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Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International, Ghana

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1 Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International, Ghana
26TH National General Meeting


3 This presentation seeks to address deviations that are
OBJECTIVE This presentation seeks to address deviations that are weakening our brand (FGBMFI) and Chapter Operations subtly

4 Punctuality – Time Dress Code Effective Emceeing Promotion Raising Offering Sharing an Effective testimony Voice Ministry Outreach Co-ordination Checklist - Auditioning

5 1. Punctuality - Time Punctuality is a hallmark of every successful Business Person Time discipline is key to punctuality Meetings must start at stated start time Members and especially role players are present at least 30 minutes earlier M. C. and role players keep to allotted time Ushers are prepared, alert and swift to their responsibilities Meals provider is a key stakeholder to punctuality

6 2. Dress Code Our recommended Dress Code is either formal or national

7 3. Effective Emceeing The M.C. is referred to as the Spiritual Thermostat of the meeting – guiding and controlling the spiritual climate of the meeting. Prayed up, Prepared and Punctual - sensitive to leading of the Holy Spirit Personable, Poised and Professional - neatly and sharply dressed You remind each person on programme regarding their role & time Maintain orderliness and keep meeting flowing Work in unity and harmony with the Main Speaker Exhibit a loving and patient spirit; courteous at all times; smile Know how to introduce performers & guests, especially the main speaker Prepare to give the altar call if the speaker doesn't Intervene in problem areas as they arise.

8 Effective Emceeing - MUST WATCH
Start the meeting on time and keep to time. Don’t make off handed comments, mispronounce or forget names, use wrong titles, etc. Don’t talk too much, or comment on each segment Don’t give your testimony – it is not your day. Don’t Preach or Teach Don’t scold people, even jokingly Be very mindful putting people on the spot

9 4. Leading Promotion “Promotion” is our marketing tool. It will attract membership if effectively done. The quality of the content will arrest attention Your Composure, Confidence and Conviction will convince prospective members Ushers alert to give out membership application forms

10 5. Raising Offering Receiving the offering is a time for people to give and receive blessing. Ideally, should be done by someone who believes in giving and receiving Stands up boldly, confidently and cheerfully, speaks about God's faithfulness in giving and receiving There should be the spirit of giving in the meeting before offering is received Share a short testimony along giving to challenge people present Ushers are ready with offering baskets not paper cartons or plastic basins Purpose of offering/pledges clearly stated – mainly for evangelism Everyone remains seated when offering is received– not standing or dancing to the front Where music is provided - must be soft or just the instruments.

11 Raising Offering – Must Watch
Don’t take too much time - it is not a time for teaching on offering Don’t tell the meeting the hotel and meal are expensive Do not use phrases like: times are hard; economy is bad; people are out of job It is not an appeal for funds – don’t quote figures for people to give

12 6. Sharing an Effective Testimony
The key is Prayer, Preparation, Practice and Prayer – 4Ps Remember you have a maximum of 5 minutes Remember your testimony is part of team effort that brings men and women to the Lord Jesus Christ – YOU ARE NOT THE MAIN SPEAKER – most times your testimony could be a bright part that reinforces the speakers message You will not read your testimony – write out beforehand, practice it and keep to what you have been led to speak on The pattern is: “Before I received Christ”; “How I received Christ” and “After I received Christ” Emphasize how Christ has changed your life. Don’t glorify your old life. Don’t feel bad if your testimony is not “huhudiuos” Tell how God has blessed you with Peace, Joy and riches the world can’t offer

13 7. Voice Ministry THE 400-MILE JOURNEY 3 Important features…
1. The midnight instruction: ‘Get in your car and drive to Los Angeles for the Saturday morning meeting of that group you have attended once.’ 2. “…What the Spirit kept telling me was: ‘This fellowship must go around the world. But it’s never going to get started without a voice.’” 3. “Divine and Anointed Instrument” - We are dealing with an anointed instrument

14 Voice Ministry – cont’d Voice Magazine – 0ur Evangelistic Tool
Voice Magazine is readily available at EVERY FGBMFI meeting Chapter Finance Distribution Individual Ministry Voice Display Units/Points Voice Ministry in Churches, Organisations, Institutions, etc.

15 8. Outreach Co-ordination Check List - Auditioning
Develop a Check list to keep you on track Organize an Auditioning session at least the day before the meeting When all is over review for improvement.

16 Thank You

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