subjects. BSc We recommend the program to anyone holding a first degree (MD, MSc, MA, BSc, BA), and intending to work on solutions for public health issues, the analysis and monitoring of factors affecting the health status of the population, and the prevention of diseases. The program is also a great opportunity for those employed in the field of public health for expanding their knowledge. common core 30 credits advanced core curriculum basics of biostatistics, epidemiology, behavioural sciences, environmental health, health policy and management, public health medicine 30 credits basic BSc in Public Health (240 credits) BSc in other fields (210 credits)
Education at the Faculty of Public Health
II. Postgraduate training Postgraduate training public health, health promotion, epidemiology, environmental health, health care quality assurance and improvement, hospital hygiene and infection control Medical specialization training preventive medicine and public health family medicine occupational medicine Ph.D. training Public Health and Preventive Medicine Prevention and control of metabolic diseases
Modular structure of training in the School of Public Health
Basic modules Modules of specialization Health Informatics Environmental health Epidemiology of communicable diseases Epidemiology of non- communicable diseases Biostatistics Basics of health care management Research methods in health promotion Occupational health Environmental health regulations Practice of health promotion Basic epidemiology Health promotion Health care management Methods for quality improvement The modular, credit-based approach to developing postgraduate teaching programmes proved greatly advetageous when the Bologna systems was introduced in the higher education system in Hungary, enabeling the school to rapidly transform its tranining program to bachelor and master program in public health. Basics of quality assurance and improvement Foundations of behavioural sciences Foundation of health promotion Environmental protection Public health nutrition Study design Field epidemiology Health systems Quality systems Communication Environmental toxicology Health policy Meta-analysis Project planning Health economics Environmental health field studies Technology assessment Clinical epidemiology Risk assessment Indicators-Audit Epidemiology in public health Genetic epidemiology Public health problems of disadvantaged population groups Scientific writing Infection control Medical demography Radiation health Ecology Degree :
Modular structure of training in the School of Public Health
Basic modules Modules of specialization Health Informatics Environmental health Epidemiology of communicable diseases Epidemiology of non- communicable diseases Biostatistics Basics of health care management Research methods in health promotion Occupational health Environmental health regulations Practice of health promotion Basic epidemiology Health promotion Health care management Methods for quality improvement Basics of quality assurance and improvement Foundations of behavioural sciences Basic of health promotion Environmental protection Public health nutrition Study design Field epidemiology Quality systems Communication Health systems Environmental toxicology Health policy Meta-analysis Project planning Health economics Environmental health field studies Technology assessment Clinical epidemiology Risk assessment Indicators-Audit Epidemiology in public health Genetic epidemiology Public health problems of disadvantaged population groups Scientific writing Infection control Medical demography Radiation health Ecology Degree : Public Health
Modular structure of training in the School of Public Health
Basic modules Modules of specialization Health Informatics Environmental health Epidemiology of communicable diseases Epidemiology of non- communicable diseases Biostatistics Basics of health care management Research methods in health promotion Occupational health Environmental health regulations Practice of health promotion Basic epidemiology Health promotion Health care management Methods for quality improvement Basics of quality assurance and improvement Foundations of behavioural sciences Foundation of health promotion Environmental protection Public health nutrition Study design Field epidemiology Communication Health systems Quality systems Environmental toxicology Health policy Meta-analysis Project planning Health economics Environmental health field studies Technology assessment Clinical epidemiology Risk assessment Indicators-Audit Epidemiology in public health Genetic epidemiology Public health problems of disadvantaged populations groups Scientific writing Infection control Medical demography Radiation health Ecology Degree : Enviromental Health
Modular structure of training in the School of Public Health
Basic modules Modules of specialization Health Informatics Enviromental health Epidemiology of communicable diseases Epidemiology of non- communicable diseases Biostatistics Basics of health care management Research methods in health promotion Occupational health Enviromental health regulations Practice of health promotion Basic epidemiology Health promotion Health care management Methods for quality improvement Basic of quality assurance and improvement Foundations of behavioural sciences Foundation of health promotion Enviromental protection Public health nutrition Study desing Field epidemiology Communication Health systems Quality systems Environmental toxicology Health policy Meta-analysis Project planning Health economics Technology assessment Clinical epidemiology Enviromental health field studies Risk assessment Indicators-Audit Epidemiology in public health Genetic epidemiology Public health problems of disadvantaged population groups Scientific writing Infection control Medical demography Radiation health Ecology Degree : Quality Assurance and Improvement in Health Care
Modular structure of training in the School of Public Health
Basic modules Modules of specialization Health Informatics Environmental health Epidemiology of communicable diseases Epidemiology of non- communicable diseases Biostatistics Basics of health care management Research methods in health promotion Occupational health Environmental health regulations Practice of health promotion Basic epidemiology Health promotion Health care management Methods for quality improvement Basic of quality assurance and improvement Foundations of behavioural sciences Foundation of health promotion Environmental protection Public health nutrition Study desing Field epidemiology Quality systems Communication Health systems Environmental toxicology Health policy Meta-analysis Project planning Health economics Environmental health field studies Technology assessment Clinical epidemiology Risk assessment Indicators-Audit Epidemiology in public health Genetic epidemiology Public health problems of disadvantaged population groups Scientific writing Infection control Medical demography Radiation health Ecology Degree : Health Promotion
Modular structure of training in the School of Public Health
Basic modules Modules of specialization Health Informatics Environmental health Epidemiology of communicable diseases Epidemiology of non- communicable diseases Biostatistics Basics of health care management Researc methods in health promotion Occupational health Environmental health regulations Practice of health promotion Basic epidemiology Health promotion Health care management Methods for quality improvement Basics of quality assurance and improvement Foundations of behavioural sciences Foundation of health promotion Environmental protection Public health nutrition Study desing Field epidemiology Health systems Quality systems Communication Environmental toxicology Health policy Meta-analysis Project planning Health economics Environmental health field studies Technology assessment Clinical epidemiology Risk assessment Indicators-Audit Epidemiology in public health Genetic epidemiology Public health problems of disadvantaged population groups Scientific writing Infection control Medical demography Radiation health Ecology Degree : Epidemiology
Modular structure of training in the School of Public Health
Basic modules Modules of specialization Health Informatics Environmental health Epidemiology of communicable diseases Infectology Biostatistics Basics of health care management Research methods in health promotion Occupational health Environmental health regulations Practice of health promotion Basic epidemiology Health promotion Health care management Methods for quality improvement Basic of quality assurance and improvement Foundations of behavioural sciences Foundation of health promotion Environmental protection Public health nutrition Study design Field epidemiology Quality systems Communication Health systems Environmental toxicology Health policy Hospital hygiene Project planning Health economics Environmental health field studies Technology assessment Clinical epidemiology Risk assessment Indicators-Audit Epidemiology in public health Genetic epidemiology Clinical microbiology Scientific writing Infection control Medical demography Clinical Immunology Ecology Degree : Hospital Hygiene and Infection Control
Text books Róza Ádány: Preventive medicine and public health
Medicina, 2006, 2012 22 authors from 4 universities and national institutes Ádány-Kárpáti-Paragh: Public Health Medicine Medicina, 2012 30 author: 28 from the University of Debrecen 2 National Public Health and Medical Officer Service
A népegészségügyi képzés fejlesztése Text books
MSc in Complex Rehabilitation: Zsuzsanna Vekerdy-Nagy: Rehabilitation Medicine Piroska V. Hajdú and Róza Ádány: Dictionary of Epidemiology The first epidemiological dictionary with 473 items
Róza Ádány, Judit Sándor and Angela Brand: Public Health Genomics
Róza Ádány, Mihály Kökény and Ilona Kickbusch: Health diplomacy Róza Ádány and Magor Papp: Preventive services in primary care
Ministry of National Resources
Journal Ministry of Health/ Ministry of National Resources
Research I. International (EU) and Hungarian research grants on prevention of diseases with high public health importance II. Consultancy work of the Department III. WHO Collaborating Centre on „Vulnerability and health”
Main research areas health of the Roma population;
socio-economical determinants of health; preventive interventions tackling inequalities and inequities; genetic susceptibility to non-communicable diseases with high public health importance – the Department is in possession of the DNA sample banks representative for the general Hungarian and the Roma populations; health impact assessment; biomarkers of environmental exposures; genetic background of tumor progression
Research projects - last 5 years
The Department has participated in 12 EU-financed projects (EUROCISS, HIA-NMAC, SPHERE, EUGATE, EUBIROD, RAPID, PHGENI and PHGENII, RUXMED, SPOTLIGHT, PRECeDI) in the past 5 years; in 4 projects the Department is/was work package leader, in one was consortium-leader. GINOP project on improving health of the Hungarian general and Roma populations. The project is co-financed by the European Union and the European Regonal Development Fund – budget: about 5 million EUR. In addition 20 national projects were completed in the past five years by the Department, these were funded by various national science funds (OTKA: 4, NKFP: 2; ETT: 6, TÉT: 2, MeH-MTA: 1, TÁMOP: 4)
Publication output - last 5 years
The researchers of the Department of Preventive Medicine published 64 papers in international journals, 34 papers in Hungarian, as well as edited 4 books and authored 40 book chapters.
Consultancy work of the Department
General Practitioners’ Morbidity Sentinel Stations Programme, established by the School of Public Health in 1998 and running continuously ever since; Developing health plans for Hungarian cities, among them the capital, Budapest; Consultancy to ministries on the European Roma Strategy; Public Health Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
WHO Collaborating Centre on „Vulnerability and Health” 2012-
Debrecen, Hungary, 21-25 August 2012
Global Health Diplomacy Executive Course Debrecen, Hungary, August 2012
Central Eastern European Networking Event of Researchers on Roma Health and Policy Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, University of Debrecen, Hungary June 1-3, 2016
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